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Husband makes the mistake of complaining about wife :marseyboomer: , Reddit's Wife Defence Force storms in :marseyfeminist: :snipsnip:




I just ran an event. It was so meaningful to me.

Bla bla bla this :marseypedo: libertarian coach cute twink did some gay sporting event involving children

I called someone on my ride home and talked for 30 minutes, all smiles.

I get home late and I'm glad to finally relax. I bellyflop onto the bed and do a dramatic sigh.

:marseysquint: this reads like a woman wrote it but ok

My wife says, "did you come in from the garage? Is the laundry done?" I say I don't know. "Get off the bed, I just washed the sheets."

:marseymanysuchcases: scrotes disrespecting household labour :marseydisagree:

I said okay and left the room. She followed me and said she didn't know what she did wrong. Asked me if we could start over. I said sure. She told me about her day, said she wants to hear about mine but she's tired and hopes she will fall asleep soon. "Do you still want to tell me about it?" No thanks. The end.

That's it. Idk how to explain it. She knew how important it was. She knew the effort. She knew I was genuinely excited to talk about it. She knew. She knows.

Basically this uncaring harlot doesn't give a solitary frick about her husband or anything he does :marseypikachu2: Let's see if Reddit gave this moid a safe space to vent

So…when you were at your highest, you didn't call your wife; you called a friend. That says a lot about the lack of support you expect from her.

βœ… It was actually your fault :marseyagree:

Think hard about this one kiddo, she should have been with you. Why wasn't she?

If it's important to them; yes.

That's largely silly, just because he had time to coach doesn't mean she wasn't working, or watching 3 kids, or had laundry,

Expecting support from your life partner is 'largely silly' because of :marseynotes: laundry

Seriously, I feel like we need to hear her side in this particular situation. The fact that he came in, and while I'm just going off of what OP told us, I imagine he didn't say anything until he "slumped" on the bed and sighed??!! Who's so happy and excited and then lays exhaustingly on the bed and lets out a dramatic sigh??!! She's probably sick of shit honestly.

https://media.tenor.com/USMKa-KRtlMAAAAx/spongebob-riot.webp YEAH FRICK THIS CUTE TWINK AND HIS HAPPINESS

I feel like there's more to this. Why talk to someone else for 1/2 an hour? Why does she not respond to you? I am hearing a lot of negativity towards her but maybe you don't give her that attention.

My ex husband used to put so much time and effort into everyone else.

>be miserable c*nt

>husband prefers other people

:marseyshook: :marseyfoidretard:

You should have told the truth. Yes, you DID want to talk about it. Burying the feelings doesn't help anyone. Communication is key.

:marseyindignant: clueless scrote. You have to treat your wife like an r-slured toddler and tell her explicitly what to do all the time. :marseyclueless: She'll love that!

I also would feel very hurt if I spent hours cleaning and my husband just came and slept on sport clothes in the fresh bed

Plus he gets directly to bed.. Like what did the kid eat? Was that mom's responsibility?

https://media.tenor.com/BG9HYx3F7mQAAAAx/side-eye.webp uh, yes? :marseyconfused:

I think this one is on you for deciding not to tell her about your day after the whole exchange was said and done.

Reading this, I thought props to her for asking to start over at all. If I was home doing chores and my husband came in, didn't say anything to me and immediately went and laid on clean sheets without changing - a big pet peeve of mine - I'd be pissed.

You mean to tell me Redditors are unlovable psychopaths :marseyshook:

How much of the household management was left to your wife?

Every single r-slur in this thread is explicitly concerned with the fact that :marseyfoidretard: had to lift a solitary finger and not be waited on hand and foot 24/7

As a woman who often carries the mental load despite many many attempts to create systems that divvy it up more equally with my partner,

https://media.tenor.com/W3VDyi6qpHsAAAAx/eyeroll-the-rock.webp sounds like a fun relationship!

Exactly. All while he was out enjoying his hobby to the fullest extent expecting her to be jubilant after her full day of chores. It doesn't sound good.

Maybe it's because I'm a :marseydudesrock: moid but I'm actually fully capable of both performing menial household tasks AND not being a miserable c*nt about it! My DMs are open ladies :marseyxoxo:

I'm still on team foid though because he sounds like more of a woman than she does. :marseytrain2:

Whose side are you on for this extremely tepid drama?

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Let me translate all of the comments in every single moid vs foid post:

im a miserable c*nt in a miserable relationship with a miserable c*nt of a husband. As a foid I am incapable of objectivity and immediately proejct myself as the foid in every story posted (its called being the empathetic gender, sweaty), and thus will immediately side with the foid and blame the scrote for everything no matter how many logical hoops I have to go through, because as a foid I'm also a terminal narcissist and just like I never feel in the wrong for any ill in my relationships (and there are many ills), so can the foid in that story never possibly be in the wrong, since as I explained I project myself onto her so her doing anything wrong would mean I could have done something wrong, but as a girrlboss that is simply impossible since scrotes are the source of all ills and women are perfect and wonderful and responsible for all good in the world, and thus I am perfect and wonderful and responsible for all good in my world".

Sometimes I hate women so much it actually hurts.



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Wow you seem well-adjusted :derpthumbsup:

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I cant breeeeeed

Although being insulted like that by a pollack kinda stings, ngl :marseymad:

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