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:marseybritbongitsover: Bongs are asked if the situation has not necessarily developed to Britain's advantage :marseyhmm: R-slurs chime in :marseybrainlet: [LONG]




Lots of things have bothered me, a lot, over time. Brexit, Amazon & Google, Netflix, Trump, AI... But it's only been specifically recently with Musk and Farage that I truly felt scared for my future, my kids future.

Right off the bat we are faced with the full frontal delusion of the average :marseynorf: . After his country is bombarded with 1.2 million people a year during a time when COVID had dealt a Mortal Kombat finisher to an economy in terminal Stage IV socialism, the bong sifts past all this to find a single guardian headline about Elon Musk meeting with Farage (The devil himself).

I literally have no idea why he references Netflix. I'm sure it isn't all the :blackwomanspeaking: they added to our period dramas :marseyeyeroll:

The idea that Musk can do trivially choose to give any amount of money to the far right in our country

:marseypearlclutch: political donations? Perish the thought! The Supreme Soviet Presidium of SSR Blighty would never take money from wealthy donors :marseyclueless:

Diagnosing the Collapse

To anyone with eyes, the reason for Britain's demise is completely fricking obvious. To the labour voter, however, this poses a problem since access to young moroccan bussy is a point of personal contention, and so he must invent :marseyschizowall: alternative explanations as to why their Christmas market looks like this:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17347085491970053.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17347085493746.webp

I'm worried about the UK now. Average British person these days sounds like Oswald Mosely.


We live in a period

I agree we are very far off fascism, but immigration IS used as a scapegoat for everything by a worrying large proportion of politicians and journ*lists.

:marseyclueless: The same journ*lists who stopped using X because it's 'far-right'? Or was it the ones who Made out that Rwandan mass murderer Axel Rudakubana was a welsh Christian and innocent Choir boy? Perhaps it was the journ*lists who, at risk of prejudicing a trial, invented a Pakistani Migrant superhero who was able to 'wrestle a knife' from an attacker, unharmed and unbloodied with no witnesses, only to deliver a pro-migration homily in a pull-focused interview? :marseythinkorino:

Of course, they're 'scapegoated' because it's literally impossible that immigration could've maybe, perhaps, possibly caused a public finances problem.

Go on uk politics and post anything factually positive about immigrants and you are downmarseyd to oblivion. Ask someone how their life is improved if asylum seekers stop from tomorrow and there is never an answer.

How would this affect you personally? :soyjakanimeglasses: Well, I would stop reading stories about women being r*ped to death in public by somalians, for one thing. Quieter buses for another. :marseyjam:

Illegal migration is always going to happen, especially when we frick about in other countries as much as we have done in the past few decades.

:marseyshrug: It's a fait accompli, comrade! Nothing can be done, we just have to Spend 5.7 billion pounds on asylum seekers because of uhhh George Bush or something :marseyhmmm:


in actual fact the issue has always been a chronic underinvestment in actually useful services

:marseyserioushatfact: It's because we haven't sacrificed enough blood for the blood god!


Render to the worms what is theirs! :marseyraging: Another 50 billion for free dentists in Eritrea :soyjaktantrumfast:


ignore that silly little graph teehee :marseyderp:

We've been fricked since Thatcher destroyed the post war consensus

Absolutely bang on!


Oh, it was Thatcher, was it? What an original and thoughtful analysis of 2024 britain :marseysmughips:

Yes, due to spiralling inequality and breakdown of public services, far-right discourse and violence becoming normalised


Far right discourse is so normalised that a sitting member of parliament had his bank account shut down for being xenophobic :marseyshy:

Far right violence is so normalised that a man was given over two years in prison for shouting by the same justice system that let an infant r*pe enthusiast walk free! :marseyshook:

The biggest issue for the UK is lack of full access to the EU single market and a customs union.


My biggest worry is creeping hard left socialism.

:platysalute: brave dramatard here baited several :soyjakfat: :marseywingcuck: to emerge from their slam poetry events

Must be nice, not to have any real problems to worry about. :soyjakanimeglasses:

How many "hard left socialist" parties were successful in the last General Election?


yeah it's just this really fringe party you might not've heard of it

I'd say there's approximately zero chance of the UK adopting any form of socialism in the foreseeable future.



Biggest issue isn't 1 million people coming in every year?

You sound surprised, why should it be the biggest issue?

:marseyconfused: yeah that's like totally normal, right? :marseyhmm:


Looks normal to me! :marseythumbsup:

I ain't reading all that:


  • The bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses it's disgusting, and if the tories were serious they would tax the bankers the bonuses to 90%

I invite !britbongs to :marseynorf: weigh in with their own interpretation

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Why did India's economy recently surpass the UK's? They're saddled with infinitely more useless eaters :marseyhmmm:

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thanks for your acutely r-slurred comment

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Obviously India has a lower GDP per capita than the UK. Reread my comment.

You said Indians are useless eaters who constitute a cost burden on the economy, having 1.4 billion of them should mean India's economy is negative according to your logic. Why is India's economy growing at a much faster rate than bongland?

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Obviously India has a lower GDP per capita than the UK. Reread my comment.

I brought up per capita because making reference to the 'size of the economy' in comparing a country of over a billion people to one of 70 million is a complete waste of time

You said Indians are useless eaters who constitute a cost burden on the economy, having 1.4 billion of them should mean India's economy is negative according to your logic.

That's according to your r-slurred logic. Relative economic contribution from indians just has to be less than an equivalent bong to be a cost burden, not negative, although a lot of them are.

Why is India's economy growing at a much faster rate than bongland?

Google 'developing economy' :yawn: holy shit i can't believe you came at me with such confidence you haven't even read econ 101 :marseyxd:

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It's an unfair comparison... Because people obviously increase the size of a country's economy. Which you're disputing :marseygigaretard:

If you have two ten pound britbong notes, and I offer you a five pound note, would you refuse it because you don't want to become poorer?

And please tell me which economists or economic theories support your notion that immigration depresses a country's economy. :marseywait:

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Which you're disputing

I never disputed this. I disputed that it makes countries richer, which is a per-capita metric. you brought up overall economy size which i correctly pointed out is r-slurred.

And please tell me which economists or economic theories support your notion that immigration depresses a country's economy.


Danish Finance Ministry.

Edit: although again I never made the claim that immigration 'depresses a country's economy' in terms of overall size but on a per-capita basis, you keep tripping on this distinction which leads me to believe you are 75 IQ

>If you have two ten pound britbong notes, and I offer you a five pound note, would you refuse it because you don't want to become poorer?

this complete misunderstanding of what an economy is is particularly telling. I'm thinking 70 IQ.

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Cool infographic from a government agency - that doesn't tell us what economists think.

Here you go buddy



Maybe these nobel laureates just need to watch a few YouTube videos like you though to really understand how immigration impacts an economy.

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>I provide hard data

>you tell me to just trust the science

I think you need to reconsider the relative quality of evidence here

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Chuds and reading comprehension are like oil and water :marseylaugh:

Nice stealth edits though; I'm glad you realized IGM surveys aren't YouTube videos :marseyrofl:

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One thing you bugs struggle to understand is that the economy is not the people. Rootless cosmopolitans in my country are also flooding us with unwanted third-worlders; GDP goes up slightly due to migrants getting credit cards and going into debt but the per capita GDP goes down because of downward pressure on wages and upward pressure on cost of living. The country is slightly richer on paper but the people are meaningfully poorer. In conclusion, you are r-slurred and should feel bad for defending this disastrous system

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It's a heck of a lot easier to go from average wage of $2/day to $3/day than for a developed economy without resources to exploit to increase productivity when the entire economy is based on financial schemes and delivering services with poor productivity

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