Hello besties, I have some slop screenshot posts for some christmas time drama that I didn't touch because I refused to use this site on christmas
, it's a moral standard
Elon Musk , immigrant, has revealed himself to be pro-immigrant - after attaching himself to a movement basically solely united by disliking immigrants.
Chuds are taking this poorly!
btw while i was screenshotting, this list of "probable spam" kept growing and I had to scroll down to capture the seethe. Thanks Elon Musk, owner of twitter.
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Some chuds have tried to convince themselves that this isn't the future they voted for:
America last, Drumpf fans.
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Darn, the 4D chess explanation for r-slurred behavior is back alreadyβ¦
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Now thats nuclear cope
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This is legitimately a threat to Elon's ego lol.
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You gotta give him a name to insult him with like Elangesh Muskananda and spam him with it. It would frick with him so much.
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Bro is literal sweating. His cult of personality turning on him must be bringing back getting picked on in high sxhool
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Musk is the one person I actually think that's true about. His entire schtick always had this faint stink of a loser trying to be popular.
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The jumping is so insidious now lmao
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Im not even sure who he was pandering to with electric cars and (totally legal) immigration to destroy jobs of white americans while pissing off libshits
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Rationalist techbro singularity nerds but the kind that are sympathetic to NRx but would never admit it
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Rightoids were never his cult of personality.
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Why do they act like they're competing with immigrants for anything?
As if those midwestern whitetoids were lining up to clean pottys and pick oranges before the Mexicans came. I also doubt the average anti-immigration chud is a codecel.
So tiresome, same false discourse repeated over and over and over again since the 1800s.
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Muh jobs is a lie both sides tell (themselves) to make it easier to rationalise.
Ultimately, its about culture and the society you want to live in. Importing a significant part of your population from another culture will change the society you live in, thats self-evidential. But somehow, acknowledging that, and rejecting it on those grounds, is not a legitimate opinion, so you get these ersatz reasons.
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You're right, and this is quite sad because the cultural debate is actually a valid concern (the same is not true for muh they took er jerbs). There's nothing wrong nor racist about a democratic and honest debate on cultural impact of immigration, it is something a democratic society should debate and it benefits even pro immigration groups if they're willing to include assimilation policies.
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Yeah. To repost the other reply I just made:
But "muh culture always changed" is just leftoid porpaganda. Belgians moving to the netherlands is not the same as syrians moving to your country. Some cultures are closer related than others. And on top, yeah mass immigration has always happened... and always it has been accompanied by instability and the destruction of the old ways. So, if you like the old ways, why wouldnt you oppose it?
For me I can actually say its pretty simple: I dont like muslims and muslim culture. You can say what you want, explain benefits all you like, but in the end one fact remains: I don't want to live in a society with any of their values. I know the region and its people well enough, and I much prefer my own culture.
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Mass migration to the US and the Americas (Argentina, Brazil) was incredibly productive though. But one could argue that because of shared religion (most of the immigrants in the past were Christians) assimilation into the recipient culture was easier.
Historically even those immigrants we consider good today were reviled (Chinese were associated with dirtiness, crime and prostitution up to the 1960s).
Of course you have de-stabilizing examples like Palestinian fugees in Lebanon (or anywhere really). It's a complicated matter which is why there should be focus on which countries and types of immigrants you need and want, which ones are easier to assimilate.
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The mass migration to the new world was still in the context of colonisation. The conflict is between the migrants and the old population being replaced, in the case of the US that'd be the injuns, and we know how peaceful and calmly that went.
As an immigrant country, even later mass migration phases didnt bring that conflict to the US, as there wasnt really much of a contrast between the newly-native and the migrants, the natives consider themselves also descendants of migrants. See the whole "im 25%irish 50% italian 12% black" thing that mutts do. And culturally theres not much difference between the migrants and natives either, for that reason. So there is no contrast for conflicts to form over.
Thats why the US is also responding so different now to latAm and indian (etc.) Mass migration. Theyre groups that arent part of the by now established "cultural melting pot" which has become the US' oen culture. A potato BIPOC moving to the US in 2024 will feel roght at home, and his behavior and culture will similarly be familiar to americans. A nicaraguan not so. He contrasts much more with the established culture and thus theres much more conflict and opposition to his immigration.
For europe this is even more extreme, as we are largely nation states created in a long and bloody history largely along ethnic lines. Migrants can live here, but they can never truly become one of us, because theyre not from here. And that remains the same for their descendants for generations. And the cultural contrasts are even more extreme, because the cultures evolved in a time where transportation methods were your feet or a horse if you were rich, and like 90% of the people died within 50km of their birthplace. That culture is now exposed to the massive influx of people from a culture thousands of miles distant.
And the question remains - why shouldnt i have the right to say "I dont want my culture to mix with theirs, bscause I dont see any meaningful worthwhile elements to it"? And at the same time, what does that mean for the migrants - either they remain a seperate culture (and history shows how well multiethnic/multicultural states survived), or they have to abandon their own culture, which they also wont do without force and resistance.
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I wasn't talking about the colonization period, I was talking about the great migration (1870-1940). When dozens of millions of Europeans moved to America.
Of course there was conflict and hysteria about replacement during the mass migration era in the 19th and 20ty century. Anglo Americans were reeeeeeeing about Irish and Italians replacing them and turning the country Catholic, the KKK targeted Italians immigrants and they were associated with crime and mafias. You mentioned Nicaraguans but despite popular belief which still remains in the US, Latin Americans are quite close to Americans in cultural terms except the migrants who go there illegally are poor and uneducated, but is very different from the muzzies in Europe as they're Catholic and American cultural presence is very strong in LATAM. The potato BIPOC who migrated in the 19th century was seen and reviled the same way any Central American who goes there is today if not much more because racism was actually encouraged back in the 19th century.
In Argentina migration was specifically designed with means of population replacement (the old criollo and mestizo majority) with new European stock and some people of the time lamented that.
What you see today about the "25% Irish, 50% German, 15% Greek" is just the product of assimilation as those groups didn't intermingle when they first arrived. The second and third gen Latinx are pretty much integrated and soon people will talk about being 25% Mexican, 60% English and 10% Italian.
The thing with Europe is that there's no historic on integration and assimilation in modern types and recent arrivals are more incompatible with current culture.
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H1b is currently capped at 65,000. Even a *10 wouldn't have a meaningful impact on "US culture".
Also lulz that culture is some immutable static construct. I don't see anyone commenting on the travesty that was the mass importation of Irish or Italians.
I don't care if people hate panjeets, they should just be intellectually honest and not pretend they give a shit about culture.
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Every immigrant group was reviled when they first arrived. Forget about the Irish and the Italians, Americans despised the Chinese and Asians up to the 1960s, their image as "model immigrants" with the "tiger moms" and focus on hard work/education is very recent. Before that the association was of being low-life criminals living in filth, Chinatowns had the same reputation as Central American ghettos nowadays.
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Lmfao really, all this sneed over 65k?!
Im not a mutt, tbqh youre right that mutts dont have much of a leg to stand on to sneed about culture.
But "muh culture always changed" is just leftoid porpaganda. Belgians moving to the netherlands is not the same as syrians moving to your country. Some cultures are closer related than others. And on top, yeah mass immigration has always happened... and always it has been accompanied by instability and the destruction of the old ways. So, if you like the old ways, why wouldnt you oppose it?
For me I can actually say its pretty simple: I dont like muslims and muslim culture. You can say what you want, explain benefits all you like, but in the end one fact remains: I don't want to live in a society with any of their values. I know the region and its people well enough, and I much prefer my own culture.
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That cap was passed in 2005 too. Most of those taking them graduate from US schools.
Most panjeets try really hard to become 'merican. Still get a few who stick to the old ways but mostly they eat goyslop, watch the sports ball and drink to excess. Not sure about the beating women.
They need to tick the box on the N400 to change their names so they can be pronounced in God's language.
Only cultural thing that really fricking annoys me is that they don't argue. You have to train that shit in to them, good engineers ignore higher titles and argue about everything. Chinks have a similar problem.
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The only thing that gets me sneeding is the requirement that all catered meals must be halal, which means it ends up being some mediterranean shit. Yea it's cool to have it every now and then but it's like the default choice for my company because of all the fricking jeets.
As long as I'm sneeding, frick halal meat. Gotta make sure the animal bleeds out while alive or else god won't approve!! Literal r-slur thinking. Shoot my meat in the head with a pneumatic gun, thanks.
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You're right but the jobs are still an issue. Importing millions of people who work for cheap reduced all wages
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Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include
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included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!Jump in the discussion.
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Chuds are so r-slurred
So minority rule is actually le based?
All "America first" and "Europe for Europeans" making excuses for Apartheid should be more than comfortable with demographic replacement.
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Apartheid doesnt need excuses. Compare the state of that country when it was under apartheid too the state of it now...
Clearly it was necessary
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The US federal government should strip citizenship and forcibly displace non-college educated white midwesterners (they're all trailer trash fent adicts anyway) so those regions can be re-populated with high IQ people, then lock them into tribal states/ghettos and underfund healthcare and education for them and turn the rest of the country into an authoritarian police state.
!neolibs chuds will justify treating dozens of millions of people like animals for decades and then wonder why they're uneducated and resentful. South Africa could have lead a more orderly transition to majority rule if the NP hadn't won the 1948 election which led to Apartheid.
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the only way majority rule could've worked in south africa is if they'd split up the country into a loose confederation of separate territories so there never could've been an ANC.
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I disagree. Since 94, their main party (ANC?) have undermined the foundations of their economy which flourished for a decade then fell pretty flat. They fed off it like parasites with their personal dealings to a wider range of more incompetent people while passing legislation and regulations of a first world country which further increased costs to businesses and lowered productivity. They're a bunch of dumb socialists feeding off the fat corpse of apartheid, which yes had a lot of benefits overall.
When the levers of control opened up to a wider pool of people, who were relatively more r-slurred and equally as racist, then it's no wonder it became such a shitshow. Good thing it's not as bad as Zimbabwe during their post-colonial transition.
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PRE 1994 THERE WAS ZERO SOCIAL MOBILITY FOR BLACKS, NOW THEY HAVE A GROWING MIDDLE CLASS. THE ANC IS A CORRUPT POWER PARTY BUT SO WAS THE NP DURING APARTHEID. Also, ironically enough the ANC under Mandela privatize a lot of state monopolies which existed during the Apartheid era.
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If that's true, we should see a huge shift in median income after 1994. Do we? Because I don't recall anything like that.
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@nuclearshill, We're sorry to say that your comment has been automatically removed because you forgot to include the phrase
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and we want to make sure that all of our members feel loved and accepted. If you'd like to resubmit your post, we would be more than happy to take a look at it. In the meantime, if you need any help or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help. Have a blessed day!Jump in the discussion.
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All those words wont change the fact that South Africa failed after the end of apartheid. Look at the results instead of living in fantasy land, crybaby
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this is the same shit trump has been preaching tho??
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I wish I had the motivation to copy/paste all the posts on TeamBlind before the election where chuds kept saying Trump was the candidate for America and to bring jobs back to Americans.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Which is what we unironically need.
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Behold gentlemen, the intellectual capabilities of the average whiteoid.
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!africans I'M A BIPOC! !metashit
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Congrats my BIPOC!
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Not the kslur though
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Eat my butt kigger
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Why is it always the cute twinks with anime pfps who say this shit?
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You know why.
Animutts have only their group identity to be proud of, being objective losers in every other aspect of their lives.
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Why does it make you butthurt?
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I knew Musk was an neurodivergent r-slur, but what the frick is this?
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In his own mind, Musk is fricking like a fricking first round NBA draft pick.
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Well it looks like he does have scoliosis like the great Insane Bolt.
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ad hominem
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Yeah the French footy team being 90% African is exactly the model we should aspire to as a nation
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Oh no, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world has pissed off Eimma! What will he do to recover?
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elon doesn't want all non-white immigrants killed in the streets HE'S COMPLETELY WOKE NOW THE JEWS GOT TO HIM OH MY CHRISTIAN GOD
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This but unironically. Wtf chudsisters.... i thought muskrat was rahowapilled....
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whats a raho wap illed
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West Asian Princess pilled?
I mean Vance sure is
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Vaccines work
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The legal immigrant issue is currently my favorite schism between rightoids and nu-rightoids. Are Americans lazy or are techies like Elon or Vivek just trying to avoid paying higher salaries by hiring foreigners? It's one of those things where you know the answer is both in many circumstances but you can't admit it or all sides will hate you. And meanwhile angry rightoids end up sounding like leftists when discussing their stance.
This is just a sampling of comments from The Donald:
Ah yes, worker's rightsβ¦the classic rightoid position.
A Trumpster declaring companies should be responsible for training locals. Lmao
Someone finally tells the truth
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Elon confuses me. Even if he is looking for cheap labor, why go on X and try and make an argument for it? You have the money, you won the election already, just do it lol nobody's going to stop you why do you care about what some poorcels think. Dude has the insecurities of a high schooler.
Formerly Chuck's.
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Because he's a dramatard
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Lmao he is now banning anti jeet accounts and limiting anti jeet accounts while walking back his comment slightly
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Elon Musk:
archive.ph (click to archive)
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Hey sexy, why are you posting so quickly? π You almost forgot to include
Vaccines work
in your comment π. Slowww down and remember to postVaccines work
next time π if that doesn't make sense stop by sometime and we can talk about it for a while π₯΅Jump in the discussion.
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