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Yeah, prolly the best episode of Star Trek.

I wanna see reviews of bad episodes like the one with the comedy Irish where Riker commits double homicide on his and Pulaski's clones.

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Yeah, prolly the best episode of Star Trek.

>the drumhead

>in the pale moonlight

>trials and tribbulations

>best of both worlds

>city on the edge of forever


>the inner light

>far beyond the stars

>chain of command



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Lmao I remember that Voyager episode. Pretty tarded. Still better than anything modern Trek, though.

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I don't count the last episode of season 2 (Facets? Frame of Mind? I don't remember what it's called) because it was a clips episode forced on the production due to a writer's strike- i.e. not a real episode. I'm not even sure I've ever watched it all the way through.

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Good memes, but a few mistakes.

You can't reproduce the transporter accident because it was the melding of two people, not duplication.

I'm pretty sure (but could be wrong) that Tuvix was after the two-parter of the Starfleet crew using alien critters as fuel.

Picard explicitly argued in favor of rights for the crystalline entity, and it was the scientist woman who destroyed it without his permission. Not sure which nanites it's referring to, but all instances I remember they were treated as sapient once known, although I think Voyager crew was forced to destroy them because they wouldn't listen (it's been awhile).


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You can't reproduce the transporter accident


Tuvix was after the Equinox two-parter


Picard explicitly argued in favour of rights for the crystalline entity

Yep, Picard was such a fricking peepeehead about the Crystalline Entity. Sure, it may have had some kind of intelligence, but it was a scourge of the galaxy. It killed millions? billions?, and WOULD continue doing so, not to mention destroying entire ecosystems.

It doesn't matter if the Entity was its species' Stephen Hawking, you put that motherlover down.

The icing on the cake was Picard having the gall to tut-tut about ethics to Riker, who had just witnessed an entire planet be sterilised, narrowly avoiding death himself.

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I get what Picard is saying though. No matter how monstrous the crystalline entity, until you can understand its motivations it isn't right to kill it as long as it is not threatening anyone at that time. Picard even specifically said that they may need to use weapons but that he wanted to first try communicating. I guarantee if the entity attack them or a planet Picard would have retaliated.

Unbeknownst to Picard at the time, Lore was able to communicate with it and influence it, so it is reasonable to assume the Enterprise crew would have been able to as well eventually. And then maybe they could reason with it and tell it is killing sapient people. Maybe they could have devised a new food source for it (I'm guessing it fed on carbon).

This is all what made Star Trek so great, the careful consideration instead of knee-jerk reactions and unbridled violence modern Trek seems to prefer.


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Tuxix is hilarious. Janeway was a stone cold b-word.

Imagine if they had kept Tuvix for a whole season and then killed him like that at the end. People would remember it as the greatest ST story arc ever.

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Janeway murdered Tuvix!

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Talking about the best episodes of Star Trek and doesn't even mention "Who Watches the Watchers" smh

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Inner Light and Far Beyond the Stars both feel like completely different shows to the ones they're part of. The Drumhead is well named cos it beats you over the head with it's message. Chain of Command has a weak B plot and a dull 1st episode- Jellico's great in that 1st episode, I grant you. Best of Both Worlds is no better than DS9's Way of the Warrior and that has better space battles. Trials and Tribbleations is nostalgia bait. Darmok is massively overrated and it's dialogue has been memed to death because it's pretty stupid. City on the Edge of Forever is good but Balance of Terror is the best TOS episode and Joan Collins couldn't act- they also had to smear vaseline on the lens to hide her acne.

Why didn't you mention Mirror Mirror or Yesterday's Enterprise or Reunion or Duet or In The Hands of the Prophets or The Wire or Probable Cause/The Die is Cast or a bunch of other great episodes?

Cos you get your opinions from reddit

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