A prolific nazi meme account on twitter is revealed to be run by a jew :marseypearlclutch: :m!arseymerchant: Chuds of all colors and creeds are slapfighting hard in the wake of such a scandalous betrayal :chudseethe:


Neither you or anyone else know anything about my ancestry, you r-slurred dumbass cute twink.

Not embedding for some reason :marseyshrug:

"I'm not a Jew!" Admits he has Jew blood lol the joke writes itself

:marseymerchant: Also have some West African blood. Guess that gives me an N word pass

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

This is embarrassing.

Just give it up.

His nazi friends aren't happy :marseysad:

this one hurts ๐Ÿ˜ข

Such an awful betrayal :marseytears:

Sounds like you give a frick a little bit. Just saying

:marseymerchant: Not in the slightest, fren.

71 words to tell people your not Jewish.

You sure are desperate LMAO

:marseymerchant: You counted the words?

Maybe joining the nazis as a jew is a bad idea? :marseyquestion:

:marseymerchant: Depends whether or not you want to listen to a bunch of r-slurs

:chudsmug: You are an ethnic jew and I was correct. I may be r-slurred but at least I'm not jewish. Thanks for proving my jewdar, jewish chad.

The two combatants face to face :marseypopcorntime:

Reminder that Yeshua, who Gnostic Media worships, is literally jewish.

:chudsmug: this doesn't work in 2025 anymore you God darned jewish chad

:chudsmug: interesting how the (((pagans))) who defended Adam Green also are simping for this jew and not even retorting what I'm saying. Most of the dissident internet is ran out of Tel Aviv.

I need to spend more time among the chuds, I don't even know what jewish chad means :marseychudnotes:

thats jake shield's employee, who also has been calling everyone jewish whether there is some proof or he makes it up entirely to slander them. total piece of shit


You are arab and he is a kรฎke

No aryan should listen to your drama, get a job stop farm engagement.

And ye, i blocked the jew aussie already

:chudsmug: I'm White and have posted my picture several times you fricking r-slur


See?! Fricking happy now? GOD it's so exhausting listening to you fricktards call literally ANYONE you don't like a jew. You know what that does? It's like when libtards started calling everyone racist. It loses its meaning. And we are WAY too early into the Great Noticing for 1/

any of that shit. Stop fricking self-sabotaging us. Or wait, maybe it's because you're.....

Anyway, we love you fren! Keep up the good work!

Nazi complains that nazis are r-slurred :lelolidk:


I'd rather you be jewish ๐Ÿฅด

Yuck.. Take your trash opinions elsewhere

Ooops friendly fire :marseyflagaustraliagenocide:

Which one is the surname Garbage or Human?

Well all Jews are garbage not so sure about the human part

Since it's j*wish, we can immediately rule out human

Wait until these guys figure out how many of these based noooticer accounts are actually white :marseywhitegenocide:

Since we're doing this: What religion was your father? Did he identify as part of the Jewish community? What about your grandfather?

Your a fricking idiot catholic catholic and they don't never liked Jews

mothers side Latvian fricking hate Jews and my opa (grandfather) was in the ss Latvian legion my grandma (oma) called Jews rats till they day she died because of what they did to her country

This is not the jew guy btw. Dunno what triggered him :marseyconfused:

show us ya peepee!

Says the wack leftist brain...

Something is truly wrong with you mate..

Get some help..

Lmfao you're a fricking idiot

No, you don't understand, the peepee pick is for research purpose only! :marseycoomer2:

No way you're from Perth, I'm down near Bunbury. That's a spin out ๐Ÿ˜… love your content brother, frick these r-slurs making baseless claims about a surname ๐Ÿ˜‚ you're the man.

He admitted he was a Jew you fricking r-slur

Mourning stage: denial :marseypaperbag:

The determining factor is whether you speak telepathically to your own children,and if they speak telepathically back to you. If your parents spoke to you telepathically while you were growing up, and you spoke to them telepathically, this is the determining factor to be a Jew.

I see :marseynotes:

LOL every single Nazi, Groyper or Wignat is a Jew or a Mexican. LMAO.

Frick you guys are funny.

Saving the white race by being forever alone. ROFL.

Thats totally r-slurred

True, he forgot to mention the :marseytunaktunak: and the :marseyrussianmutt:

Ignore the schizo claims, but we'd appreciate it if guys like you and @lporiginalg

and many others stopped posting mudsharks.

We all know, you don't have to incessantly post about it.

It's counterproductive & paints a distorted image of white women, who race mix the least.

FINALLY someone says it. I've been seeing the same 10 mudshark pics on rotation from not just this account but others too. We get it.

Guys stop being against race mixing, how am I supposed to find a based trad white woman? :whitenationalist:

1/8, good enough for the Reich. Good enough for me. But I'm watching you.

The rest of him is slav tho, Hitler would have killed him either way :marseysmug3:


The master race is in full cope mode :chudseethe:

One drop

Wouldn't that make u part African bc the first humans came from there

That doesn't count! :marseymad:

I am from Serbia and we were independent under Miloลกeviฤ‡. Jews didn't like our self control so they called NATO bombing on us. Miloลกeviฤ‡ was not ideal but he knew about enemies and he actively fought. Yugoslav army was trying to keep banking cartel out of country.

Look at what jews did to Serbia :marseysob:

how do we know that pic is the account owner? I'm not saying the post is a lie I'm just genuinely curious where the info is from. Also some people can have physically Ashkenazi features from ancestry but are still not raised in a Jewish culture because the Jews r-worded Europeans so if a Jew r-worded an aryan in the 19th or 20th century the child may end up having the lineage while his great grandparents were mostly all Christians and every family member he knows being white Christians in the USA

Jews mass r*ped based aryans all across beautiful Evropa :chuditsover:

Frick man definitely Jewish that fricking nose is almost as big as my schlong ๐Ÿ˜‚

Imagine willingly admitting this :marseycringe:

Is there any evidence of this claim? I just see one account going after another.

He admitted in an interview. Look it up

I hate it when people make claims and instead of proving it by citing a source they tell others to do so.

Be the helping hand you so desperately need and do something for yourself for once.

You're the one who wants to know it. Not me. Dumbass.

I know the way the world works and know that 9/10 whenever someone is behaving like you they're just making it up.

Why are chuds so angry all the time? :marseyconfused:

Aren't Jewish people white tho?



That settles it I guess :marseyshrug:


You have an Asian profile picture ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ lmao


I'm white stupid nยกgger lmao

White with an Asian persons picture ??

I'm a happy educated neighbor :)

Bet you won't have that energy in person you'll get spit on and stabbed up. Lol

All sorts of interracial fights are breaking out :marseyfluffy:

I knew he was Jewish the moment he kept posting anti Muslim sht . It's fine to not like Muslims but constantly promoting that crap is a dead giveaway for being jรจwish.

Islam is Judaism for Browns

Islam is for all. Christianity came from the same region, is that only for browns too?๐Ÿ˜‚ Read the Quran if you don't believe me. Only then you'll see how stupid your statement is.

You're Prophet was brown and r*ped kids

He was from the same region as Jesus. So I guess you don't like him either. And you're factually incorrect about the second one. But I understand many people are low IQ and believe things without reading for themselves.

Jesus is White, Muhammad was a shitskin. Jesus is the Son of God, Muhammad was a Camel Jockey Male feminist.

Like I said, low IQ


Many arabs have white skin, doesnt make them white you r-slur

I'm not saying Arabs are white, I'm addressing him specifically talking about the prophet, retร rd. He claims Jesus was white when Jesus came from the same region. Both you and him are retรกrded

Jesus was white though and descended from Joseph. Such as King David. He also spoke greek lol, if you have anything against to saying to it show me one blue eyed blonde "arab (even though arab actually means mixed) or a 100% jew


:marseycrusader: vs :s!oyjihadi:



I don't debate with apes. Shouldn't you be smoking a Newport and plotting some petty crime?

good thing i'm not an ape.

shouldn't you be sleeping with your sister and keeping an eye on the trailer ?



we don't have animal DNA like you



Look it up

Blacula , that's hot off the press. Lowland gorillas have higher IQs . You are a bio weapon directed against white Europeans by caiques


only fans was started by a white man.

interracial marriage in the united states was started by a white man.

pornhub was started by a white man.

all white politicians kiss the wall in israel and push laws that destroy our country.

wouldn't the whites be a bioweapon against blacks? โ˜ฃ๏ธ


You're so close yet so far. . . Jews aren't white.

everyone i mentioned weren't jews.

only fans guy was british, other guys were American.

what do you mean?

Blacks can't even be understand per capita, and the last thing i want to do with my time on earth is to educate blacks.

are you coping and saying the jews made the white man start pornhub? ๐Ÿ’€

sure have a victim mentality for someone who preaches "pick yourself up by your boot straps"

Based black dude tries to teach chuds accountability :marseykneel:

There's a lot more drama but my browser started acting up so that's all you get :marseyunresponsive:

!jannies rightoid infighting :marseypin2:

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