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r/pics is increasingly unhinged over Luigi Mangione's Perp Walk




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Um.. idk if there are enough cops around him?

What an odd show of excessive 'protection.' It isn't like they have assassination attempts from the average person they need to protect the guy from. Is this just an open display of force to calm the worried oligarchy?

Yes, and to intimidate the general populace. They're showing how seriously they consider threats to their plutocracy. They're also sending the message that would-be copycats will be dealt with using any and all law enforcement necessary to deal with them.

These people watch too many movies

"Captain said we don't need to put a bullet-proof vest on the defendant, but make sure we have some "NYPD" logo hats where the cameras can see them!"

What a great point. Zero protection for him. Which they always do for other big name cases.

Vests aren't standard unless your El Chappo, and NYPD hats are standard issue for NYPD?

They do realize that all the security theater around Mangione will only feed his personality cult, don't they?

l ove how the main cops with big guns and bullet proof vests still carry their sidearm just in case lmao

This one just bothers my guntism, sidearms are called sidearms for a reason.

What a waste of tax payer dollars. 100 agents, cops, Marshals, SWAT.... Jesus fricking Christ, I understand if this was El Chapo or Donald Trump


Big escorts with heavy weapons. Someone is scared and it ain't the people.

Give them the D's all 3 of them.

"Heavy weapons" you mean the carbine or the pistol?

This is worse than the shit that got /r/The_Donald banneed

Also guntism lol.

Are the not giving him food?


They're going to suicide him, aren't they? Absurd charges, ridiculous show of strength; this is all a warning.

These people watch too many movies. If they wanted to make an example of him they'd just throw in jail and not let him out

Cops are class traitors

DAE Commie shitholes also have cops

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Can someone explain to me how every single big reddit sub has been fed posting for weeks now and nothing has been done? Does this mean fedposting is okay as long as it's against a lefty populist subhuman group?

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if it was a few ppl, the chadmins would have banned them easily

but its the vast majority of reddit, they cant ban them or they would end up with an empty site

simple as

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You heard it here first


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solidarity works

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Bodies of authority hate this one simple trick:

simply out number them 1000:1

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:marseyclapping2: consent :marseyclapping2: of :marseyclapping2: the :marseyclapping2: governed :marseyclapping2:

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They'd still have 99% of their user base (bots and ethots trying to advertise their onlyfans)

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And they could always just make some more accounts of their own

Wouldn't be the first time

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their lack of balls is going to get them called to congressional hearings

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Republicans are too busy fricking around with government shutdowns instead of doing something based like grilling spez for having the leftoid equivalent of thedonald dot win

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This is the shit the R's will coom over in r-slurred tax wasting hearings over if something happens.

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You mean if we all go say the g*mer word at the same time we can't get banned?

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Because it's (D)ifferent when they do it.

They fed post in good faith. :marseyindignantturn:

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I for one welcome this new anti-CEO attitude. I'm pretty sure every time a CEO gets shot, Elon Musk gets the quickening and comes one step closer to being able to see through space and time.

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Everyone's job will be better when nobody is in charge of companies anymore!


!fedposters !carlos

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Imagine defending the health insurance industry. You're better than this.

Edit: all right you probably aren't doing that I was being unfair. But unironically no one should miss the guy that got blown away in this case.

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Oh those guys are buttholes. Though I blame the shareholder board more because they produce the demands that cause CEOs to make these types of decisions.

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Yeah totally agreed I was just being grumpy

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As for Linguini Meatballs, if I were a judge I'd be forced to convict, but if I were a juror I'd try for nullification

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Does this mean fedposting is okay as long as it's against a lefty populist subhuman group?

Pretty much. There was ton of fed posting about cops during the 2020 summer of love. This is no different, while right-wing extremism is banned on Reddit, left-wing terrorism apologia is allowed even on normie subs.

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have you considered that left-wing terrorism apologia is based?

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But it was the_donald glorifying violence im told

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The shit that got them canned made the average acab poster call you a kitty for not posting harder.

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Im an r-slur but popular sentiment is extremely hard to fight against from a moderation perspective

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I have no idea, and my reportmaxxing has had a really low hit rate from Gigajannies. Its almost borderline the shit that gets you keelhauled by the Feds for not shutting shit down.

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I predict at this point that Redditors will do a J6 still insurrection at the courthouse he's having trial at. Good job spez!!!

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It's okay to cheer for the death of people that the left hates and call for the punishment of the police who enforce the law

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Clearly they have yet to say anything that is as bad as what was posted on The Donald

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  • HailVictory1776 : They are noguns strags who speak with authority about what they know nothing about trans lives matter

>l ove how the main cops with big guns and bullet proof vests still carry their sidearm just in case lmao

:#marseyconfused2: I fricking hate redditors so much it's unreal

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These are the r-slurs who scream trigger discipline with firearms.

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And who call in their "concerns" to the CFO when they see you check your barrel

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the chief financial officer?

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Chief firearm officer. The province's gun jannie basically. He's the dude who says you have sad brainz and must give up your permit and guns (not that anyone ever does)

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What sort of Canadian bullshit is this?

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51st can't come soon enough

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Are backup weapons not logical? Play literally one zombie game to learn why you need more weapons.

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Its standard for literally anyone with any other weapon to have a sidearm. Its universal across countries since WWII. Dropping a rifle on a sling and pulling a pistol is faster unless you're Jerry Miculek.

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why doesnt he have a bulletproof vest on? First time ive seen a high profile defendant not have bulletproof vest with even with a 10th of this protection

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Because no one wants to kill him?

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theyre still supposed to create the illusion that theyre protecting him until trial

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No it's just a controlled perp walk, it's an NYC tradition and it's purely for media purposes


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Probably dont have any in twink sizes since normal americans are all :#marseychonkmaxx:

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butt meth heads/fent addicts :marseyjunkie2: get arrested all the time

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Yeah but not like anywone would want to save them from being shot

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!slots 10000

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They're going to suicide him, aren't they? Absurd charges, ridiculous show of strength; this is all a warning.

very stable people

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Why would they make him a martyr when they can expose him as a schizo, make him cry in court and lock him up for life? He's being deified by r-slurs who know nothing about him besides the fact he murdered a health insurance CEO and wrote a lazy manifesto that couldn't even get basic facts correct. You can't tell me that a valedictorian ivy league techbro couldn't google market cap of US companies, he clearly had a giant mental breakdown.

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Why would he bother writing a 50 page manifesto when a summary would work? Honestly the concise manifesto makes him look like the sanest shooter ever.

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How? It reads like a high schooler who just watched a TikTok about healthcare and tried to summarize the issue

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It is the first manifesto i ever spent the time to read. Cliffnotes are boss.

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Nut jobs obsess and write screeds trying to justify their actions, it becomes their whole persona. Non neurotics just do the deed and go, "maybe I'll write a paragraph".

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  • DickButtKiss : He didn't kill himself, thats the least likely - trans lives matter

Did you know that epstein attempted suicide by hanging just days before his death, and that him having killed himself is the most rational explanation?

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Anyone saying that he wouldn't try to kill himself is r-slurred, the best conspiracy you can make of it is that they let him kill himself.

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That is the conspiracy, no one questions the part why he would. The conspiracy is entirely about how it was allowed to happen in such a secure place with so many measures in place to prevent it

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It absolutely is not.

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Are you back with @pizzashill?

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That relationship is more expired than his steaks.

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Don't you know? The police sit around in a dark room until the phone rings. The captain picks it up without saying a word.

A voice from the other end of the line says "send the people a message --click--"

The captain glances up at his squad, who instinctively stand up (they are wearing gas masks and body armor holding submachine guns).

He only nods to them, and they move out to their black helicopters.


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>absured charges

He literally did a premeditated murder

>Show of strength

High profile


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>Absurd charges

First-degree murder recorded on camera? What did those smooth brains expect, a slap on the wrist?

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yes he killed :marseyconfuseddead: someone but his real crime :marseyscaredpolice: is being italian.

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New york has a history of not punishing that tho

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probably not wrong tho

i still miss mcafee

the person, not the software i uninstall from everyones computers of course

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Who does he need protection from, in the eyes of these redditards? Do they think some CEO is going to seek retribution?

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>yea i'm a ceo

>chief escalation officer


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The CEOs are in the room with us

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They're in the Zoom Room with us.

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Based on how unhinged reddit is? I'd absolutely expect at least one schizo inspired by reddit to get blasted by a cop for being an r-slur.

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They have all those cops cuz there is a chance in their mind of reprisal. All big name killers get this treatment. Cops don't need any more embarrassing airport libertarian shootings

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And yet they have him open in the front with no body armor?

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Usually they got a vest on them

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So they kinda hope there is a whoopsie? Or they think noone wants to harm him, in which case why the over the top escort in the first place

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Okay kiddo

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>send a lot of cops, nothing happens

>"OMG police state"

>send tiny number of cops, violent conflict

>"Cops need to de-escalate"

Unironically, anyone who dislikes police violence should support better staffing for tasks, not less. Shit stirs mostly when people think they can win against the cops. Numbers fix that.

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Leftoids just hate that cops are impartial and not commisars for their r-slurred ideology, thats why they try to make it impossibpe for cops to do their job. Any claims of justice and eauality are just lies and propaganda to hide their agenda.

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>Leftoids just hate that cops are impartial


/h/rdramacirclejerk is a necessity at this point.


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There used to be againsthateholes

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I do hate that cops continually trash our constitutional right but the fact they only do that 95% of the time to trick dumb bipocs into charges makes it sorta okay.

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Its the griller pov. Cops are buttholes but its better than not having them.

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The griller pov is that we should make violent criminal joggers the cops so this country can heal from generational trauma and we can still back the blue

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and I bet you thought Harris was a centrist. What an r-slured take. No, I don't want low IQ people whose fathers are in jail be the cops, I want that even less than I want the low IQ people whose fathers were in their lives but drunk wife beaters. Cops are important so I don't have to deal with shitty people on the subway or trying to rob me roaming free.

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You must have an unbanned reddit account. This is a radcen forum not redcen. The r in rdrama refers of course to the hard r

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You must have an unbanned reddit account

I have 7.

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