the dejenerate podcast - time for monster 13:34
momentarious ago there was an incident whereby my indication dropped. It does this. It's a sign of interference/compromise when the blue light goes off and then back on. (I think he's talking about his router/wifi). This has happened twice in 48 hours
0:40 Jinxthinker has massive balls- he went to the shop earlier. But there were 2 trucks outside. Then they had both left when he checked again. There was also an incident with a van and someone getting out! Also a new yellow Jeep has appeared, that wasn't there before.
1:30 He saw 2 humans on the way to the store- a tall, elderly suited one and a shorter, younger one. Jinxthinker gave them the eye as he walked past and vaped at them to show he didn't have anything illegal on him(?).
2:45 Something alarming. He pulls up a screenshot of Paradox Game Launcher asking for locations permission. This is fricked up (agreed); you don't need GPS to play EU IV. The Paradox Game launcher sucks, but it's not a hardcore big deal.
- 3:30 It's very badass to say pic related in the current era.
- 4:00 Someone once said, you're allowed to watch pokemon but you're not allowed to have s*x with them. Jinxthinker had a slight inclination to play pokemon, including some ROM hack. The thing is he could best anyone at competitive pokemon.
4:45 AI Navi's are back, then we look at a wrestler named Liv who is more attractive than someone else.
brain pauses
5:40 Someone made a baseball reference to the 3rd inning. This was not a reference to a vagina. Jinxthinker does not discriminate based on vagina looks.
7:00 Jinxthinker is a well renowned woman aficionado. Tomorrow he will eat pizza.
7:30 He had American toast earlier. He had 4 toast slices with marmalade after his breakfast burgers.
8:05 The problem with women these days is they don't appreciate the massive testicles he brings to the table.
8:40 These days if a woman approached jinxthinker for the purposes of intercourse, he would deny her.
9:00 He knew a fricked up woman who didn't like him for spurious reasons- she didn't like his drawings (
). She was foolish
9:30 Here's the secret about pizza- put BBQ sauce and garlic sauce on it.
9:45 Jinxthinker is heartwarmed when he hears people talk about womens. If you are into japanese women wrestling you are 1 step away from Japanese junior idols aka CP.
10:30 He has a fancy of making a new reddit account to infiltrate the wrestling community and provide adults with entertainment of adults right.
10:50 He asked AI what the anime watchers like- they like Attack on Titan, Neon Genesis Evangelion... He plans to fight the anime race by depicting the characters as negros. It will be like when a bunch of them committed suicide because there were negros in Lord of the Rings. Mass suicides predicted as a result of this operation.
12:15 He's just a phile of adults, right. Talks about a good pornography he watched and he can't find the video now.
12:50 There's a facebook page of wrestling & pokemon and there's also on for discussing porn.
13:30 He needs at least 1 monster per day.
!jinxthinkers I also hate the Paradox Game Launcher. I was trying to get into CK3 and now the game just hangs on a loading screen indefinitely. It didn't do that before the Paradox Game Launcher
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I am calling for a total and complete shutdown on women's autonomy until we can figure out what the heck is going on.
the dejenerate podcast - time for monster: (click to archive)
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