3rd worlders is this true?

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i unironically hate voice notes :marseyraging: listening to something for a minute vs reading a text in a few seconds :marseyfuckyou:

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Look at the fricking screenshot conversation.





The same guy talking for like 10 minutes, who the frick has the patience lo listen to that?

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>hey....uh... So....um... Do you want to get dinner....uh .. maybe... Uh .... Chipotle?


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3rd worlders can't spend a second of their waking lives not hearing someone babble away

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Yes, but you can read.

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Let's say you type at 120wpm. The bar for office jobs is 30. Imagine that same 4x discrepancy in reading speed


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who doesn't?! what is this tho ?? do people just communicate via voice notes?!

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Voice notes are female coded, I've only ever gotten them from women

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I'll get them twice a year from an alcoholic friend. But I assume he's too drunk to type but wants to express how much he cares for the friend group.

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My gay friend sends them sometimes.

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you mean you're transwomen friends.

@Salvadore_Ally stand with Israel. Jewish claws made @Salvadore_Ally type this.

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I've only ever gotten them from women who hang out with black dudes so this is really tracking :taymindblown:

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idk but it fits my racist worldview so I'm gonna say it's true

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is this why so many black people facetime all the time?

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Oh, that's what they're all doing while walking around in public yelling into their phone holding it a foot away from their face.

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>If i get a 3min vn I call the person and tell them to personally get fricked and block them forever. Incompatible


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:marseymindblown: I was wondering why a lot of Latinx people only send voice notice or say they are an auto dictator on language exchange apps. I thought they were trying to practice speaking/listening. Had no idea it could mean they are illiterate.

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You see this with older Chinese people too especially from the villages, that or they just don't really know how to text so it's a hassle to use the handwriting input to send a long message :marseyshrug:

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!macacos agora que esse FDP tocou no assunto eu reparei que pelo menos pela minha experiΓͺncia existe uma correlação entre preferir mandar Γ‘udio/texto e classe socioeconΓ΄mica/educacional


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Eu mando Γ‘udio quando estou dirigindo.

Eu odeio o pessoal que manda Γ‘udio de 4 ou 5 minutos. Eu acho que tem mais a ver com a idade que questΓ£o socioeconΓ΄mica, o meu pai por exemplo manda esses Γ‘udios de 2 ou 3 minutos e reclama que o pessoal da minha idade fica mandando mensagem em vez de ligar. E quando ele tΓ‘ no telefone ele fala por 15-20 minutos.

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I can't read this comment and I probably couldn't listen to it either

but I can sure smell it

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Cheiro de churrasco de familia com o pai discutindo com o seu tio petista :marseygrilling2:


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Na minha famΓ­lia nΓ£o tem PTista safado. A minha avΓ³ bolsominion jΓ‘ briga com o meu pai que Γ© PSDBista amante do FHC, nΓ£o quero nem imaginar um PTista

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Toda familia tem que ter um petista. Se vocΓͺ nΓ£o conhece Γ© porque Γ© vocΓͺ :#chudconcerned:

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A minha tia (irmΓ£ do meu pai) era comunista quando era estudante na faculdade (do tipo que ia em protestas), isso serve? Eu lembro quando ia no apartamento dela quando era pequeno que tinha livros do Karl Marx e do Che Guevara na estante dela.

O engraçado é que hoje em dia ela virou chudette. Ela foi completamente moggada despois de anos trabalhando na no sistema público de saúde no ponto que ela acredita que deveria ser todo privatizado kkk.

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Wrong country r-slur. We're not India and people here bath once or twice a day which is more than we can say about euros and greasy burgers

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:marseysniff: smells like fried macaco

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There is nothing I would rather hear less than someone's voice coming from my phone

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Voice notes only exist because zoomers don't know what a phone call is

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Imagine not being able to read lmao like just go from left to right lmao just thartp slidjidit crowmpanouning lmao

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Grimble vorst the yandrell flister, plooming bracely through the quindle

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One handy thing about using Google Voice is I have an excuse for not being able to get audio messages. :marseywholesome:

(I think they actually come through but they're heavily compressed garbage.)

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