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:#!marseybooing: BOOOOO!



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This might also be automod pooping itself, something similar happened 4 months ago. :marseynothingburger:

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Chances are they were trying to target subs which are run and used by :marseyfans: bots, but it turns out most nsfw subs fail to exclude that trash.

There are thousands of accounts which have been posting the same handful of photos every 5 mins for years, advertising such paysites. I think the admins let it slide because it makes their traffic stats look better.

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:#marseyitsover: :#carpneverhappenssweater:

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Why would this happen again though. That's what makes it strange :#marseythonk:

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they are probably trying to figure out how to mass cancel all the "threats" against elon and did a whoopsy...

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:#gigac!had2talking: :seetheja!k#:

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/u/Hot-Bit3415 come join us, you seem like a funny guy

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Some of these like thick thighs and boobs are fairly innocuous. Seems like it'd be similar pics to back in the day when we'd find a crusty used playboy collection in the woods.

But most of these, really gets the noggin joggin as to the average redditor's brain wiring. Degeneracy.

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Back when I was a kid, porn was good wholesome fun but now its gone to far

Its like all these rap bands I don't know how they even call it music. You know what I call it CRAP

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Can't spell crap without rap

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As the late, great Curt Henning teaches us. Inshallah

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That scene is completely different if you find the Playboy collection together with its owner. !molested

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Hi king :marseywave2:

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You have to recruit some more molestees to make it worth pinging.

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I'm relying on self ID from people who are gluttons for oversharing metashit

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poopin rn


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Keep us up to date.

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It was a good poop. Bidet works great as usual

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More comments

Pester woot and Ted into joining then?

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I already pinged them and they responded with faux cool. Realistically that's all I expected

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:marseyshrug: Wish I could help you out but I guess I was an ugly child.

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does the hobo with a stack of playboys in the woods count...

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/r/vagina has been banned

About time. :#marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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I just hope /r/bussy has not been banned.

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>Banned 2 years ago


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https://old.reddit.com/r/BannedSubs/comments/1ii8dhw/rkappachino_has_been_banned :marseysad: I was all for the total gooner death but kappachino was really funny.

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Can we reportmaxx /r/losercity to get it banned due to the high amounts of porn and being ban evasion of /r/wordington? :marseyreportmaxxer2: Would reduce the amount of redditors and kids who would try to take anthro women away from me. :marseysnoogenocide: :!marseychad: :marseyfurry:


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wtf wordington too

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I can't believe reddit has thoroughly banned me just for modding an rdrama bait sub (/r/velmaHBO) for like thirty seconds two years ago, to the point that the only way I can even create an account that doesn't get shadowbanned in seconds is to access reddit via my phone on a some obscure non-default browser app and only if I never connect to my apartment wifi whilst using it (and even then I eventually get banned for "rule breaking on another account").

Meanwhile the most grotesque coomers squirting out their toxic waste c*m to photos of anime girls with watermelons shoved up their cooches have been freely using the site this whole time

Like what kind of user base is reddit trying to create

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sorry I'm having difficulty imagining what you mean, could you post a link to a picture of one of these images?

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Least Elon Derangement Syndrome ridden snootard :marseyelonpaypig: :marseyhammersnoo:

Hey /u/Powershard :marseywave2: your /r/legalkids goon material :marseypedo: is the least thing Elon :!marseyelonmusk: worries about so stop being such a deranged strag. Or just actually get laid and have s*x like normal people but you probably can't :marseyrope:

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@HardIsLife your favorite sub for fricked up titties is dead :#marseycry:


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seems to work

also hominahominahomina

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/r/teenfemboy still thing

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Everything is still good in the world

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The pretentious are having their faces ate


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Why did narco clips get banned? Are they just purging everything unseemly?

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They got the !WPD treatment. RIP :#pouroneout40:

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This is Ellen Pao's fault.

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They're terrorists now wake up honey the commies have been taken out

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Remember Elon Musk supports traditionalism because he believes that's where babies come from so don't be surprised when he nukes porn across the internet.

We are in the 5th wave of porn disappearing off the internet since the 2000s now I think.


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Elon thinks s*x is a sin and exclusively uses IVF. We are in for a ride when he is viceroy

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:marseypalpatine: Every single coomer is now an enemy of the Republic. Do what must be done.

Yes it's a heckin Star Wars reference !gonks

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The wage of sin is death and it's payday. !Gonks + !Christians / !Catholics crossover. :marseyhappytears:

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Hosanna! He has returned! !catholics

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!christians !schizomaxxxers

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What is this from

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:marseyxd: I love Christian Bobe Fett. I hope he tells the audience that it's not cool to do drugs as well


I found someone very mad about this scene

For the better part of a decade the definitive Boba Fett story was "The Last Man Standing" by Daniel Keys Moran. The cornerstone of the Tales of the Bounty Hunters short story collection, the story was a Tarantino-esque non-chronological retelling of Fett's life and career, getting deeper into both his head and his backstory than most stories did until much later. It was compelling stuff, especially with its cliffhanger ending leaving Fett and Han Solo in a standoff with blasters drawn, hence the story's title. It also features one of the most awkward scenes in the whole Expanded Universe from a tone and intention standpoint. One of the scenes relayed for us is a hitherto unseen part of the story at Jabba's Palace during Return of the Jedi; Fett is given the opportunity to assault or otherwise abuse Princess Leia when she (complete with gold bikini) is tossed into his sleeping quarters the night before the execution at Carkoon is to take place. And Fett's response is to do nothing.

"Cover yourself, I'm not going to touch you."

Organa moved slightly to the side, leaned over and grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around herself and the brief costume Jabba had allowed her, and backed up again into the corner of the room that left her farthest away from Fett. "You're not?"

Fett shook his head. […] "Sex between those not married," said Fett, "is immoral."

"Yeah," said Organa. "So's rape."

Fett nodded. "So is rape."

Leaving aside the of-its-era prose, tone and words that would never be put into a Star Wars book today, and the frankly vile portrayal of Leia as an entirely helpless woman at Fett's mercy, I want to talk about what this scene represents. This scene and the scene in the Robot Chicken episode have a major thing in common: they are both a fulfillment fantasy for a male, heterosexual creator on behalf of a male, heterosexual audience. The difference is that one is being played for laughs and the other is played entirely straight, and no prizes for guessing which is which. How many (likely male) fans put themselves in Fett's place in the "Last Man Standing" scene, nobly refusing to take advantage of the helpless Princess Leia? How many used this scene to anchor the idea of Boba Fett as a noble demon in their head, a character who could be admired or even emulated?

Boba Fett could have had Princess Leia to himself for a night, but chose not to out of a sense of morality because, while he may be a killer for hire, he is not one to abide sex out of wedlock. All of which is a frankly ridiculous line for the character to draw for any reason, except that it is deliberately used by Daniel Keys Moran to give the audience something positive about Boba Fett to latch onto. Fett could assault Leia, but he doesn't, he in fact has an oddly traditional, almost Judeo-Christian view of the sanctity of marriage, and that means that somewhere, deep down, he's a good person. This is just one example of what Fett's characterization was like at the time, but it's one of the widest spread and certainly most beloved. Given that, he can slide into the same sort of character archetype as other early-nineties pop culture icons like the Punisher, Rorschach and Wolverine. All of them are violent men who are ruthless and won't hesitate to kill for their own reasons outside of established law and order, but each has enough of a moral streak to not be a straight-up villain.

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>Atheists when a woman isn't r*ped in their soyslop


I was actually explaining this to @nuclearshill just yesterday but redditors have always hated Stephanie Meyer/Twilight, both because they're YA romance novels targeting teenage girls and because the author is (or was) a practicing Mormon.

One of their favorite topics to rant about when criticizing the series is how the hundred-year-old vampire hunk won't have s*x with the high school girl until marriage. :marseythinkorino:

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I've never come across that. This is the first time I've heard it as a plot point. I've seen the age gap? yikes, hun and generally dunking on teenage girls for enjoying things

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Apparently there's going to be an irl reddit protest (about the hecking Cheeto?) in all 50 states today, I hope there's enough confusion that they think all the fat r-slurs are protesting about the porn sub ban

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738771514ZEjkTl2m6AvSCA.webp I tried guys

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It's already been undone. Porn is like 20% of reddit and allowing it is the only thing propping up the illusion that reddit is still edgier and more free compared to social media.

It'll be a cold day in heck before reddit gets rid of it.

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Is this a move to sanitize the site to appeal to more advertisers? Kellogg's don't want their ad showing on yiffing subs or beside photos of botches trans vagina surgeries.


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No it's Elmo throwing a tantrum

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They did a frickie whoopsie and are reverting it

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"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences", "It's a private company, they can do anything" and "Clearly if the admins intervened it was bad enough" were already said? Also /r/leopardsatemyface lol

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shouldn't we take advantage of this or something

!redscarepod go forth and post about Elon so they come here

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Redditors were coddled by the jannies for so long.

But now they know what it's like


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