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Redditor :soysnoo: gets fired :marseydarktrump: for being 1 minute :marseywait: late for work :marseywagie:. Runs to r/adulting :soyjakwow: to vent :soysnooseethe:.




The followup:


/u/No_Excitement5215, you were fired for being a peepee, not for being late. I've done this too with people. It's way easier to fire you on a technicality than to go through the rigamarole of HR bs. Your former coworkers are probably thrilled you're gone. I feel bad for your preggo gf. Judging by your posts, you're going to split the second she shits that thing out.

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>be me

>typically come to work 20-30 mins late

>be so efficient that I still manage to do more work than other peeps with same or slightly higher titles in my company's division

>am also doing some work for another division just because I can

>got written up once for being late a few months back, HR manager said she was shocked it even happened because I was single handedly pushing back our "next deadline" date to almost a month out (it is now 2 days since Ive swapped primary divisions as a result of this)

>same fricker who wrote me up is afraid to do so again and told my boss outright that he needs me to keep pitching in to his division or else they'd be overworked and would need to hire someone new in addition to my replacement if I left/got fired to avoid missing key deadlines for multiple clients.

>created my own job security through hyper-efficiency

Skill issue for that redditoid noob tbqh fam.

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Sounds like you're their work :marseyhorsecock:

And instead of licking their :platybussy: a bit to get promotions, you instead just use all their goodwill to come 20 min late sometimes


I could be wrong and you're a millionaire but who knows.

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Nah, upward mobility is limited af because of favoritism and capped spots (no one in these spots is leaving), everyones busy so higher ups arent keeping track of severe issues, and since they spent a ton of money to make money, they want a ROI before hiring more which is sorely needed. I'm basically just getting as much xp as possible and then when I hand in my two weeks I'll either leverage a tremendous salary boost + more time off to go /trv/ or gtfo with a thicc resume that basically says "I kept 1.5 departments running as a fresh grad lmao and can now manage and run these two depts." They keep a friendly office, but I'm there to make money not make friends, and given how indispensable I made myself I know my salary increase (I'm talking a flat $15-20k raise to my current salary) is something I'll very likely get in house. I can unirocally tell the bosses to go ask anyone in these depts what it would look like if I left overnight and they'd immediately understand why that huge bump is actually a fair request.

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