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Hoes mad Timothee Chalamet is dating Kylie Jenner




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Formerly Chuck's.

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I see the west is starting to import the weird shit from japanese celebrity culture where idols have to hide their relationships lest their fans explode into incel rage that someone tainted their waifu/husbando

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I can't wait till we're like Korea where the idols' girlfriends get sent death threats written in menstrual blood.

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I don't think that's it's just any woman, it's that's it's this woman in particular. They can't see themselves as a ghetto whore who fricks black men, so that he's dating her destroys their fantasies

I think if he was with a "classy" woman, they wouldn't mind too much

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Wow, this is way worse than any of the celebrity-hating subs I've seen :marseyspit:

I guess this is what happens when delusional middle-aged women realize they lost their imaginary chance with a famous actor they "deserve" :marseyschizotwitch:

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His ex fans are teaming up to throw acid in his face at the red carpet tomorrow

I hope they are successful at it


:marseyscared: What the frick did this one say??

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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I hope Timmy C gets away. He was funny when he was on that college football show & he's been blessed by Lil B

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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bimothy :marseyitsbimothy:

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She's really with Nic Cage tho

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I saw Vampire's Kiss, the Millennial and true !kino phile version of yuppie degenerates. Zoomers missed the entire plot with their sigma chad incel fantasies in that "written by a cute twink" movie American Psycho.

Only Cage could do a hilarious as well as a deranged COOMer chasing some poor woman around the office yelling "where's the file!" :marseyxd:

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I never understood why Timothee is considered hot, his jaw looks weird :marseydisgust: Idk how to explain it, like the top half of his face looks great, the bottom half looks very strange.

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>I never understood why Timothee is considered hot

Then you're probably not gay. Sorry.

I've got gay mates who thought he was the hottest twink ever, and I think that then made him attractive to women.

I don't get it either, but then I think well over half of the celebrities everyone else considers 'amazing looking' look like plastic freaks, Kylie Jenner included. Tho, looks-wise, Timothy Chalomet > Kyle Jenner for sure. She's hideous.

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There are plenty of celebrities I don't find attractive but I can understand why other people do. Timothee is not one of those people. Also I hate the way his name is spelled.

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he's dangerously close to twink death

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He looks like if you put a twink chad. It's this weird space where you look like a bottom with top traits. Basically a prince.

Jewish lives matter.

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/r/askgaybros science


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I think his cheekbones and jaw don't go well together tbh


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I don't understand why people are mad, can someone explain it to me like I'm an hetero male?

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Women who have never faced hardship in their lives and never been told "no" drastically overreact to some guy they'll never meet potentially maybe dating someone else so they want to take it out on him for the perceived slight against themselves.

They make incel rage look tame in comparison.

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The saying is "Heck hath no fury like woman scorned" and not "Heck hath no fury like a man unfricked." For a reason.

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He starting dating famous celebrity whore Kylie Jenner like two years ago. This completely broke the minds of his fans, who are into classy twinks.

They couldn't not be more opposed to a woman like this and can't project themselves into her at all.

Thus, a new detractor community was born

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These b-words are insane

EDIT: my reportmaxx worked! Account suspended too! I should have screenshotted it, it was specific threats against every member of Chalamet's family.

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:marseywtf2: is this font?

I mean I'm mad too. He deserves better :marseyindignant:

White extinction is long overdue (thanks to you :marseyseethe: )

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Why do they hate him so much?


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Jealous b-words

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Did a bunch :marseysurejan: of rando (presumably poor) not famous :marseycatbert2: teenage girls :marseyblops2chadcel: think :marseymindblown: they were going :marseysal2: to be dating :marseyitsrigged: a movie :marseybraveheart: star? :marseyfoidretard:


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The femcel menace is largely ignored, yet the most radicalized -cels group.

Pathetic really we still coddle foids in 2025.

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They're women. They're the least likely group on earth to commit violence.

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They still find a way to make it everyone else's problem.

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I don't coddle foids.

Formerly Chuck's.

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I just cuddle foids. :#marseytradlove::#marseytradlove::#marseytradlove:

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I don't know how old you are, but look up/remember the absolute insanity of foids in regards to boy bands in the 90s/00s.

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: He just needs to read one of my Insta messages (I've sent 200 already)

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Cuz, despite born in the land of :marseymutt:, he is a Frog

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He's a whore I hate him too

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Success! @Sneedman say this as a feminist ally.




Formerly Chuck's.

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You should reportmaxx the ones who post skull emojis next.

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Invite her here

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Who is Timothy chalamet

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he could deffo play a young Bashar al-Assad


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In my sextape.

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That twink who plays Paul Atreides.

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Oh I haven't finished the book yet, so haven't seen the movie

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Don't bother with the book, the movies are much better!

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Darn even his mom gets no mercy :marseyxd:


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Zoomers smh

Reminds me of this femcel cope sub sub called MenOfTheWall where they would post pics of Zac Effron plus others and say how terrible and old they look for their age.

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hope that king gets regular std checks


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But they called muad'dibs!

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It looks like Timmy is dating Nicholas Cage to me :youdontsay:

Trans lives matter

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Who and who

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