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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED :siren: Trump Tower Tesla Truck driver's manifesto :marseyinsane:

!nooticers !chuds

BREAKING: @ShawnRyan762 just dropped an "emergency" Matt Livelsberger episode, allegedly posting an email "manifesto" from the Green Beret behind the Tesla Cybertruck explosion at the Trump Hotel.

In an email dated December 31, 2024, Livelsberger claims that the East Coast drones are of Chinese origin and use "gravitic propulsion systems" that only the U.S. and China know about.

He also claims, "I've been followed for over a week now from likely homeland or FBI, and they are looking to move on me and are unlikely to let me cross into Mexico because I am armed and I have a massive VBIED (Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device)."

Livelsberger doesn't stop there; he accuses the U.S. of war crimes during airstrikes in Afghanistan's Numruz province in 2019, claiming 65 buildings were hit, leading to hundreds of civilian deaths in one day, covered up by the administration, DoD, DEA, and CIA.

He claims, "I conducted targeting for strikes on over 125 buildings."

According to his LinkedIn profile, Livelsberger was a Green Beret with expertise in Remote Autonomous and Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

The episode features Sam Shoemate (@samosaur), who tweeted on New Year's Eve, "My inbox was especially eventful today. Allegations of war crimes, government anti gravity technology, and fears about being tracked and watched by the feds."

This story was already nuts. Now, it's just getting weirder.

What the heck is going on?

The full 1-hour episode of the @ShawnRyanShow:

Community Note by @Elon_SUSk

The "email" has the red spellcheck lines, meaning that the text is in edit mode and that the "email" is a forgery.

This does not line up with the manifesto that the LVPD received.


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I don't understand what the DEA has anything to do with any of this? I feel like schizos just like spouting out all the government acronyms they can think of.

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It's the "alphabet agencies". They all do the same thing. I know because I read it on Twitter! :marseybigbrain: And finding out what they actually do would take like one fricking hour on wikipedia.

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:marseyhesright: all of these agencies have grown well beyond their original purpose and duplicate tasks of other agencies ad nauseam

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Brilliant. That's might have made some sense in the early 1970s. :marseyclapping:

Where did you learn that by the way? Was it just "common knowledge"? This is the shit I can't take. Tards telling me that I don't know how stuff works now because their dipshit grandmother told them about a Robert Redford movie from the 1970s. You couldn't trust the glowies back then, but you could trust Hollywood, the Church Committee, and Hanoi Jane because they had no ulterior motives.

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I heard it on 4chan

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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1. It's common sense

2. Of course they do, it's the current year

3. They would, wouldn't they

4. It came to me in a dream

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I get my information from Robert Redford movies made in the 1990s, thank you very much.

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Good film.

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Incredibly tight screenplay and unbelievably loaded cast.

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there's 65 US federal agencies doing law enforcement, they all do try to do FBI's domestic intelligence job, counter-terrorism, hacking groups, financial intelligence, etc etc and there's 20 different high end SWAT teams even though FBI + state police have excellent ones. Specialization in the agencies has long been dead, despite DHS's effort to consolidate it.

Mostly because it's extremely competitive and they (and their bff prosecutors) all want credit for big cases.

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there's 65 federal agencies doing law enforcement, they all do try to do FBI's domestic intelligence job

Dumbfrick you really think I don't know what I talking about. :marseylaugh:

Yeah there's the Capitol Police, the Parks Police, etc. And there's not 65 of them.

OMG they caught somebody pissing on the lawn of the Washington Monument! :marseyshook:

I'm sure there's duplication. There always is in the federal government. But when you throw out insane claims like that, I know you're not a serious person.

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The way it works is that a single incident may involve agents from multiple agencies. Sometimes they are just observers, other times they are sharing information, involved in joint planning and/or operations etc.

The presence of a DEA agent in southern Afghanistan (Prime opium growing country) is entirely expected. That they would be involved in covering up alleged war crimes would also be predictable if they were present for or observed said crimes.

It's probably the least looney aspect of the entire schitzopost.

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Oh yeah? Than how do you think FEMA is able to research who to put in all of the camps then? :taysmart:

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it's called free market, commieoneal

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Go off redactor. Im sick of schizos.

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The only man you can trust is OUR President

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Okay but now tell us how tough you are because you know someone who fought in the Nams

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If you feel intimidated by my crippled butt, that's your fault. :marseyshrug:

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He didn't fight in 'Nam his dad did. @Redactor0 is probably younger than your parents.

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Oh God, that's entirely possible. :marseydoomer:

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Well the op he's talking about was anti narcotics and the dea has an anti narcotic program in Afghanistan. Why wouldnt they be involved?

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It was pretty open that as soon as the Taliban started fighting back, our guys were forbidden to burn opium fields controlled by "our side". Get your fricking story straight.

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I never said anything about burning opium fields. You're actually r-slurred.

They were blowing up meth labs with drones. You could at least read what the mission was before you claim it never happened. There is a UN report in this thread that explains it.

Youre on a roll for saying the dumbest shit I've ever read while pretending you're smart for being old.

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If you have information about this better than me reading the news, please do tell. Back home we had to Reuters to go from. If I can provoke someone to tell me what the frick really happened, that would be great.

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I just told you where the information is you dumb frick. Actually keep yourself safe.

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No I mean seriously this was something that the journos and veterans gave us wildly conflicting reports about back then. If you got something to tell me, I'm gonna need something better to go on than a url that says

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Maybe I just filtered this out because it was so obviously bullshit. I haven't seen a cop stick his neck out to stop drug dealers since Serpico.

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@Brevis-Claus Is there something you want to share with the class? Tell me what you know about the "alphabet agencies" and me and how I'm wrong and what me motives are.

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Sometimes u just sound :marseyhearnoevil: very r-slurred :marseyawardretard: :marseyshrug: This is one of those times. Is okay bby

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Well you sound like a strag and you're r-slurred. :#marseylaugh:

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Sure, but im not the one trying to defend governmental overlap :marseyvenn5: :marseysipping:

Of all the hills to die on, federal :marseyfedscared: efficiency? Really?

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they are mostly filled with useless GS workers pretending to do two hours of work a day

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That's fair.

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Ok but the DEA agent reached out to the guy who was going to drop the manifesto on his show (which he did) and the war crimes in question have already been confirmed with the UN reports?

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The message doesn't really say anything and I can't find anything about hundreds of civilians being slaughtered confirmed. All I found was this:


The strikes, on May 5, targeted more than 60 sites in Farah Province and neighboring Nimruz Province, the United Nations report said. As of last month, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan had verified that 39 civilians were either wounded or killed in the strikes. Seventeen of those were working in the drug labs, which were primarily producing methamphetamine.

It said the timing of the strikes was chosen to avoid civilian casualties, but the United Nations report disputed this. Its report said that one of the targeted sets of facilities, in the Bakwa district of Farah Province, "were not controlled and operated exclusively by the Taliban, but rather they were owned and operated by criminal groups with connections to international drug trafficking networks."

So they were "civilians" because they were only partly operated by the Taliban? Sounds like the UN was doing their typical bullshit where they accuse the west of lying because "only 90% of the weapons were found stored in a school not 100% :marseyshapiro:"

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WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE FRICKING POOR METH DEALERINOS???? :soyjaktantrum: this is fricking literally meth genocide

@Kaczinsky love sucking peepee. not

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"only my pharmarinos will be making meth"

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You know too much..... FEMA and the EPA are on their way to pick you up.

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Everyone knows that the USDA is the most sinister agency. It's not even three letter! @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS

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they were in breaking bad so they must be a pretty big deal

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Fudge numbers on seized Afghan Kush and heroin for SOF operators to smuggle back into the US to sell.

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You never heard of an "interagency task force"?

Since 7-11 all the 3 letter agencies are involved in everything.

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@Fresh_Start love how technology spread too fast for the American "authorities" too be able too comfortably hide their dirty laundry at all times. America is well on its way too the point where you either have "well everypony knows we torture one brown kid per week what are you going too do about it", or "Shut it down and bring culpability of the highest order too the deepest American organizations. No off the books projects allowed. it is all illegal and you are going too jail if you even try anything, account for every penny of black box projects or straight too jail."

jewish lives matter.

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technology spread too fast for the American "authorities" too be able too comfortably hide their dirty laundry at all times

What in the frick are you trying to say? The F-35 program is going too fast for you? Everything the Navy has been trying to do in the last 20 years?

There are real problems in the real world. We are probably going to face a global war in the next 20 years and it ain't gonna be against the fricking saucer people. I'm gonna be laughing at you UFO nuts while the ChiComs are herding us into the gas chambers because at least I was right.

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We are probably going to face a global war in the next 20 years

Only if the US has a global war scale tantrum because they are no longer the number one economy.

I'm gonna be laughing at you UFO nuts while the ChiComs are herding us into the gas chambers because at least I was right.

You completely misunderstand the mandate of heaven. The Chinese don't behave like Americans when they are winning.

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The Chinese are ruthlessly efficient at that sort of thing actually. All E Asians are. These people eat living, writhing animals for a friday snack. How will they treat an enemy they have dehumanized through war propaganda? Chinamen still alive today indulged in mass cannibalism during the cultural revolution.

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These guys look like the IDF too me. Not the Chinese.

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Israel has nukes, chemical weapons, bio weapons and failistine cucks have stones and sewage pipe rockets. That they haven't been wiped out yet is the cuckoldry of the 21st century. But that's not what I'm talking about. Chinx not only don't believe in that cuckoldry in many ways their morality would contrast with even that of our medieval ancestors(who again would never contemplate eating a wriggling creature). It takes a certain mindset for cute girls to eat worms in their death throes and it will be fearsome if not cowed militarily under mutt boots.

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The Chinese have those technologies too along with the restraint too not use them.

The US has an actual recorded history of their intelligence agencies using eels too r*pe women in random warzones for the heck of it. A world led by the US is always going too end up with people being abused and brutalized as long as America can get away with it.

A world order in which the US and China balance each other out is a better option as they both slow down enough fighting one another for the rest of the world too catch up and form a multipolar world, which makes torturing each others civilians far harder.

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Chinese restraint works only against those who can strike back at them. Their treatment of their own people is more than clear proof of this. Xinjiang and Tibet have both been demographically conquered. Israel can't do shit to muzzie enclaves it controls militarily. Can't even reclaim their holiest spot from muzzie triumphalist monument lmao that's partly something even we've done. You have no sense of perspective.

Who cares about who US tortures tbh? I sleep peacefully under nuclear umbrella and an ever growing SSBN fleet, rest of the world can frick itself. Most mutts can do against us is colour revolution shit which we can handle. Chinx will unironically gas us if they could.

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Sure, DEA.

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Turns out if you stick a dude in a shipping container and have him kill hundreds of people on the other side of the earth, they get a bit weird.

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Except that doesn't apply to this individual, he wasn't a pilot or sensor operator

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The boredom did this too him. It is why it is important too be in a constant state of war and have troops in other countries. For Americans too feel the warmth of true Christmas spirit, Syria must burn.

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in the future we'll have Star Trek VR simulators to keep the special forces occupied with murder, s*x, and free booze

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It's really a bummer all those Fort Bragg guys keep getting arrested for that sort of r&r

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The rest of the world does kinda just act like it knows it only exists so that America can someday take out its frustrations and boredoms on it.

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This is why everypony including EUrope is happy about an American decline.

Jewish lives matter.

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"Conducted targeting for these strikes" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means

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guy was a SF intel weenie

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What does it mean then? Was he doing a water boy paint the target with a laser thing?

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F2T2EA is a fairly involved process with a lot of time, money, manpower, and other resources dumped into it. The engage part is usually the quickest of it.

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Mostly, he made powerpoint slides about targets.

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they should use neurodivergents

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UFO bros howwe feeling about antigravity tech? :marseypopcorntime:

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It's not antigravity. Let's just call it what it is, demonic energy taken from another dimension by Satanic globalists and other dark agents who perfected the art of corrupting children's souls :marseylaptopchud:

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It's time for Satanists to get a chance.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Real satanism has never been tried, unironically.

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B-word you had your chance in the 1400s and we won. :marseyindignantgook:

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I CANNOT accept this. It's elerium-113. :#marseyalien:

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I meant 115! I knew that! I was just testing you.

I love you so much bb it's unreal. :marseyblowkiss:

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so Ardent energy from Doom?


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That would be so cool if magic and demons existed

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Heh, yeah. If. :marseywise:

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Reterd memeing like this only devalues his truth blue lives matter

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There's one chinese lady who published a ton on antigrav in the 90 then the glowies took over her research and she went entirely off the radar

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I just pull out all the Higgs Bosons from my planes so they don't have any gravity

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Technically they wouldn't have any mass :marseynerd3:

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shit is real imho, theyve been lite-declassifying it for a while now. The Navy even owns a patent on it that theu filed eight years ago


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It's such a cliché. Why do they always go for that?

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!braphogs eating good once the Apple ™️ LiftSafe™️ Partner weight negation device hits store shelves in 2040 🥰

dude bussy lmao

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everything flying is antigravity

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It is not anti-gravity tech. More like extremely precise propulsion tech too the point it gets mistaken for anti-gravity tech. Think of it as applying the exact correct amount of lift pressure exertion on every single millimeter of the craft surface such that the back blast doesn't hit you even if you are 10ft directly behind.

Jewish lives matter.

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Is it octocopters all the way down🤔

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Your mom's on an octocopter right now. Heyooooooooo! You just got pranked and dunked on! Have a good day and @Fresh_Start hope you're mom has a good day too.

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I've always assumed you are A.I.

Why did you come to that conclusion?

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you cannot really build anti-gravity tech off of the current known laws of physics. The core reason being that we still don't understand at the theoretical level what particle causes gravity, and most things that can alter gravity are events that occur on black holes and stars exploding scales, which humans have not yet mastered.

On the other hand humans have already gained a mastery of things such as phase changes and differences in particle behavior in different conditions such as for example, supercooled material physics, superheated plasma physics, and other such variations.

For a UFO too work in ways similar too anti-gravity, it would only requires the least complex network of effects that would allow for the most energy exertion effects for the least energy exerted across the entire surface of the craft, with minimal wasteful dispersion.

Modern day fighter jets already show similar capabilities in the form of how quiet they are known too be for their size and speeds when it comes too stealth craft, and how they can hover in ways that would be considered unnatural for their shape by the right application of propulsion in the right direction and ideal force all calculated live by the internal systems of the craft.

Similarly, a round shape would be the perfect design for a non-anti-gravity UFO, as it would allow for the perfectly precise propulsion from any direction of the craft without any changes in the shape of the craft in any direction causing additional friction or tension.

If one had fully functional anti-gravity capabilities the shape of the craft wouldn't matter and one would have UFOs that were cubes or hexagrams in shape.

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Do "you" like neighbors or joggers or bicycleists the best

Which is preferable 🤔

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bicycleists but only if it is the non-finance cel kind.

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So they have unlocked the bumblebee paradox🤔

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Jewish lives matter.

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How so🤔

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Everything @Fresh_Start know @Fresh_Start have already posted in comments.

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we've had :quote: antigravity tech :quote: for over 100 years already dingus :hmph:

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Sounds really schizo

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The UFO part yeah, but the blowing up shit in Afghanistan…yeah I could see part or all of that being true and part of what made him nuts. :marseyschizowall:

Or it's just another form of his schizo fever dreaming, idk. :marseyshrug:

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CENTCOM somehow scrambled the entirety of their air compliment to bomb civilians without anybody noticing, and they chose an ops sergeant and a DEA agent to run point.

Seems plausible.

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Idk shit about the military, you camo nerds will have to debate the schizo level

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Pretty high

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Makes perfect sense to me

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Murdering civilians can do that do a neighbor

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I agree it would actually check out

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I hope this is true because Afghans deserve it

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Not at all unless you're an r-slur Blue lives matter

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Seems 50% truthiness, 50% schizo. He's saying drones have an unlimited payload but that's r-slurred. Every aircraft has a max weight allowance, even a big butt Tomahawk. Especially sea launched stuff.

The US uses balloons (aerostats) for all sorts of stuff. We even put radar in them to help supplant AWACS. and yeah if you get a foot line-of-sight between al your drones you can set up a communications network but that's not a secret or anything. The gooks did it at their Olympics with toy drones.

Example, a submarine launched nuke has much greater weight and size restrictions than a cruise missile launched from a B2.

!ifrickinglovescience !physics !engineering !firearms

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>Every aircraft has a max weight allowance

Can't you read, r-slur? Not with next-gen gravitic propulsion systems.

Wait until Boeing gets this shit installed on the 737-GRAV. Just imagine it: with unlimited payload, airlines will charge only $25/bag!

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They're gonna hire Sectoid pilots tho and I don't know how many flight hours they got.

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>Boeing puts antigrav tech in their planes

>It's still developed and built by H1Jeets and diversity hires


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I just take out all the Higgs Bosons from my drones to make them lighter

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Boeing will still manage to crash antigravitic planes tho

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The 737 Grav has an autopilot error that slams it into the Moon if the airspeed drops below 200 knots

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>Drones have an unlimited payload

Me, endung the war in The Ukraine buy buying a $500 bestbuy drone and dropping literal mountains on both sides.


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That's how !the_donald is gonna end it in a day

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He's saying drones have an unlimited payload

Nuclear reactor in the core running 100% of the time provides unlimited plasma shots. Where is the ammo stored? It isn't.

Jewish lives matter.

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>Unmanned AC

!g*mers The future is now

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Got a job for you 621...

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Would have upmarseyed before Rubicon came out but I have no way of knowing if you're an AC-OG or not so ill have to leave you with a :marseysidevote:

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: I am a tourist. Prior I had only played some of 2 at a friend's house in middle school.

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hi my name is J and im armed with combat data from the UNACS :marseywave2:

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This is what happens when people agree to pretend China is a serious country.

China has to import the balls for ballpoint pens as they lack precision engineering to manufacture the balls. They got cut off on wheelsets for their HSR trains because they cancelled contracts and started competing with reverse engineered technologies, they can't figure out how to make high grade steel to make wheels though. They have been trying to crack the steel recipe for 25 years.

On 1/1 they lost access to <=14nm IC process because they no longer get to use foreign engineers or parts to maintain their imported lithography machines. The best they can do domestically is 65nm introduced in 2005.

China still doesn't bother doing anything with basic science because the idea of actually inventing things is totally alien to them. That's also why they suck so hard at copying process without Western engineers to help them, even though they have repeatedly stolen steel and optics IP they can't figure out how to make them.

They are not even close to US in terms of technology. They are not even a slight threat to the US militarily. Defense contractors are loving politicians playing in to China superior trope.

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:marseyakshually: Since 2017 there's one company in China that can make pens.

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I regret ever thinking of China as a technologically advanced country.

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China has to import the balls for ballpoint pens as they lack precision engineering to manufacture the balls.

Actually they learned how to do it in 2017, while the US still imports the balls, so the gloating seems to be a bit misplaced lol.

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You are confusing can't do it with cheaper to import.

Motherlovers can't make high precision bearings.

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I don't care, sorry boo

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Honestly believable :marseyshrug:

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There's one line that claims he covered up war crimes in Afghanistan with the DEA. That stands out as weird unless he was typoing DIA.

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I think he just really wanted people to know that he doesn't give a frick about blowing up civilians.

Maybe if someone took him aside and said, "Hey man, I think it's really cool that you blow up civilians", this could all have been avoided.

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Jesus Fricking Christ. Can you tards stay in your own fricking lane. :marseyfacepalm:

DIA has analysts who do technological intelligence on Russian and Chinese equipment. Like looking at photos of Russian missiles and measuring how tall they are. Or order of battle analysis. That kind of thing. They don't have a hit squad running around in fricking Afghanistan.

This is not a secret. Nobody has ever claimed they did that except in a fricking Vin Diesel movie or something.

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Wasn't the DEA involved in Afghanstian tho because of all the poppies?

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Foreign-deployed Advisory Support Teams

One of five 10-man FAST trained by U.S. Special Forces rotate to Afghanistan every 120 days. This

allows for interoperability with U.S. Special Forces and the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations,

International Security Assistance Force. FAST augments the agency's workforce and capabilities in

Afghanistan and partners with the NIU to identify, target, disrupt, and dismantle DTOs.

Special Operations Division (SOD)

DEA's SOD operations directly support Afghan law enforcement activities, including SIU and TIU

efforts directed against significant drug trafficking organizations. While coordinating cases with SOD,

Afghan vetted units learn the investigative techniques required to identify, investigate, and take down

extensive drug trafficking organizations. The long-term development, establishment, and maintenance of

high-level Confidential Sources (CS), is one of the primary objectives of SOD's enforcement groups.

The Kabul CO and their Afghan partners in the vetted units work together to identify, recruit, and direct

these CSs. These CSs are then used proactively to target the most significant drug traffickers, money

launderers, terrorists, and narcoterrorists in the region.


@hypernovasaiz love sucking peepee.

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Lmao Sod Operations

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the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations

And people accuse me of being drunk. :marseyeyeroll:

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Yeah and the strikes were on drug making facilities.

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Can someone TLDR this I can't keep up with all these manefestos.

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He claims:

  • To have covered up warcrimes that he was a part of in Afghanistan at the behest of the military

  • China and the U.S have anti-gravity drones

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lol you think this is bad? Wait till the clusterfrick that is going too be the Europeans finding out from Chinese sources that the whole "US helping cover up human mutilation cases in Europe by aliens" was actually just the US mutilating European citizens too make it look like aliens exist and the Europeans need US too defend them.

Jewish lives matter.

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Sane and straight.

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>single page schizodoc :chudconcerned:

>nine paragraphs :marseylongpost:

>almost 400 words :marseysweating:

>Just finished. Holy heck. :marseydeadinside:

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I watched the podcast to check how r-slurred it was.

Their evidence for him being still alive:

  • The government told them his DNA didn't match his son's, in an effort to justify his actions and downplay the war-crimes. So to them it means the son is actually his and the corpse is not him.

  • He had a lot of special ops experience that would mean he should be able to construct a competent bomb rather than an ineffective piece of shit. So to them it means he chose the Tesla because it is notoriously bullet-proof and he didn't want to kill people just to attract attention.

  • He also chose the Tesla because it can drive itself to the spot so he could put a pre-shot corpse in the driver's seat. Also the video didn't show the shooting.

  • His signal safety number changed the day after the explosion.

My evidence for him being dead: He's a cuckold schizo war criminal whose wife bore a bastard and who shot himself in the head after every person he tried to contact dismissed him. (The guy who received the manifesto told him he didn't believe him and made an instagram post mocking him for being a schizo nutjob.)

!poll_voters !anthropologists

Is he alive or dead?

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It didn't drive itself. Not allowed on rentals cars and Tesla checked to confirm

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still unemployed then?

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This is my job.

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You're fired

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Hecko :marseywave2:

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This is the bombshell that will finally get Hillary Clinton arrested!!! :#chudseethe:

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Big if true.

Factcheck: This claim has been confirmed as correct by experts.

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schizo conspiracy theorist shit bout drones with ufo technology n shit

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