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:fireball: A few photos of the LA Fire :marseyfine: :fireball:



















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Literally a title card for an 80s show

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Looks like the title screen for hotline miami

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Every single article blames climate change for this shit. How much is the government at fault. I heard CA refuses to do forest management hence :marseyfine: !commenters

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It's just due to normal for the season strong winds carrying fire to an area of SoCal underprepared for this. If it was up north where firefighters are a bit more on guard for bush fires (ever since PG&E decided to burn down multiple cities) it definitely wouldn't've developed as bad. It's likely bad forest managements played a role, especially again due to SoCal's less experience with forest fires. Though there's been major reform ever since the fires of 2019/2020, you can't fix every forest everywhere in a short amount of time, especially in a state with the largest forests outside of Alaska. !commenters !followers

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I can't speak for California but blue states in general have r-slurred policy when it comes to nature, for the sake of pleasing their dipshit constituents who don't understand anything.

In NJ, Murphy removed the black bear hunt some years ago against guidance of The Scientistsℒ️ who study conservation. Then a few years after they were all over the place running into humans and causing a ruckus. He purely did it as a political move and it backfired horribly. He refused to believe that a yearly controlled hunt keeps the population in line.

Blame the wine mom libshits who want to give Alaska back to the caribou and what not for these stupid policies.

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Environmentalists prevented the government from doing controlled burns. Whoops!

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I bet the Sierra Club is full of :#marseymerchantfoid:s

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[fedpost] :#parrotkazakhstan:

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The government is very at fault. Here's my favorite story about California bureaucracy.

Controlled burns prevent giant devastating forest fires like this, but the smoke from a controlled burn is considered human-caused pollution. In order to get approval to cause pollution, you need to go through an obnoxious bureaucratic approval process. The windows for safe controlled burns are very short and not easily predicted far in advance. By the time they can go through the r-slurred approval process, the window has closed.

So they don't do controlled burns, and half of LA burns down, killing whombstever and burning down 50 million buildings. And also, releasing ungodly amounts of horrifying pollution into the atmosphere. But that's okay, because the California government doesn't consider that pollution to be human-caused.

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CA blames all their fire problems on climate change and somehow think that means they don't need to be solved.

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Why don't they cut the trees next to the houses so their towns don't burn down every two years?

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You got a permit for that, guv?

Sure your neighbors won't sue you over it for (((reasons)))?

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I don't need a permit I have the droit de cuissage.

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Why are people freaking out over the fires? It's just localized high temperature. Imagine thinking that temperature can kill you, lmao IDIOTS :marseylaugh:

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I would simply choose to be cool. :marseycool2:

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Hope they're masking.

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the trucks is the tornado alley


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Nah that's the smoke from the diesel engines that are tailor made to triple the amount of poison fumes from a normal truck.

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How should I feel about this?

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Surfs up dude


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@CEO_of_misogyny say this as a feminist ally.

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This is what I imagine LA always looks like


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What caused it? It looks like there's two fires across the city from each other in that one pic.

Is it just general dryness and a spark? Or was is some industrial accident or something.

I've been so busy and not following this at all.

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Some homeless like to start beach fires. Sometimes the ember catches, palm trees in cali are pretty dry.

One becomes two etc. And they had a rare wind event iirc

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The wind is spreading it.

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just like covid :marseymask:

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jewish space lasers

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SMH. If only Commiefornia allowed blue tarps they would've been saved

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It has been insanely windy :marseytornado2: in that area of LA / Malibu for the last couple :marseycupid: of days. It's also been super :marseyspiderman2: dry but it's mostly the incredible :marseygassy: winds.


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Rogan said this was one of the biggest reasons he left LA, got tired of his fancy house w being at risk of burning down

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does your nation or the state subsidizes people to live in these high risk regions?

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Some family :marseyjoe: friends :marseymeangirls: of ours lost their house :marseythomasbangalter: today. Prayers to everyone :marseynorm: going :marseyhey: through this


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