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Chuds in SHAMBLES as their leader Nigel Farage says govt should 'consider' bringing back Shamima Begum :soyjihadi: :hijabwojak:




The Context :yawn:

Shamima Begum was an 'ISIS Bride' who lived off :marseybong: british gibsmedats before moving to her shithole of origin to establish a caliphate.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736545388TFCcd0JwTMxh4Q.webp :vo#mit:

after :marseytrump: MOABed the shit out of them :marseymushroomcloud: she was one of the hordes of hopeful returners to the British taxpayer's teat :marseylolcow:

Naturally this is :marseybong: Cuck Island :marseybong: so there was a :slapfight: about whether the government should continue to give free money to its sworn enemies who fought overseas with the stated aim of killing British servicemen and their allies :marseyhmm: real conundrum!

Naturally all of the :marseynorf: (who aren't racist, just don't loik em) fell on the 'keep them out' side.


In the middle of all this she somehow became a role model, gracing magazine covers :marseyconfused2:

The Drama

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has said the UK government should consider allowing Shamima Begum, who left the country to join the Islamic State group in 2015, to return to the UK.

Big man Nige, never one to shy away from cuckoldry, has done a messaging 180 and proudly affirmed the return of the caliphate! :marseyinshallah: :chudmuslim: inshallah brother Nigel :praiseallah:

Don't get uppity :marseysaluteusa: burgers, you cute twinks hired some (((Hungarian))) who is now saying the same thing :marseysmug2: :marseysmughips:

"Gorka argues that if we and other European countries don't take back these people and put them in prison here, they will get out of prison under the new Syrian regime, leading to a problem that in the end we may all have to fight," Farage said.

>These people are a terror risk in the new Syrian Regime (that we helped to topple) so we have to keep them here in our borders :marseybrainlet: :marseygigaretard:

Seriously, where do you find these people? Holy frick :marseyemojirofl:

Cope + Seethe

UK Chud Containment sub not happy

Biggest issue with Nige is his rabid atlanticistism. Enoch Powell realised that you can't be pro-america and pro-britain at the same time.

:marseyredcoat: 1812 will commence again fellow bongs :marseyxd: any day now

He's an idiot, why even talk about it? He should know it's an unpopular opinion for his supporters.


Farage is literally just Trumps bum boy. Trump says bring them back, so Farage says bring them back.


Green line test confirms this thesis :marseydetective: :marseyinvestigate:

ITV news are a hostile media platform and one of many agents of demoralisation.

Help!! :chudtantrum: I'm being DEMORALISED by a fricking news article!

Twitter Chuds also not taking the news well

Please. Do not trust Farage. He is a snake 🐍 and a back stabber. Reform is a good idea but he is a Tory Toff who has ingratiated himself with the National Populist Movement. Probably an MI5 tout

:marseysnoo: Le MI5!!! god what are you the fricking IRA? :marseyxd: chuds are so obsessed with themselves :marseysigh:

Reform are suposed to be the party removing these people not bringing more in. I'm starting to think Reform might just be the same as the other two if this is true

Hmmm I think I might be onto something.. :marseydetective: Politicians.... are liars?? :marseyschizowall: stop the fricking presses

Labour voters are having a struggle session about agreeing with Satan

This is one thing I'll agree with Farage on (though like you, I don't believe his motives are sincere. He's just stirring shit). She was a British citizen.

:marseydisagree: She paid the $2k-ish fee :marseymerchant: and took a Year 7 history test. That means she's us. She's one of ours. It happened here. :marseycrying:

Why on earth would you want her back? How is this even a debate?

We don't but it is our problem, she is British and Britain allowed her to be radicalised.

https://media.tenor.com/KCODYbCWolEAAAAx/diddy-stare.webp i know this neighbour didn't just fricking say that

He's completely right. I dislike Farage a great deal, and I am shocked he has said this, but he is right.

She doesn't deserve sympathy. If she comes back, let her face British justice

British justice, like when you let a machete murderer walk free after 5 months jail? :marseyexcited:

He's right! She's a British person who was groomed as a minor.

Oh suddenly we care about Brits getting groomed as minors? :marseysmug2: :marseysmughips: :marseysurejan:

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:marseydisagree: She paid the $2k-ish fee :marseymerchant: and took a Year 7 history test. That means she's us. She's one of ours. It happened here. :marseycrying:

Don't play this "lolllllll I was just pretending to make you a full citizen" schtick. Things don't only work when you want it to.

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yes they do

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Cis women aren't women

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She was born in the UK though! She literally doesn't have citizenship anywhere else. I get the impulse to not want her back, but the UK owes it to other countries to take her back and stick her in prison, if nothing else.

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Honestly, would


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I read somewhere she's still living in some refugee camp in fricking Syria or bumfrickistan or whatever and she's got to be careful, because everyone else in the camp is still on board with Isis and would 100% stone her to death if they found out she was renouncing all her beliefs to try to get back to the UK.

Which makes the thought of her sneaking off and quickly changing in and out of kufar garb for these little western media photo shoots extra lolballs to me.

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She can claim asylum in my bedroom


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>She can claim asylum in my bedroom


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736547957Th2PpNYurNErsg.webp !builtfor !BWC !whites

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ISIS treated their women like puppy mills, so imma pass.

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Imagine the smell

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Oh I am :marseycoomer:


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would eat an easy winter stew indeed


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Bring her back

Put her in his majesty's dungeon

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>his majesty

I still can't get used to the bongs having a king, not a queen.

It just feels wrong.

The bongs need to bully him into transitioning.

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you know he's our king, too?


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Yeah, but he doesn't live here.

Expecting the average Aussie to get on a plane (do we even have planes in Australia yet?) fly over to the great urban wilderness of Britain, just to demand the king get a s*x change or step down, feels like a big ask.

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that's because you're a republicel with no devotion to the Empire :marseyrulebritannia:


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>you're a republicancel


That implies I care one way or another whether the parasites that glut themselves at the public tit wear crowns or not.

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She needs to be repatriated, or at least sterilised, before she can pollute the hot Syrian woman population with uggo bong babies.

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She had 3 kids (dead) over there already

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uggo bong

It's worse, she's :marseypuke: Bangloid. No amount of Levantine bimbo cosmetic surgery can fix terminal Bangloidism.

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b-word looks like pepe

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Shamima? Eye barely knowa!

Trans lives matter

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UK Chud Containment sub not happy:

Biggest issue with Nige is his rabid atlanticistism. Enoch Powell realised that you can't be pro-america and pro-britain at the same time.:

He's an idiot, why even talk about it? He should know it's an unpopular opinion for his supporters.:

Farage is literally just Trumps bum boy. Trump says bring them back, so Farage says bring them back.:

ITV news are a hostile media platform and one of many agents of demoralisation.:

Twitter Chuds also not taking the news well:

Please. Do not trust Farage. He is a snake 🐍 and a back stabber. Reform is a good idea but he is a Tory Toff who has ingratiated himself with the National Populist Movement. Probably an MI5 tout:

Reform are suposed to be the party removing these people not bringing more in. I'm starting to think Reform might just be the same as the other two if this is true:

This is one thing I'll agree with Farage on (though like you, I don't believe his motives are sincere. He's just stirring shit). She was a British citizen.:

Why on earth would you want her back? How is this even a debate?:

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Britain allowed her to be radicalized

I know this dummy probably means something to the effect of "institutional racism pushed this poor woman towards extremism" but it's really the lax attitude that Bongs have had to extremism that's lead to this.

Even now, this woman who went and assisted a terrorist group that brought ruin to the lives of many Muslims and Arabs because she wanted a quick way to LARP as someone important, is being defended by Britbongs because she didn't actually terrorize other Brits so it's okay for her to retain her citizenship where she will likely be treated very leniently by their justice system.

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