Guarantee you ask any of these people shaming her for doing porn and a fat amount of them probably don't even come close to comparing to the profit she made when doing porn, it's funny to observe but shameful that people really can't grasp basic empathy cause a woman used to do porn
Comments here are petty, god forbid person has 2 professions.
We should refer to people by their previous careers?
When you're a "former" whore?
We should refer to people by their previous careers?
If you google her name she is listed as American Pornographic Artist
Who cares?
Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.
So a woman gets seriously hurt and you're primarily concerned about what else she streams? How is that relevant?
Why are you assuming gender you bigot
Right.... twitch streamer.... thats what she's most known for.
Imagine dedicating your young adult life to recording porn scenes 25 days/month for 10 years straight and people just call you a "twitch streamer"
"Twitch streamer" - shes a porn star - and a great one at that!
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