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[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Dogs are extremely unpleasant




Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Hmm, my dogs don't shit or puke on the floor unless they are sick. They don't ruin anything. They don't shed or make a mess. One of my guys is a bit of a barker, but he makes less noise than the neighbors motorcycle. It's fine for you to not like them but your reasons are stupid. (-22)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

At least they're useful, unlike cats. You have my upmarsey.Edit: Downmarsey me all you want lol. Whether you like it or not, dogs are far more useful than cats. (-30)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Clearly you haven't met a dog that loves you unconditionally and is your best friend. Dogs are awesome (-36)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I've owned dogs for most of my life. My family had rescue greyhounds & stray mutts. All wonderful, sweet, well-behaved animals. Dogs are a lot of responsibility, from training, proper socialization, regular bathing & general health care. Not everyone can handle that responsibility, and some are piss-poor at it. There are a LOT of people who should not own pets, dogs in particular, because they refuse to train them & care for them properly. That being said, I loved dogs up until my mid-30s, when I lived with roommates for a few years. They were pet hoarders & had snakes & cats that they barely cared for. I took on the responsibility of caring for the cats, but I was scared of the snakes. After one of the cats died, one roommate insisted on getting a beagle puppy.Living with that dog was absolutely terrible. They refused to train it, barely walked it, and I had to eat in my room to keep it away from me during meal time. It cried all the time, bayed constantly, shit & pissed everywher... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Sounds like you have a bad experience with bad owners?I'm not a dog person, but some of your claims aren't correct. I do have a dog though.They don't scream for no reason. Don't shit on the floor except when baby puppies learning to go outside. If a dog is pooping inside, that's a failure on the dog owner to train their dog properly. Same with jumping on people. Cats puke on the floor, not dogs. Barking pisses me off massively, a neighbour half a km away has yappy dogs that never shut up. My dog barks at cars going past which is his job, not many cars as it's country area on a dead end dirt road. Another neighbour has big dogs and I never hear them. Definitely prefer cats. Would never get another dog. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I wouldn't say I "hate" babies, because hatred is reserved for things I'm morally opposed to. I wish nothing but the best for all babies. I would never hurt a child. But if I went the rest of my life without meeting another baby, I'd be okay with that.My biggest problem is hygiene. It's crazy to me that people keep a little human who has no reservations about spitting up or having diaper accidents on the floor. And even if your baby is perfectly potty-trained, they still bring all sorts of outside germs with them. So you have to sanitize everything constantly or else risk having grime around your living space. Plus, the smell is a real and seemingly unavoidable consequence. Literally every house I've ever been in with more than one baby has it.They're also very loud. They cry and scream for no reason. It's like having a permanent toddler, if your toddler needed constant attention and could destroy your furniture. Someone walking by your house? Crying. Another baby? Crying. Sirens in... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/who_even_cares35

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

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:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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She's the first goddarn person who truly appreciated that stew I made.

I hate these people so goddarn much. We're supposed to be in the goddarn Federation aren't we? You know what that means to me? It means going on patrol through the neighborhood with the dog on point, Sasha the cat dashing through the yards on the right side, Black Cat dashing through the yards on the left side. I'm a cat person but you never understand what being a cat person really means means until you're in a squad where they're actually cooperating together with a dog. That's a part of their personality you'll never know if you just have the one.



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!metashit somebody needs to pick up they grandpa

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She's the first goddarn person who truly appreciated that stew I made.


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Well every girl likes my adobo. I actually put some bay leaves in and simmer it just right. !pinoypride back me up here, I'm under fire

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I legit think this might be part of my problem. I've been taking it for allergies the last several months which coincides with an uptick in my schizo incidents.

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darn she's right dogs don't wear shoes

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not true :marseyindignantwoman:


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Dogs are awesome but like 90% of the population should be banned from owning them

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House Furry Founder


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Dogs are cool, but dogs fricking you is gross as heck

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!friendsofbussy-boy the AI bestows another galaxy-brained insight upon mankind :marseykneel:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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I just dont like it :marseyindignant: when they pee in the house. it ruins the furniture

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Fricking dogs on the other hand :marseycoomer2:

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Me getting cucked by my dogs


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I could've been your daddy but the dog beat me over the fence

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The dog could've taken me away from you

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I'm sorry you're married to a yt foid

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Yikes, I'm bisexual and married to a Black Man

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I'm sorry I got your foid pregnant


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Furries should definitely be banned from owning pets

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I love dogs but completely understand why some people wouldn't like them. Why get so fricking mad a stranger doesn't like your type of pet?

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They value their surrogate child more than actual human beings. If you took current day Americans too WW2 UK and told them they have too kill their pets for the war effort they would complete a coup against their own government and then claim," Hecko, it was worth it too go together into the concentration camp gas chambers with @Fresh_Start's wife, kids, her boyfriend, and I, while @Fresh_Start's dog makes it and is adopted by a German family instead."

Jewish lives matter.

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tbh I'd kill half of india if it meant my cat would live forever

dude bussy lmao

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I'd killed half of India even if it meant my cat would also die.

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You would need to offer at least 90% of India for me to take that deal :marseyindignant:

dude bussy lmao

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Killing pets was unnecessary and rebelling against the British Crown is the most moral thing a person can do.

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100 DC says you are a white foid with a German Shephards peepee in you're mouth as you typed that.

Jewish lives matter.

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Only two of those apply to me, pay up.

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done jewish lives matter

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My cat is very useful, he catches pests that try to come in our house :marseyshooting!:

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Surprisingly Black Cat, who just gave every impression that he was a lazy sociopathic lout, was our best mouser. Don't judge a book by its... being a complete fricking butthole in every way that you're pissed off even though you're not even the same species.


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I saw a dog running upstairs spin on it's heels and tear after a rat trying to bound downstairs past it, killed it like a feet from where I was sitting. I was really high then so I saw it slow mo was pretty cool.

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It caught one mouse and that was enough to infect both the cat and him with Toxoplasmosis cope serum :marseyhypno:

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Probably a mouse that wasnt even close to the house too :marseysmug2:

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Counterpoint: dogs are cute :marseyhank:

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I dunno, are we sure about this one? :marseyheart:

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That guy is very cute :marseyembrace:


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Yeppie is a girl. She wasn't even spayed and you didn't detect it. :marseydisagree:

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My biggest problem is hygiene. It's crazy to me that people keep an animal that has no reservations about pooping or puking on the floor.

So do children, that's why you teach them to not do that.

And even if your dog is perfectly house-trained, it's still walking around with outside feet (they don't wear shoes). So you have to wear shoes all the time inside your house or else get outside grime on your feet.

Typical autism-directed whining. Complaining about having to occasionally clean floors is a typical trait of neurodivergents.

Plus dog smell is a real and seemingly unavoidable consequence. Literally every house I've ever been in with more than ~30 total lbs. of dog has it.

Children also smell, that's why you bathe them. Dogs also have the same expectations or they begin to smell. More neurodivergent whining.

They're also very loud. They scream for no reason. It's like having a permanent toddler, if your toddler took massive shits and could tear up furniture. Someone walking by your house? Barking. Another dog? Barking. Sirens in the distance? Barking.

Children also scream and yell! Guess what? You can teach them not to do that within reason.

Neurodivergent people are a drain on society and I am tired of being expected to coddle them. Not surprisingly, the OP of this post, /u/smallboins, is a frequent poster of /r/SuicideWatch. Please, for the benefit of your community, just do it. You are a defective human being.

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Outside Feet No Shoes would be a passable band name :marseycountry:

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I could take or leave heckin pibblerinos but all the people who go on about a dog's unconditional love are just straight up admitting that getting an animal with the intelligence of a 2 year old to like them is beyond them.

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Hmm, my dogs don't shit or puke on the floor unless they are sick. They don't ruin anything. They don't shed or make a mess. One of my guys is a bit of a barker, but he makes less noise than the neighbors motorcycle. It's fine for you to not like them but your reasons are stupid.:

At least they're useful, unlike cats. You have my upmarsey.Edit: Downmarsey me all you want lol. Whether you like it or not, dogs are far more useful than cats.:

Clearly you haven't met a dog that loves you unconditionally and is your best friend. Dogs are awesome:

I've owned dogs for most of my life. My family had rescue greyhounds & stray mutts. All wonderful, sweet, well-behaved animals. Dogs are a lot of responsibility, from training, proper socialization, regular bathing & general health care. Not everyone can handle that responsibility, and some are piss-poor at it. There are a LOT of people who should not own pets, dogs in particular, because they refuse to train them & care for them properly. That being said, I loved dogs up until my mid-30s, when I lived with roommates for a few years. They were pet hoarders & had snakes & cats that they barely cared for. I took on the responsibility of caring for the cats, but I was scared of the snakes. After one of the cats died, one roommate insisted on getting a beagle puppy.Living with that dog was absolutely terrible. They refused to train it, barely walked it, and I had to eat in my room to keep it away from me during meal time. It cried all the time, bayed constantly, shit & pissed everywher...:

Sounds like you have a bad experience with bad owners?I'm not a dog person, but some of your claims aren't correct. I do have a dog though.They don't scream for no reason. Don't shit on the floor except when baby puppies learning to go outside. If a dog is pooping inside, that's a failure on the dog owner to train their dog properly. Same with jumping on people. Cats puke on the floor, not dogs. Barking pisses me off massively, a neighbour half a km away has yappy dogs that never shut up. My dog barks at cars going past which is his job, not many cars as it's country area on a dead end dirt road. Another neighbour has big dogs and I never hear them. Definitely prefer cats. Would never get another dog.:

I wouldn't say I "hate" babies, because hatred is reserved for things I'm morally opposed to. I wish nothing but the best for all babies. I would never hurt a child. But if I went the rest of my life without meeting another baby, I'd be okay with that.My biggest problem is hygiene. It's crazy to me that people keep a little human who has no reservations about spitting up or having diaper accidents on the floor. And even if your baby is perfectly potty-trained, they still bring all sorts of outside germs with them. So you have to sanitize everything constantly or else risk having grime around your living space. Plus, the smell is a real and seemingly unavoidable consequence. Literally every house I've ever been in with more than one baby has it.They're also very loud. They cry and scream for no reason. It's like having a permanent toddler, if your toddler needed constant attention and could destroy your furniture. Someone walking by your house? Crying. Another baby? Crying. Sirens in...:


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Lol this neighbor has never met a well trained dog

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The only well trained dogs are working dogs. Pet dogs are like Indian coworkers - the question isn't "good or bad", it's "how bad?"

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my dog used to be well trained but he's old and got dog dementia and forgot all his tricks and forgot how to behave himself and he's afraid of everything and can't stand on hardwood or tile (sometimes he's too afraid to even walk on hardwood so I have to move the doormats so there's a "safe" path for him to walk on) and he won't eat unless you sit at the counter and pretend to be eating dog food and hand feed him the food and he pees on the floor unless he's let out every 3 hours (due to the diuretics he's on) and barfs daily and constantly coughs and I have to give him 7 pills a day but he won't eat food if he knows there are pills in it so I have to rotate through a dozen different treats that are soft enough to hide the pills because he gets suspicious and refuses to eat anything if you give it to him more than 3 days in a row but by the time you cycle through all the other options he's forgotten to be suspicious (because of the dementia) and also he does that god darn but dragging thing on the rug all the time because he constantly has horrible diarrhea and it takes him 20 minutes to take a shit

it's literally this

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I have a solution


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Nah lol, its possible to train your dog, its just that most people are too lazy, or dont know how to (which loops back to lazy)

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Ayo I hate dogs!

Formerly Chuck's.

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The more dogs around the more Muslims feel unwelcome.

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>they don't scream for no reason


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kill this person

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