@Reddit_lies :marseypearlclutch: about heckin war crimerinos over literal Nazis getting carpet bombed :marseysuspicious:


!Nonchuds Mask off moment

"but muh civilians" Nazis deserved all that they got just like Japs deserved to get nuked

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Noooo only the luftwaffe can indiscriminately bomb cities it's a hecking war crime when the allies do it back :chudseethe:

If I was in charge of the British and American air forces in WW2 I would simply use precision aiming technology that wouldn't be invented for another few decades.

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If I was in charge of the British and American air forces in WW2 I would simply use precision aiming technology that wouldn't be invented for another few decades.

I wouldn't.


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Cobalt bombs - salt the lands

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just shoot the munition factories out of their city

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i would also use precision bombing tech to more efficiently target civilians

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He's willing to learn and that's a Good Thing


Dresden was bad though yeah, burning 5 figures worth of civilians to death to impress the Soviets is actually not a big tactical W.


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Nuking over 100k Japs to impress the soviets is better :marseyyes: :marseyoppenheimer:

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1) Japanese are insects

2) The nuking had the unfortunate side effect of saving millions of lives, mostly Japanese


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that's some real big

if you kill your enemies, they win

energy, ngl

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Pics OP got +40k upmarseys, but the comments weren't so kind. Doesn't look like he was baiting, seems unironically convinced those civilians should've died.


Here's the thing.

The actions of the German people allowed a Fascist regime to come to power. Outside of a very small number of individuals like Sophie Scholl members of other groups like the White Rose they either supported the regime or were complicit in it.

That Fascist regime proceeded to cause more misery and death than at any other point in human history.

In the course of defeating the Fascists, many of civilians under their rule died.

Their deaths were tragic, but without them the regime would not fall.

I am becoming more and more convinced, as I watch what is happening in America that we are looking at a rapidly shrinking window of opportunity to prevent a repeat. The biggest difference now is that if America is not able to sort this out, it is unlikely that anyone from outside America will have the power to stop you. If the thought of 25,000 civilian deaths makes you uncomfortable. Good. It should. Wake up. Do something to prevent that from happening. I have seen larger anti Trump protests outside of America since the inauguration than I have seen in America. Problem with that is that people protesting in Toronto, or London, or anywhere else don't matter. The only people who can actually solve this before it spirals completely out of control are Americans. Whatever happens next is on you guys. Sort your shit out.


Of course he's Canadian


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I hate canadoids so much. :marseyrake:

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You know who else was convinced? The entire allied high command, or it wouldn't have happened.

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Yeah, I don't like whenever people go "Guys allies did bad here? Why were they not trialed at Nuremberg?" War is not pretty, you do things that are not exactly moral, and the winners obviously are not going to self flagellate for every bad thing they did when they win. Although some things may have been really bad and may be discussed, just not this way.

I remember reading "Horrible Histories", and the Dresden bombing was shown from a civilian perspective, revealing it was done by the allies at the end. As a child it definitely had an impact on me.

Now it does feel a bit like cheap way of shocking the audience.

It's as hard for me to say that allied terror bombing were justified, as it would be for me to denounce Allied command for using those tactics to end the biggest war in history faster.

And people like Reddit Lies, jumping in screaming war crimes like it's some gotcha or something are really annoying. It always feels like German apologia. Even though it may not be.

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War is not pretty, you do things that are not exactly moral, and the winners obviously are not going to self flagellate for every bad thing they did when they win.

Yeah but also they shouldn't be jacking off to such things either

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They shouldn't, but I don't really see people do that. I'm yet to see someone say that dousing Vietnam in Agent Orange was cool and orangepilled.

The nukes come closest I think.

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I don't really see people do that.

Have you not seen the psychotic tooth gnashing about "Nazis" in the past decade? How many reddit tier shows about murdering Nazis, real and imagined exist at this point?

Nazis were a geopolitical threat that needed to be dealt with for a few years nearly a century ago, and yet we've placed them on such a pedestal of villainy that people desperately long for them to exist to have something that they can justify as the target of their dehumanizing hatred, just to feel a shred of meaning in their otherwise vacuous lives. The irony is that they've become as ideologically captured as the Nazis themselves were with the dehumanization of their ideological opposition, and that fact is woefully lost on too many soy-swilling r-slurs. Its not wrong to kill a legitimate existential threat, but it is wrong to gleefully applaud the psychotic depiction of torturing and murdering a hallucinated enemy.

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Abstracting from the fact that I don't consider Redditors people, I'm talking about framing questionable acts by the allies as good and righteous. Which is not something I see Redditors do, because they don't now history and are soy. You will find more of them condemning nuking Japan than praising it, even if it made literal fascist state surrender.

What you are talking is a completely different issue, where the word Nazi is used as a Mark of evil that leftoids use to shun their ideological enemies. Which yes, is very common and very, very stupid.

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So what you're saying is that we need another war


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They shouldn't, but I don't really see people do that.

I refer you to the post title

Grandpa hated Nazis so much he helped kill 25,000 of them in Dresden

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To me its always seemed like people are trying to hold themselves and their own people to the same standards they hold everyone else. We use the justifaction of Nazis = Bad, but we knew nothing about the extermination camps at the time. Part of me thinks one of the reason we self flagellate over the Jews, blacks, and every other group under the sun is that we struggle to come to grips with what we did to win the war.

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It's dumb because nobody on the Axis was tried for city bombing either even though they did it.

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Strat bombing isn't that effective

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lol, they nerfed it? :marseyemojirofl:

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No they didn't, aba is just clueless. It was actually buffed in BBA. It's pointless in SP though, always was no matter what hoi game. Main usage is bombing forts.

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Yeah, in HOI2 I tried them once, but they're so god darn expensive, I'd rather make CAS and TAC bombers to hit supply lines and bomb the routed armies to death.

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America can do it pretty good, and it's very important for bombing forts πŸ‘

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Unpopular opinion but bombing carpets was not ok. Quite frankly its kinda Islamophobic.

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Ww2 was TOTAL BIPOC WAR. Like I'm sure there's some 20 year old twink in western Ukraine drawing furry art for a Bong or burger or @Marco. If you kill him it's a war crime :marseymad:

But in ww2 that twink would be drawing propaganda for Hitler. Which made him a valid target. :marseyindignant:

Know what I mean

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@Marco's $600 commissions too Ukrainian artists are purely too support the war effort

Trans lives matter

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Fyi jacking off to crimes against humanity makes you weird :marseyautismdisconcerting: no matter :marseykneel: who the target is.

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everything we did to japan and germany was justified. full stop no exceptions.

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We need to start protests at bookstores carrying NAZI books, and at Amazon for making an entire show glorifying Nazis. ZERO TOLERANCE.

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