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Sister fricker phrenology

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His mom made him do it ok :smugjak:

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This is the mentality that turns losers trans

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In this case I don't even think :marseyhyperthonk: it's true the pure insanity of his rant would :marseymight: overpower the women :marseyextinction: are wonderful effect. At best hypothetical female :marseytradwifedaisy: Rudy would :marseywood: have a few "I can fix her" simps

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there are more hot crazy women on the internet than hot lucid women(probably because those are less likely to post themselves). Would definitely have simps, but wouldnt be too special.

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:marseyshrug: Pretty privilege is real. All my life I've been trying to be hot enough that people will pretend to give a shit when I tell them about the role of courtly eunuchs in the Byzantine empire.

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he was forced to talk about something other than Roman Empire or World War 2


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Maybe if your conversation topics were less byzantine they would listen.

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Eastern :marseyrussianmutt: Roman :marseyklennylegion: empire :marseyredcoat: :marseyindignant:

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Kind of a pleb tier opinion tbh.

First of all, the term Byzantine is awesome.

Second, there are innumerable differences between classical Rome and medieval Byzantium. Greek instead of Latin, Greece itself as the metropole instead of Italy, a focus on heavy cavalry that didn't exist with classical Rome to say nothing of many other army reforms, long-standing medieval dynasties and the gradual adoption of the belief that the emperor had to be of a proper dynasty which isn't something the classical Romans thought, the transition of the local economies into feudal manorialism, the religious peculiarities of the Greek Orthodox Church that became more and more distinct from the classical Roman state church.

It's perfectly acceptable for historians to refer to the medieval entity as the Byzantine Empire to distinguish it.

It's not incorrect to call it the ERE or just the Roman Empire, but see, insisting as such is kind of a cuck mentality. It'd be like if Taiwan still refused to consider itself anything but the Republic of China, as if it was still the exact snapshot from before 1949, but even they don't really do that anymore :marseyfreud:

Was Carthage just Phoenicia? Was the mighty third dynasty of Ur just Sumer?

!historychads Reject continuation-cels, embrace neo-chadism

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!historychads giga good post

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No it isn't you south African r-slur. It's a terrible post.

It's like saying America isn't America because the military has changed from militia and cannons to a standing organized army with tanks and planes and the center of power shifted from Philadelphia to DC.

The Byzantine empire still went through massive civil wars to determine who would be emperor just like they had when this r-slur would consider them Romans.


The eastern empire always used Greek over Latin. Constantine the Great ruled from Constantinople all the way back in the 4th century before the fall of the west.

The Byzantine-Rome split is just convenient for historians because of the bat shit set up that the Roman Empire used. But practically they were the Roman Empire. They thought of themselves as Romans, their enemies called them Romans, they were The Roman Empire.


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!historychads !bookworms

I'm a South African r-slur @Allende GIGA GOOD POST

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I knew I'd catch one


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It's like saying America isn't America because the military has changed from militia and cannons to a standing organized army with tanks and planes and the center of power shifted from Philadelphia to DC.

But it wasn't a clean shift (like, for a relevant example, moving the capital to Ravenna). For a couple of hundred years that was two distinct countries with their own emperors, economies, armies.

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The Romans weren't a clean shift either. Having multiple emperor's was incredibly common in Rome. Dividing the empire into various sections dominated by a leader dates back to the very beginning of Imperial Rome.

The armies can only be considered as two distinct armies by the standards of today. Armies being garrisoned in different areas, lead by specific generals is just the name of the game for that period.

With the rise of the Arabs you had effectively two different economies in the Eastern part of anatolia from the west, with distinct armies that lives in those areas but they were all still Roman (or Byzantine if you're dumb.) You wouldn't say that the empire had split into two at that point despite it being the same as the split from Rome .

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It's not a good post it's liberal byzantine propaganda.


Trans lives matter

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I'm on the fence on the "eastern rome vs byzantium" thing, there were a lot of differences between the two states but also a lot of continuities.

Modern historian like Kaldellis are big shills for the continuity theory, and they make some good arguments. At the same time I think once the caliphate rises and antiquity ends there is a transition, by the time Charlemagne kicks around there is a need in western europe for a supreme authority that isn't in far away constantinople.

>It's perfectly acceptable for historians to refer to the medieval entity as the Byzantine Empire to distinguish it.

Basically this

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What did they call themselves?


What did the regime in Constantinople call themselves Neighbor?


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They eventually called themselves Greeks :marseyshapiro:

And also who cares what people call themselves :marseys!hapiro:

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I also like the name Byzantine but yeah, they considered themselves Romans for a long, long time and even up until not that long ago. I still meet Greeks that consider :marseygigathonk: themselves "Romans" and I don't mean young :marseychingchongchild: alpha :marseyblops2chadcel: male types. I'm talking :marseypluribusanus: old Greek :marseymedusa: women :marseyblops2chadcel2:


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Byzantium and Byzantine Empire are made-up words. Good marketing thoughbeit.

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It was only the ERE for a brief period, for most of it's history it was just the Roman Empire :marseyindignant:

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That's even more true but I will accept :marseyokay: calling it the ere if you want to distinguish it from the Roman :marseygrapes: empire :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Medieval Roman Empire is the best one imo.

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Republic is the best and specifically the time of the Samnite wars or the rise of Scipio Afrikanus


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The best way to refer to the Byzantine Empire r-slur

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Sorry but 'Byzantine' is a much prettier word.

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I can't remember how to spell :marseyblackmage: it so it's stupid :marseyretardpearlclutch:

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Who is he and what did he say?

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Low tier history :marseynietzsche: YouTuber :marseycalebhammer: hoi4 addict :marseyphoneglued: 700k subscriber

Took to many psychedelics and made 3 3hr long videos where :marseydrama: he said that

his dad had mercury poisoning

His mom was kicked in the head by a horse :marseypony:

His mom r*ped him over 40 times

His mom believed torturing him would :marseymight: improve the world :marseyww1british2:

His mom beat him regularly

He talks to God, Satan, Nature, Odin, Hermes, and other figures on a regular :marseymuscleman: basis

He talked to a hooded :marseyceokiller: mysterious figure :marseypop: in a blue room in the spirit :marseyghostshy: world :marseyww1british1: that had him sign a contract

God told him he would :marseymight: found :marseymissing2: a religion :marseyklennycross: and in not trying to found :marseymissing2: a religion :marseyklennypriest: he would :marseymid: do so anyway (related his dad read him dune as a kid)

He's a wizard

He's an advanced mystic

He killed :marseydead: the god of secularism with a triangle in the spirit :marseyghost2: world :marseyslugcat: so all of us normies can go there :marseycheerup: now as well

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where is the part where his mother forced him to frick his sister


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I should :marseynorm: have included that

And the divine c*m in the spirit :marseyghostlaugh: world :marseyww1british2:

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thats how i explain my wet dreams

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Ah well we've all been there.

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Chud YouTuber who said his mother r*ped him and he r*ped his sister

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I watched one of his videos and 5 mins in he said something along the lines of "im well connected in los angeles and meet a lot of influencers so i know how people think and how the world works" lmao turned that shit off right after

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you can get the los angeles influencer mindset for free by consuming burger media(not like you have a choice :marseyusa:)

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From what I heard in (the now deleted) part 3 he also said he communed with the god Odin.

I'm pretty sure KF has backups of those videos, but I'm yet to check it. Surprised no one has made a post about part 3 here, seeing that part 2 was covered and got a lot of traction.

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Part 3 best part


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I really need to watch it. Sounds like some prime schizo kino.

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Added all the the reupload videos to the description

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Think of those young adult romance stories

No, I'm not a strag. Get help, losers.

I need to COOM

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Kill moids. Behead moids. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy moids. Defecate in a moids food. Launch moids into the sun. Stir fry moids in a wok. Toss moids into active volcanoes. Urinate into a moids gas tank. Judo throw moids into a wood chipper. Twist moids heads off. Report moids to the IRS. Karate chop moids in half. Curb stomp pregnant white moids. Trap moids in quicksand. Crush moids in the trash compactor. Liquefy moids in a vat of acid. Eat moids. Dissect moids. Exterminate moids in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate moids in the oven. Lobotomize moids. Mandatory abortions for moids. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown moids in fried chicken grease. Vaporize moids with a ray gun. Kick old moids down the stairs. Feed moids to alligators. Slice moids with a katana.



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I mean maybe but that doesnt mean he shouldve done it. The opposite infact

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