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Is it just me or have Redditors become increasingly unhinged since November? I've never seen it this bad

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The BLM summer was probably the worst I'd ever seen it. Just torrents of fedposting about the riots and straight up denial that anything bad was going on (despite ample news coverage).

It was like the Boston Bomber shit but for weeks on end.

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The following Covid spike in Houston that was weeks after the protest and the denial that the motherland of George which had massive protest got Covid from protesting was entertaining.

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it's even completely infested orange site. I remember it being bad on Reddit but this is a new tier IMO. I think MDS might be worse than TDS

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Holy shit the revolutionary larpers in that thread πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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I know redditors aren't known for their attention spans, much less their intelligence, but when there were multiple assassination attempts on the current head of government just a few months ago, they're going to take any further threats significantly more seriously than previously. I wouldn't be surprised to see a handful of redditors getting legitimately jailed and prosecuted if this continues.

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Will !project2025 finally bring about the end of SRD?


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:marseysalutearmy: doing my part

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So many posts, like so many tears in the rain. Fat spergs crying in SRD, like onion rings in a deep fryer.

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Death threats? What death threats? https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646134LCR8cXI7mx28JA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646135EqC2wZ-aAktZqA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646135D7H1y2J6CoH4tw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646135u5xGAeJCjqbkMQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17386461351oa6Q1Cui3NkRg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646135cMlZQf3sKgYNeA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738646136oLWeT9CkHdxG-Q.webp

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And by "Musk posted about it" they mean that he retweeted a screenshot and added a few words to it.

They're acting like he personally sent a C&D but undoubtedly what happened is that the admins knew this was going to start hitting MSM outlets if they didn't cut it off, so they're acting early. The comment threads of many Reddit front page posts right now are full of highly-upmarseyd calls for political violence and revolution, and they know that they have to start pushing back on this.

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You'd think they would tone down the hysteria after 4 years of Trump with no fourth reich stablished, but no. Instead, they doubled down on the unhingedness.

Doesn't help that Reddit pretty much extinguished everyone that was slightly right of Marx, now only the looney :marseytrain2:ies remain

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ive hated reddit for a long time, but it has legitimately become less usable recently, im trying to follow /r/hardware for nvidia gpu stock releases, and ill look at sports subs (not comments for a long time) just to see what is going on, but the banning of twitter and meta links severely lowered reddits usability as a link aggregator and the comment sections on reddit are seriously a tier below what they were even last year, everyone who is not a bot or histrionic radlib or straight up communist has left or been banned.

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but the banning of twitter and meta links severely lowered reddits usability

Tell me about it, Xitter got banned in my country for a month or two. Coincidentally, at the same time, the brazilian reddtsphere (soysphere) got a hundred times worse. Curious innit

Reddit is absolutely unusuable right now, even if you go for niche shit that has NOTHING to do with politics. It's kinda hard moving away from it because ive used it for 10+ years now, kinda like a newspaper

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Holy fricking shit every single post is about Drumpft and Elol :bruh:

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It used to be funny mergings of multiple episodes, or liver-and-onions posting.

Now it's just TRUMP BAD over a single unmodified frame.

Here's a meme I made years ago, in the true spirit of the sub. Elements from four different episodes, seamlessly blended into a masterpiece


The purple drank (a Flaming Moe) was being studied by Dr Frink. The machine declared the secret ingredient was Love ("who's been screwing with this thing??)

In a different episode, the rivalry between Springfield and Shelbyville is brought up, and we're told Shelbyville threatened to spike the water supply. Marge drinks tap water and giggles because the walls are melting again

With that, in the episode with CPS, Marge gets a false positive on her drug test. She proclaims "The only thing I'm high on is love; love for my son and daughters. A little L S D is all I need"

The subtle joke is that I have Marge drinking a Flaming Moe, and her heart begins melting instead as thoughts of the children float around from a Treehouse of Horror episode)

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With subreddits (especially local subreddits) doing a minimum karma requirement you do wonder how normies are supposed to start using the site now

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Anywhere else you're following for GPU stock updates? I've been checking multiple trackers but not one of them has notified me of new stock, so I don't know if they're simply useless or if there's literally no 5080s in Canada.

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someone on this website told me to pay for hotstock, so i am, but only for the 5090

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I was happy at least my local sports subreddit laughed them out of the room. Ofc in college we all gathered to counter protest antifa and Richard Spencer's bunch by yelling quotes from the SpongeBob strike episode.

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Just wait and see how crazy redditors will get in the 3rd Trump term :chudjakbaldspin:

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Jonestown: Reddi:marseytrain2: Edition :marseykino: :soysnooseethegenocide: :soysnootypefastgenocide: :soyjaktantrumgenocide:

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!reportmaxxers get in here, it's a feeding frenzy

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Based neurodivergent

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