Hello Rdrama, it's time for your Minecraft YouTuber Autism fest again!
It's always insightful to engage in a bit of market research.
I gotta know what my contemporaries are up to, my competition!
Ladies and gentlemen the Minecraft YouTuber TommyInnit.
Now I do not want to do a deep dive on who this guy is because I do not feel like writing 1000s of words today.
But the run down is this guy was some 16 year old kid (hes 21 now) who made his way to fame through the Dream SMP Live Minecraft server, which streamed to hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers.
Since then he has fallen out with the YouTuber 'Dream' and the coalition of streamers has split off into two camps. Both r-slurred but arguably the "Tommyinnit" side is worse.
I personally find this guy to be utterly obnoxious, cringe and is the very epitome of the current oversensitivity of Minecraft fans which plague my hobby and source of income.
Here is a timestamped youtube video of the kind of guy he is!
Yeah, she is your mother after all
Tommyinnit fancies himself a bit of a comedian, he does live shows where he charges $60 dollars per ticket to see him do the worse comedy routine ever.
I am utterly convinced that with no practice I could do better than him right now.
(timestamped video, watch like 30s if you can lmao)
In pursuit of his comedic genius, he has started an internet show called "This is the Internet" and the target of my autism today.
I actually really like the idea and concept for the show, where he does like an episode once a month re-capping and making fun of internet trends and stories, like Norm Macdonald but for the zoomies like me!!!!
The one problem is... Is painfully fricking unfunny and bad.
The show starts ok, and I don't have much to say about the intro, other than I would of been funnier to film real homeless instead of an actor.
Then we get to the main shot of his newscaster desk and the amateurish problems become apparent immediately
See that microphone? That is not a prop, that is the actual microphone the audio is coming from, as a result you can hear every microscopic movement he makes on the desk, even movement of his hands, and as the mic has no stabilizer he bumps is constantly!!!
Like its fricking crazy, its a static shot you can just attach a boom mic, and have the desk mic for a backup. And r-slurred production plagues this 20 min video.
Watch Joke
Ok first joke of the episode he looks at his wrist even though he doesn't have a watch, something I like in premise, but I think he holds it too long and it's too obvious that it kind of breaks it.
A better example of this joke is from this timestamp from the Amazing Digital Circus
And how would you follow up this silly 1s gag of a nonexistent watch?
Oh yeah, r-slurred train noises for an excruciating 12s, where he spits everywhere.
And this is a common trend in this video is that TommyInnit does not know when to end a fricking joke.
Like this should of been cut out anyway, but if you had to include it... LIKE 1 SECOND AT MOST
Peepee Joke
Tommy mentions how Magnus Carlson was disqualified from a chess tourney for wearing jeans, which leads to a joke about how he's against wearing trousers and shows that his actually naked below the suit.
Once again, a joke which can work but it should be a more subtle visual gag.
If he had a larger newsroom set or was on location he could have two men carrying a mirror in the background somewhere, which shows his bare butt to the camera while he says something else, not drawing direct attention to it.
Maybe not even have the context of Magnus Carlson at all and just have it has an absurd background visual with no explanation.
example of this type of joke done right from Naked Gun 2 1/2
But at the moment its obnoxious, in your face and goes on way too long.
Goes without saying, CUT THE JOKE SOONER HOLY SHIT!
HOLY SHIT CRINGE, I know hes a kids entertainer but god darn, this is shit you do to make your very very young toddlers laugh
Genuinely this thread is just to make you guys suffer because I had to watch this, so did you
This is obviously meant to be a parody of MrBeast and Hype style Youtubers.
He's doing something lame but biggining it up as something super duper epic, except I dont think he fully commit to the bit.
The music should be more obnoxious, like dubstep or something
He should have like 10 camera angles of the same lame stunt
Tons of ridiculous digital zoom ins and post production motion blur
I would of just said random money figures randomly to take the piss out of their money obsession. (500 dollar bottle of coke wow!)
The biggest problem with the skit is pacing, I believe in a comedy rule which I came up with after watching a horrible Jim Sterling Video.,
"A joke should never take longer than 60s to setup and payoff"
And establishing the parody, the coke and Mentos and the reaction is a tall order for 60s, so in cases like this you need to make the joke evolve somehow.
Have something to break it up into pieces, by sprinkling in smaller jokes in while your building the setup.
You could make a quick jab at overuse of merchandising.
Or ridiculous product placement in the background.
Just something to tithe the viewer over until you can get to that longer punchline. And help further establish the satire element
Now too be fair Tommy mostly avoids this problem, managing to get to the Mentos part within 15s pretty efficiently.
but keep this part in mid for the proceeding....
Where hes taking the piss out of the amount of replays which works, but he just keeps the joke going way way way way too fricking long without any evolution.
I seriously encourage you to watch the whole skit and just be in shock with how long it goes on for
He should of done this replay joke for 20s at most, then hard cut to him choking and almost vomiting up the coke looking and sounding ill because he deepthroated it. as the joke "evolving" by undercutting the extreme editing.
Bonus points if you then pan to a random passer-by looking confused and disgusted.
I am going to skip over a lot of the other shit jokes because its very much the same of what I've already covered
This is just the peak of the amateurish filming. First off how do you mic a scene that badly wtf. Everyone's mic quality is different, did they have 1 mic between them. Legit wtf?? It sounds fricking awful.
And the video is completely fricked up. Look at this shot/reverse shot
The colours and depth of them are completely fricked up, with the tommy shot being incredibly faded out and desatured, which creates a giant disconnect when these two are supposed to be facing each other.
This is further again compounded by the bad audio difference.
Anyway what's this skit about?
Again I encourage you a ton to watch and suffer through this skit, because it's so fricking bad the whole thing should just be cut.
So the premise of the skit if Jack Manifold (also a YTuber) is proposing that Tommy starts making poop content for youtube as an idea, to which they act confused, thus inadvertidly revealing he is into it.
First off this should be filmed handhold style with lots of manual zoom in's on faces and try to emulate the style of the Office.
Poop is such a lame unfunny thing to centre this skit around
This is not an idea that can last 5 mins
A friend and I came up with a concept for the scene to try and make a funny skit out of it.
That instead of poop, Jack is proposing a new mascot for some merch called the "Grapist" where its the mascot of their new grape flavoured juices (you can make fun of prime)
And Tommy and the rest of the boardroom is trying to politely tell him that it sounds like r*pe, but he is oblivious.
You could do a visual joke where he shows a drawing of children sucking the grapists juice sacks, and it looks really really bad, but he just acts innocent and unaware about it.
Edgy but better that POOP FUNNY HEHE!
Serious this is negative comedy
the worse joke in the episode
I have no idea what the fricking joke is here legit.
This was made by a production of a small team, which I unironically could make better by myself.
This fricker has gotten 1m views and I have no idea how anyone finds this guy funny
is this mass psychosis.
I don't think I'm an expert or a pro but holy shit.
I hate modern Minecraft YouTubers. I need to help fix the culture....
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This guy climbed his way to success by playing cancel culture on everyone who gave him a chance.
And now his got an audience has the biggest ego ever, thinking his Bo Burnham 2.
I unironically fricking hate this guy and what he represents
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I hate him too, he sounds like a cute twink.
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Why do r-slur kids follow people like him? Its so obvious he's fake and slimy.
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because they're r-slurred kids
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Some of them have "grown up" with these cute twink streamers, though.
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You should r*pe him (in minecraft) to teach him a lesson
!male feminists
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Not to hate on you too much, but you're also super zoomerfied. Take it down a notch neighba.
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I would never takedown Notch!
He's my top guy
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I respect the r-sluration double down.
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r-slurred youtubers are r-slurred, don't waste your time on them
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These people tend to die after they fall out of the purity spiral or the smallest infraction 20 years ago gets unearthed.
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As someone who somehow wandered into Dream's secret backroom server during the whole speedrun cheating drama (despite me not playing Minecrap in like a decade) the behind-the-scenes stuff was fun to witness
Dude somehow curated the most incredibly neurotic fanbase of fatherless children who would blow up at him for the most insane nonsensical reasons and he would feed into it every single time like an r-slur despite me telling him to just ignore them and focus on pooping out more videos
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I really wish I could speak to Dream off the record,
I don't know if the dude is a genuine r-slur, or if hes just in perma PR mode.
Where does Clayton start and Dream end
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From my personal experiences talking to him over groomercord, he just comes across like a dumb (formerly but still spritually) fat g*mer kid who was never built to handle fame, never mind the insane Homestuck-tier obsessive fanbase he somehow ended up developing
The guy randomly sent me an expensive leet-haxxor g*mer PC setup on a whim one time which was pretty cool but it made me wonder if he often tries to buy friendships like that and it made me feel sorry for him
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!dramatards Are we the master race of the internet?
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No, we !macacos are

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Buy me a new PC, paypig.
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Do it, I laughed at your suggested edits ^^
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If was more popular and could guarantee somewhat of a success part MC content I would, hoping to get to that point by 2026.
Small steps
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You can do it
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why did you steal the real
@Bussy-boy's name
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I dont care, he couldnt have made a good post.
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We are now enemies
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I wish I could have made the effort to make a post this good.
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You're not invited into the groomercord...
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I feel threatened
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You should be, i did nothing to threaten you
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you do realise his target audience is literal four year olds who are being raised by iPads right
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I demand better out of generation Beta,
bunch of fricking cry babies
But for real, Ipad kids don't understand references to A lady having s*x with a 1000 men, or the LA fires.
The target audience is confused and the humour is shit even for ipad kids
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Yes, but that could be OP's audience instead! He's taking the rightful king's monetization!
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RIP Trevor Moore
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Ohhh thats where my friend got it from.
But could totally work with another fruit
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The way you do a peepee joke like that is set it up by saying something like "fortunately, I will never fall foul of this, as I'm not wearing any pants"
Then you leave it. You don't immediately try to punchline it, you let the audience mostly forget that you said it so the payoff can be even better.
Then, you end the show by standing up and walking away, showing that you are indeed wearing no pants.
Good joke. Everybody laughs.
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Yeah thats pretty good, I like that a ton.
But have you considered if you stood up and shouted at the audience for 30s?
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I could definitely take a skit based on just going "hurrrrrrrrrr. durrrrrrrrr. ehhhhhhhhh. uhhhhhhh" at the camera for 30 solid seconds and make it funny.
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That naked gun clip is so good. I wish they still made comedies.
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!genx point and laugh
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but Sizzler hasn't even started the Early Bird Special Dinner yet
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Unironically I think if you want to compete with him and his ilk you need to show your face more often and stream. I think he has the ultimate audience. One captured by a para-social relationship, not actual entertainment or interest. He could probably pull out a Moist Critical and make a video titled "Me ranting for 8 minutes" where he talks to the camera no editing for 8 minutes about some random inconvenience and I think it would do well.
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Honestly you're extremely r-slurred and weird. This shit isnt funny because its for children. Maybe you should pay less attention to fricking minecraft youtubers lmfao
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Wait that's not the same guy from your previous posts.
You baited me into reading all that. I'm not interested in this shit
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I could barely make it through his your mum joke
Kinda? I was gonna joke that you were in that video.
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youtube is a fricking mess. Average people are clearly r-slurred
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Important question before I read this post: does this guy get kitty?
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Yes according to chatgpt
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I don't trust it.
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Guaranteed he could bang 1000s of fans or dozens of clout chasing e-girls. However by being a moralstrag he's opened himself to cancelation by taking any of those options. All they'd have to do is start tweeting about him being an emotionally manipulative groomer abusing a power impalance.
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Yeah, I was wondering if there's a possibility that he'd be able to enjoy the benefits of fame while he's under all this parasocial scrutiny. These zoomer "celebrities" are effectively rendered impotent.
No Kitty For Famous Zoomers
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thumbnail worthy
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you spent time not only watching that video but making this post.. just keep yourself safe now for the good of society
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Good morning I hate reaction and dramatubers
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A lot of tards go on to live kick butt lives. My brother is a tard and now he's a pilot.
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Were you referencing this with the Grapist bit, or are you actually unaware?
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this neighbor an alien pretending to be human
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It's just an stupid quick gag, which catches you off guard with how stupid it is.
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That was awful
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