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[birdpost] just wanted to let u guys know there's a bird called the PEEPEE OF THE ROCK. they are r-slurred and look like they have no beak

these birds are so r-slurred. first, which pervert ornithologist named them this? disgusting. boobies, tits, peepees, shags. what is wrong with these people?

second, i HATE that their beak is concealed like that. they look fricked up and deformed. also disgusting. beakless freaks. debeaked. GIVE HIM HIS BEAK BACK!!!

they are lekking birds, which basically means to Get B-words, a bunch of males gather in a group (called a lek) and desperately display for the females. however because they are r-slurred they often forget about the females and start fighting each other.

also, peepee-of-the-rock leks are fundamentally useless imo because there's a single Chad Male that gets almost all the females, and the rest of the incel males get nothing. lmao :marseydicklet:

more pics of these frickers:

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Love that birds won the evolutionary arms race with flight to such an insane degree that they've only been evolving increasingly elaborate courtship displays/appendages.

Like there are birds of paradise that spend 80% of their waking life practicing singing, building a tight nest and dancing just to frick and possibly never even see the lady bird again :marseykneel:

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have you ever watched Dancing With the Birds? it's hands down my FAVORITE documentary. it's on netflix, and it's all about elaborate bird courtship and such. it's so goofy. the male will go all out and the female always looks kind of confused and overwhelmed. there was one scene where the female rejects the male and the poor little guy genuinely looked SO upset

also another scene where one of the male bowerbirds gets stressed out mid performance and starts tweaking, but he collects himself


birds are such wonderful creatures. there's so much more to them than people realize :)

(also sorry if this comment posts twice. my wifi is having a psychotic break)

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Yeah that's what I was thinking of specifically in my last paragraph, was guessing you'd heard of it. The part that's set to cosmic dancer by trex where the bird of paradise is doing its insane 12 or so part routine was the closest I've been brought to tears by a nature doc.

Just something so beautiful that nature could produce this crazy little bird that spends its entire life mastering a dance routine that only the lady bird should rightly see. Also all the young fellas on the side lines waiting to practice their shmoves is very funny.

Bowerbirds are the ones that make the crazy sculptures right? You'd think it'd be more well known that there's an animal out there that makes artwork :marseyhmmm: does it just not count cause they're doing it to mate? people are giving human artists too much credit if they think they're doing it for some deeper meaning :marseyxd:

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