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Things are starting get a little spicy in Korea but hold on....


When I was about 9 years old this guy came to our school and showed us a slide show of pictures from this country that used to be Zaire :marseyboomer: back then, under the Mobutu regime. Some of them were of shops with the windows busted out and stuff. He explained that the army came and stole everything. I think to myself "WTF do you do when the army is stealing? You can't call the cops." That's the moment when baby Redactor started trying to understand this stuff.

Related situation in Korea today. I have no idea what the frick is going to happen here. Who do you call when the Secret Service is fighting the cops? Nobody wants to talk about this but it could be like boomer times (I mean "boomer" in the sense of me, the 1980s this time) where the army decides it. They refused to follow Yun's totally psycho order for martial law but after that the opposition went into full psycho mode too reminding everyone that they're all extremely corrupt, Communist, and probably from Jeolla-do. Seriouspost: My guess is that the army won't get involved but the threat of the army getting involved will get one side or the other to back down before it comes to that. And it probably won't be mentioned in the media because that would be embarrassing.

So what's gonna happen?


The ROK army is a conscript army. Every male in the nation is supposed to serve. (In practice these days half of them are draft dodgers, but that's not relevant here except it pisses me off.) If you're an r-slur (virtually certain since you're reading these words right now) you might think "conscript" is a bad thing. You're imagining hordes of ziggers charging through an open field because somebody said there's vodka on the other side. That's not what it's like. It's a normal part of growing up that everyone does. Everyone has done this since 1950s. Your dad did this. Your grandfather was in the war. The entire national identity is about the boy in the army and his mother caring about him. Forget the "Independence Fighters" and Yi Sun Sin and turtle ships and whatever. This is what Korea is about and the fact that some white guy is saying this so brazenly proves it must be true. What I'm trying to say is that the ROK Army basically embodies the nation of Korea. (Note that I've repeatedly said stuff to draw out any Korean lurkers to get pissed off at me and possibly share with us..)

Anyway there's a bunch of old generals making decisions now. They're constrained because if they give an illegal order, zoomer Korean troops will just frick off and play Starcraft. But the leftoids are basically trying to bite defeat out of the jaws of victory here. They're really really overplaying their hand, acting like the right-wing butthole being in trouble somehow makes people like the left-wing butthole. Incredibly stupid, but that's everything the Korean left has done my entire life.

Redactor prediction: I think something will happen this week. No idea which side. This is gonna be decided by a bunch of 60-year old ajussis in smoke-filled rooms playing 3-dimensional chess. That kind of thing is totally opaque to a person who is far from fluent in Korean.

Anyway, Korean bros and sisters I'll be praying for you.

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>Who do you call when the Secret Service is fighting the cops?


!burgers , gaze upon store-brand Japan and behold a vision of your own future.

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Well well well if it isnt jimbo WALES


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the welsh complaining like they're oppressed

It's been literally a thousand years. Get over it. You're English now.


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Jimmie Whales @JimieWhales


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Goddamit I was trying to make a joke about Jonah but the way "whales" is introduced here, it's not something you can build off of.

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Never ask a welshman where his ancestors were before the industrial revolution.

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!remindme 8 hours

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I will be messaging you on 09.01.2025, 21:08 UTC to remind you of this comment

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>Sheep in photo

They can't help it, geg :marseythumbsup:

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Those are the fairies.

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Forget the "Independence Fighters" and Yi Sun Sin and turtle ships and whatever.

Done! It's like I never even knew about them.

!friendsofredactor0 good koreanposting

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In practice these days half of them are draft dodgers,

Is it because they're all in kpop bands? :soyjakdancing2: Or do they have to join too?

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OMG you just opened up a huge can of worms.

This is a huge thing in k-pop. They're prancing around, doing what they call "dancing" (b-word you ain't gonna make it in the Bolshoi) so they can't claim disability.

So this is a huge thing for every k-pop boytoy. They can get it delayed for a few years but eventually you gotta go. This is a huge thing because (another can of worms)...

I'll summarize by saying that in Korea they don't pretend these guys are just some beach bum who played his guitar really well or something. Everyone understands that these bands are manufactured. A heck of a lot of money is on the line. So in both entertainment and business news they'll be betting on which year he chooses. Most of them just do paperwork or something for a year (there are exceptions) hoping that anybody will still give a shit about them afterward. It's teenage girls who drive this and they're really fickle so either you're done or... you're a legend. You're so great, you transcended this!

Some of those guys then turn out to be male feminists.


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Some of those guys turned out to be both male feminists.

WTF? I love K-pop now.

:donkeykongr: :donkeykonga: :donkeykongp: :donkeykonge:

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This is not what I was aiming for. Every time I post...

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I swear to God, South Korea is only relevant because of k-pop and Kim Coom Un and his nukes

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Have you ever looked inside your computer, r-slur? All those little things that have "KOREA" written on them in big letters were actually made in Korea.

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The only thing that has "MADE IN KOREA" written on them are the mail order brides I buy at dollar store whores.

I have never seen KOREA inside my computers. It has MAC OS California written every time I check

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mail order bride

Are you like 80 years old? Korea has been a first-world country my entire goddarn (way too long) life. It's not whatever the heck you saw on The Big Picture in your black and white times.


I already know you're an r-slur and massive cute twink but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Is that saying the company in Malaysia did it for Apple?

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The Republic of Samsung is beyond 1st world bud

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Republic of Samsung

This isn't any republic. Get on your knees and praise the royal family, peasant.


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I don't know what a Malaysian Apple is, I'm talking about my computer, COOMcel

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Nobody gives a shit about that and even SK knew this, that's why they started punping money into K-pop. Korea had zero soft power or cultural influence in the world.

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That's not historically accurate. :marseysmughipskorean:

Korea has an export-oriented economy and the main export is RAM. The secondary one is various electronics that they compete with Taiwan on.

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You know who's not a draft dodger?


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I didn't dodge the draft. I just said i would shoot somebody and showed my family was heavily involved organized crime .

Shit they just told my dad and uncle to go home when they showed up for conscription

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  • X : :marseyfuckyou: Mary Senstad

he's not a meal dodger either


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Nice to see praetorians stick with incumbent for once :marseymarmotroman:

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Coin flip. These guys could have just ruined their lives if the other side wins.

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Exactly, that's why it's so rare.

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What's the left done to sabotage themselves?

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OMG where do I start:

Narrowing the scope to the last month:

After they impeached the president they impeached his successor. There's now one guy left in the chain of succession and they're talking about impeaching him. But who cares? You don't need a president. Lebanon hasn't had one for years and they're doing just fine. Frick it, drive on.


It's hard to summarize but basically their party has a reputation for blatant corruption (their leader is like Trump and Netanyahu, running for office to get out of jail). And doing anything to get power. They're doing it again but the Korean public (unlike most countries) aren't completely r-slurred so they see what's going on.

In general, really broadly: They're the North Korean side. The left are simping for North Korea in some kind of winking "we want peace" kind of way. The right like America. Back in boomer times when there was a dictatorship they recruited a lot of tards. So the left is based on these aging ajussis and ajummas (people who are middle-aged now). This is a huge disadvantage with everyone else. North Korea is really unpopular with them. Sucking North Korea's balls is the core ideology of the Korean left and most of the country doesn't like that.

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If they love North Korea so much, why don't they go live there?


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Exactly. They talk about how misunderstood it is but nobody actually wants to live in a country run by commies. So basically they b-word about America 24/7 (there was a traffic accident 30 years ago where a kid got killed!) to signal which side of the political spectrum they're on, but if they ever get in trouble they beg us for help.

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NKcels are paranoid about spies, just like any totalitarian shithole.

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In general, really broadly: They're the North Korean side. The left are simping for North Korea in some kind of winking "we want peace" kind of way.

Ah, so like the KMT in Taiwan.

Looks like both sides will overplay their hand, and who knows what will happen next.

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They have. Total shitshow. I'm gonna try to write about it tonight. :marseyfacepalm:

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I don't have enough spoons to read this shit

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I'll give you a fricking spoon. When is the last time you said a nice thing about me?

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Conscription would probably be fine if it was for both genders or if there was some protection for men so they aren't just coming back to being told to frick off because all the jobs have been taken by women who had it easy for two years while the men were busting their asses

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On the other hand we could issue bare midriff uniforms to the female troops and pretend we're still in the early 2000s.

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Ah, the Israeli method.

If you are smoking hot, 6ft tall, Jewish, nice boobs, wear OD green and film yourself shooting grenades into Gaza....

DM me Immediately

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having them be eye candy for the male conscripts might fix some of the birth rate issues

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I'm just tossing out suggestions here. Maybe the RAND Corporation will do the math on it someday.

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Remo Williams the Adventure Begins...

...and ends quickly when the movie flops.

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Frick you. Frick you. I don't get mad here often but frick you.

The Statue of Liberty scene cost a fortune so they had to cut back on the ending. What did you want? Commando? Something just completely fricking braindead where it's guys getting shot by our hero?

It's got young Kate Mulgrew in a 1980s army skirt. What the heck more do you want?

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If I want to see a young Kate Mulgrew I can watch Mrs. Colombo.

Fun fact: Mrs. Colombo also featured Rene Aberjonis and Sally Kellerman- both Star Trek alumni. Kellerman was in 'Where no man has gone before'- the second pilot of TOS- and Aberjonis would later play Odo in DS9.

Kellerman also played Hot-Lips Hoolihan in the movie version of MASH while Aberjonis played the camp chaplain, Father Mulcahy.

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If I want to see a young Kate Mulgrew I can watch Mrs. Colombo.

Yeah but is she in a skirt? (Wait actually if she is in a skirt...)

Sally Kellerman

The fact that I immediately knew who this person was says a lot about me as a person. And I'm not sure it's good.

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If you're an r-slur (virtually certain since you're reading :marseymoreyouknow: these words :marseypop2: right :marseythis: now) you might think :marseygigathonk: "conscript" is a bad thing. You're imagining hordes of ziggers charging through an open field :marseytradwifedaisy: because somebody said there's vodka :marseyisafuckingkitty: on the other side. That's not what it's like. It's a normal :marseychartgaussian: part of growing up that everyone :marseynorm: does. Everyone :marseynorm: has done this since 1950s. Your dad did this. Your grandfather was in the war. The entire national :marseyauthright: identity :marseyremember: is about the boy in the army and his mother :marseykiwimom: caring about him.

Isn't a huge part of their social :marseyphoneglued: issues caused by the conscript :marseysalutesingapore: army? The boys go off for a couple :marsey2commies: years then come back to benefits the girls :marseyblops2chadcel: didn't have. Then the girls :marseyblops2chadcel2: helped make sure those benefits were removed and the guys are now 2 years behind :marseylookingbackthong: due to conscription so they're pissed.

Or something :marseysmugface: of that nature :marseymushroom:

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Some lurker out there could probably answer this question easily.

As an outsider:

That was more of an issue in the past. They aren't getting sent to Vietnam these days.

Keep in mind that this is a really small country. Very different from the US military. They're going back home and visiting their parents on a regular basis.

The thing about losing years of your life: Yeah. This is the key point that the old man was pissed off about, not getting shot at by commies.

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Sure what I was discussing were business :marseysuit2: benefits after serving

To my knowledge :marseyreading2: men were fast tracked to leadership (besides the typical connections and whatnot) because it was a kind of off the table :marseyscaredearthquake: benefit of being ex military :marseyoctopusglow:

Women obviously thought :marseymindblown: they were being overlooked when they've got 2 years seniority on these guys that're now their boss. This lead to mutual resentment in the business :marseybroker: world :marseyww1german2: that spilled over into the personal lives

All of this is a huge oversimplification but you get the gist

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In the generation after the war there wasn't any Confucian bullshit like Malcom Gladwell made a million dollars orientalizing. Your social status was what rank you had in the war. I don't know the right term but basically you can tell people wtf to do and they do it.

Korean women in the 1960s-1970s: In their culture the woman is the one spends money so women were doing real estate deals.

Women obviously thought they were being overlooked when they've got 2 years seniority on these guys

Not sure what timeframe we're talking about. In most of the 20th Century men and women weren't competing for jobs. There were jobs for men and jobs for women. And the kind of labor people are doing in Korea is changing really fast.

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Is draft dodging really that common? I know rich :marseyindignantgook: like @KoreanFailedCoupKing use their family connections to get cushy desk jobs for their national service, but I thought true draft dodging was quite rare

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Last I saw it's about 50% of men actually did it. A lot of these guys who didn't, probably most of them, have legit disabilities. In WW2 I don't even know if America had a better rate.

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In WW2 the biggest health issues were malnutrition, which often was paired with chronic disease like TB or shingles

Today, we somehow have even fewer fit individuals because they all have GigaBeetus from inhaling corn syrup

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In the USA we started diagnose every other kid with ADHD :marseyinsane: or ASD :marseyautism: because they made bad grades but then they weren't allowed to join the military

:marseynotes: "Yikes... it says here that you are mentally r-slurred. That's not allowed!"

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We just need a big ol war, and an enterprising Business Intelligence enthusiast at the DOD who likes to make projections showing the line going up

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Then how does Air Force find any recruits?


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Draft Dodging is super common amongst the Leftoids. Cushy desk jobs are hard to get because its randomized but the upper class will have military connections to make sure that its not "truly random" but its still not a guarantee it will be a desk job. If anything the Rightoids will try to get into SOF units to become Korean Dan Bilzerian.

My family aren't draft dodgers. We're far too oldblood to dodge :marseyannoyed: Both sides of my family are tall for Gooks so we get cushy DMZ positions to heightmog the Norks for psyop campaigns.

Lots of Gooks do unnecessary surgeries, get giga-fat, frick up their joints, rip out their teeth or just flee the country to evade the draft.

Dumbfricks don't even realize that you just have to pretend to be giga-neurodivergent and then you'll get a cushy job and wont even be allowed to touch a gun.

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>Be manly

>Become infantry :marseysoldierrussia:

>Play Starcraft 2 all day

>Cushy desk job :marseyantiwork2:

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Thanks :marseythumbsup:

Did YOU do your part for your country, or did you dodge?

:#marseysmirk2: :#marseynotesglow: :#marseywink:

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I'm even dumber than Korean Conscripts



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He volunteered! Thank you for your service lmao :marseyxd: :marseysalutearmy:

I actually met a Korean dude once whose goal was to join the US military. Wonder if he ever did, and if he was going to do that to avoid doing Korean military service or something :whostrollingwho:

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If you have the choice between the two, always pick burger. You can get a mustang out of it at least.

You get physical and emotional abuse in gookforce but no mustang :marseyxd:

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The Koreans are a failed civilization example #1092357534. Every metric suggests that South Korea is a successful nation except for having too watch them actually do things. In 30 years time North Korea is going too take over South Korea and that will be the end of it.

Jewish lives matter.

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Your country is literally like 100x bigger but you're not more important. Curious.

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Evolution doesn't care how important a species is in terms of popularity among teenage girls. Only that it succeeds in spreading its progeny across the planet.

Jewish lives matter.

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Someone needs to get a can of Raid and spray you


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They are immune to chemical attacks https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736426641mRP12XdQG5lV-A.webp


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snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes saar....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...vindaloo I smell?

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Jokes on you. The raid only makes @Fresh_Start stronger.

Jewish lives matter. @Fresh_Start got 80 coins on the removed comment. XD

Edit: lmaooooo 71 more on this one.

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Frick yeah. Joel Grey is the greatest Korean of all time.


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This is the single most bizarre casting decision I've ever seen. There were a bunch of asian actors in Hollywood then who could have played that at least as well. But apparently the director was like "It has to be Joel Grey. I won't make this movie if I don't get Joel Grey."

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All else aside, I bet Baby Redactor was adorable.... :marseyembrace:

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