As you will have noticed, a buffoon put the existence of hexbear on the desk of some bureaucrat at the FBI FOIA office. While this is objectively a relatively harmless happening, there exist several dangerous possible knock-on chains of effect that would lead to the compromise and arrest of tens, if not tens of millions, of active marxist revolutionaries. And just as we were nearly ready, too!
We need to bombard the FOIA office immediately with requests from all federal agencies about the off-site backup/rally point for former redditors posting in the /r/drama community.
I will not link the site here, it should be treated as a high risk cognitohazard. Our cyber warriors already know how to find it and are skilled in psychic defense tactics, everybody else, don't bother. (Seriously friends.) With any of this. This isn't for you. Forget you read this post.
DO NOT post evidence of your requests, responses from agencies or any other such materiel to HB dot net. If you do so, the operation is blown, the trolls will come and HB will get more of the worst sort of attention. > And links back to this site resulting from the operation should be considered counter-revolutionary activity on penalty of death.
DO NOT post anything as part of your requests that links to any of your online personas, usernames, etc, which might heuristically tie you back to your role in the HB digital vanguard.
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I'm thinking "tens of active Marxist revolutionaries" rather than "tens of millions" and those Marxists are hanging out in the jungle in South America, not writing online screeds about how the Fess are gonna bust them for being La RΓ©volution.
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I could find more commies willing to fight for a revolution in one random shithole village in the Philippines than all the whiny white boy shithole websites on the internet.
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And then you would turn them into the government right?
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Yeah, I wouldn't make a desperate attempt to get in touch I with my ex-wife, daughter, mother-in law, that Manileuno ajumma, Antonio Trillanes, and the Scout Ranger battalion loyal to me and organize a coup which would make people actually fricking listen to me for once.
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