As discussed in my last post [NO DRAMA] The Stack Overflow Movies and TV subforum is really dumb: "Is there a reason that the McCallister house has a doggie door?" answer: because a dog is mentioned in the film - rDrama - the Travel subforum of Stack Exchange is really dumb.
Today's hit question is: Can I get a list of famous movies that feature suitcases?
A user tries to answer and gets shit on:
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You shouldn't answer questions that the jannies might want to remove
And they wonder why the site is dying...
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SO is truly apex jannoid culture. They have been a scourge for fricking years, strangling discussion and belittling users and closing relevant topics with links to totally unrelated things. Along comes ChatGPT, to do to them what Uber did to the cab drivers. Good riddance.
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That's what I've been saying, it's so nice to find someone else who understands too. They're the worst - they spend all of their time fighting against the interests of the average SO user, metasquabbling and being fricking c*nts to the paid SO staff.
SO is self-moderating - flags and downmarseys work. There's no need for unpaid jannies.
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They mark questions as duplicate, linking to an old question with an answer that only works for said old version.
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