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EFFORTPOST [RIGHTOID DRAMA] The story of Baby Sneed, or how the love story between an onlyfans hoe and BAPist bronze age warrior LARPer BROKE RW twitter in 2022 [EXCLUSIVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE INFO NOT SEEN BEFORE ON THE CLEARNET :marseyscream:

Video that has the TL;DR for ADHD neeygas and nxggas familar with the scene:



Ever since the publishing of Bronze Age Mindset in 2018, the dissident RW scene on X - the everything app has not been the same. This scene, initially centered around BAM author Bronze Age Pervert AKA Costin Alamariu, eventually grew into its own thing called frog twitter , with non groyper christians joining, the red scare girls/ artf@gs, right wingers who dont even know BAP, and a shiet ton of other people joining in. At this point, the space is defined less by barbarian LARPing, and moreso their (thinly veiled )neoconservatism, lawncucking (their highest aspirations is to be a richer normie), opposition to groypas led by Nick Fuentes, and thinly veiled simping for ugly foids. Famous moments (im too lazy to post screenshots0 include their members getting followed and RTed by the richest man on earth (elon), the haitian cat thing (yep, came from here), JD vance and several US politicians following their members, getting some of their members interviewed on FOX (faux) news, and some other shiet im too lazy to bring up

some holesum drama from frog twitter




Some background on BAP and frog twitter for the uninitiated (scroll down on the kiwiSISSY thread for info on frog twitter)



With that out of the way, its time to actually get into what you clicked for

Around 2022, there was this anon, by the name of skyros achilles. Skyros Achilles was your average bronze age LARPer: skinny fat YT or jew who thought he was Achilles cuz he called Blks noons (I cant use the n word cuz NIGvann gets offended due to his African heritage) on twitter (not to our face of course!) and talked like mofuggin sephiroth or som shiet. One day, our hero recieved a calling that has occured in every single of his ARYAN WARRIOR ancestors. That calling, was of course, to mate with a fair aryan shieldmaiden and make BEAUTIFUL YT chillun. But, you ask, how would our faustian hero get his gall, his bonnie, his yang, his soulmate, on the MOST EVIL, DEPRAVE, MISOGNYISTIC, AND RAYCIS PART OF x - the everything app? Well, you see, BAP, being the juden he is, couldnt deny his true nature, and wherever he was, he must pimp. Hence, frog twitter i mean x - the everything app was flooded with e girls, and they just be lettin anybody in :marseygiggle: . if you don believe me, lemme introduce you to annie skywalker

Annie Skywalker is an Irish onlyfans whore that got in cuz being a prostie is bronze age mindset or som (not makin this up its unironically what BAP says). Id waste some time describing her, but I guess her actions / these screenshots would do a far superior job

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996922NypWSJpwoqYBhA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996922aq1xUtGArE2OfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996922jSCEU8Glw-Fl7Q.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/173899692321uR2JGUtznHSQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923PLwkY8SZQ4_2LQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923i_NH7IAMKoubUA.webp

So yeah, this nxgga achilles was tryna court an literal onlyfans whore that not only sold pictures of her gussy for the price of a cheeseburger, had s-x with a shiet ton of men, engaged in a poly relationship, coal burner, but also was a baby mama/ single mother ( for all the unkultured YTs that dont know hood kulture). Their relationship began as something was entirely confined to them on the internet, but like romeo and juliet (i dunno what happened there i don read das ghetto 💅), sh!t started leaking to the rest of frog X- the everything app.

Of course, people would eventually start to get hold of knowledge of this relationship, and it eventually began to split RW twitter, with the underclass of (INSECURE and brown coded) literal who anons opposing this, and the upper and more famous anons, BAP included, start encouraging skyros to CONQUER this shield maiden. How can you call yourself a real aryan man if your girl hasnt recieved 5000 miles of peepee, and decided to choose YOU of all the people shes been with! Theres also this dude who allegedly did the most to persuade skyros to wife dis YT hoe up, and his name is bane of mars (

), but he denies it to this day, and even claims he has a trash can with baby sneed's (i shall elaborate on this later) name on it


So, did Skyros heed these RESENTFUL chud's advice, and give up on trying to court this fair maiden? Well rumor has he was considering it, but one day, the POWER and BLOOD of the YAMNAYA COURSED thru achilles veins LIKE A RIVER, and he decided hed follow in what his noble ancestors would (totally) do, and doubled down and SENT THIS BICH A DIAMOND RING IN ORDER TO MARRY HER!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17389969234hpiKZy7VTvndw.webp - keep in note for the later section, i think this is annie buying skyros a ring in exchange for his (idk yt nonsense)


Also heres some screenshots of people making fun of achilles for NOT only courtin the town bike, but also tryna send the BICH a diamond ring (by my baby mamas life dat shie gotta be expensive like u gotta rob a walmart or som to get dat). Nxggas even made entire accounts to make fun of the whole sh!tshow


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923DIcYXNHYfPFRjg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996924hGJWxxwXFBJQIg.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17389969234p4el8A8Rt5WmQ.webp (in case the text is too hard to make out from the bottom, its skyros achilles sayin " by ideology is hot people supremacy" and him getting QRTed by a nxgga sayin "my ideology is yo fiances pussiyeh "


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923aO9fRguSEQrIkQ.webp -

- annie skywalker literally getting reported to the IRS by rw anons lo

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923BaPJwIJlGGfdtA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996923p_v4n0-uqCRvTA.webp

AND THE BEST PART HASNT EVEN BEEN REVEALED YET (well, if you had LITERACY and ccould put two and two together, i thikn youd know)

Our internet detectives (neighbors that have enough patience to go thru like 5 minutes of scrolling) find, a rather disturbing and peculiar specimen...


ITS A FCKIN MULATTO :marseyscream: BABY!!!!!!! ANNIE SKYWALKER IS NOT JUS A SINGLE MOTHER, BUT DESPITE LIVIN IN THE WHITEST COUNTRY ON THE PLANET, SHE SOMEHOW FCKED A BLACK GUY AND PRODUCED A LIL NIGGRESS SHANIQUA! :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: !!!!!! Eventually, people took to calling the half YT half neeyga baby baby sneed, and referring to it as he for some reason

Sh!t EXPLODED! Nxggas were fckin everywhere and eruptin like lil vesuvius over dis shiet. It was like 1000 suns laughing all at once. I cannot describe the absolute pandemonium and sh!tshow that occured after, only try to show you


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996925naCrT_FfJH9H4w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996926O6Ohrk91lrYgGA.webp

Of course, achilles and aurora tried to claim damage control and claim it was actually an "aryan" castizo baby from a LATINX instead of neeyga, but lbh no one believin that


more fun

(come on bro das jus too dirty)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996927oieT38CtjyyCYQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738996927dfU965Ei2bnRlw.webp

https://x.com/BAPHOUSETV/status/1669813057856339968/video/1 - dirtiest one by FAR! They literally ressurect her dad using AI just to hoe shame her! BRVTAL! NO COMING BACK FROM THIS

Our aryan hero,Achilles, for the KRIME of eros and heterosexuality, had no choice but to leave the internet entirely (although the hood says this is a farce, check around for more details) after all this i showed you, and rougly I cant blame him. Rumours persist that that crakkka accelerated the mayocide and decided to kill himself (and :killyt: for that too), but sadly, this is not the case. He is still the butt of all cuck jokes on frog twitter and allegedly got doxxed but i cant find info on dat rn.

So youre wondering, what happened to the characters in this story after this fiasco? Well

BAP is still there and he done more gas butt YT shie like encourage two gay followers to go into gay porn, as well some other stuff im too lazy to talk about. Bane of Mars is posting half naked jap foids on his TL. Annie skywalker got harassed to a point where even id kill myself, but being the wh0re she is, she couldnt RESIST the attention and still posts on the same twitter account where alll that transpired. She also beefed with nick fuentes too, for some reason i wont mention here. BAPhouseTVs owner would never be revealed, and once the fiasco subsided, he eventually fell into inactivity.

But, as of writing this, my hood has FOUND new details after asking around, and we have UNCOMFIRMED NEWS (benefits of following me BTW, make sure to do it on twitter and here i wanna boost my aura/ klout) that skyros achilles is not only STILL ALIVE, but also alive and better than EVER! even moreso than his opps! In fact, its probable that you probably seen skyros achilles and didnt recognize it, before you even saw this post (assuming you have an X- the everything app account). Its even likely that his own opps has even unknowingly boosted his account and landed him into the likes of te richest and most powerful (heck im guilty asf cuz i followed dis neeygas new acc lul.)

Thats because Skyros Achilles runs one of the biggest accounts on this website, Anc_Aesthetica, which has been boosted AND FOLLOWED by the likes of none other than Elon Musk.



How did my hood originally know this? I dont fckin know, but I do know I came to realize they were tellin the truth!

Well for one, if you notice, anc aesthetica was started in february 2022, same time achilles deactivated his twitter account and left.

If you still dont believe this is enough proof (understandable), ask him about baby sneed and his aryan shieldmaiden,

Your answer will be revealed in the swiftness he blocks ye

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17389969270U9Xt7N5lJIiGg.webp -

So yeah thats the story of perhaps the greatest cuck on right wing X- the everything app, eventually came to realize that trying to wife up the former poly onlyfans hooker with a bodycount rivaling that of the actual achilles that was a single mother of a mulatto monstrosity was simply an SILLY mistake - the struggle section of the "struggle, grind, shine" era of any bronze age gangsta. And how he decided to not let that (until now :marseytroll: (me n my hood got something blanned for this neeyga who think he can get off THAT easy)) stop him from getting thousands in goybux from none other than the richest man in the world, who also included him into his network, which now controls the government of the worlds most powerful army.


Unrelated but crazy how we have a cuck occupied government (Elon got cucked by a literal trainee (manning), Trump married a nude model, Achilles ( i already elaborated here), jd vance's (whos a weirdo) wife was fcked or dare i say JEETED by vivek (neighbor from morrowind lo), etc.)


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738986178EXKPGApLjNCMPA.webp ?

Also !jannies @Kongvann pin neighbor pin

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!commenters here is the TLDR

1. trashy mud shark coalburner OF hoe with a black baby

2. white paypig simps

3. the internet made fun of them

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Someone needs to do an exposé on chasers raging when they discover the :marseytrain: they've been gooning to is a regular onlyfans girl with a rubber peepee

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You're missing the most important part:

0. Paypig simp that wifed up the OF hoe with mixed baby was a rightoid BAP chud neurodivergent who talked about "saving the west." And by "wifing up" I mean he sent her a ring through the mail after e-dating her.

Daily reminder that many of the biggest most insufferable male feminists online were former gigachuds that got a crumb of kitty.

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BAP twitter emulates leftoids with millions of words extrapolating basically a mid-length run on sentence. TLDR-ing their shit is probably the ultimate dis :taylaugh:

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Aww yeah rDrama we are BACK baby.

These Bronze Age LARPers are some of the funniest losers around. They've managed to recreate every single way in which SJW leftoid losers are funny, just with buff naked Greek man avatars.

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left twitter: whites pretending to be BIPOCs

right twitter: BIPOCs pretending to be white


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I'm glad you care about something, but I could never take BAP seriously. I can't even care about it. :marseyshrug:

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One of the best write-ups we've had in a while bb

I will follow u

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@Kongvann !jannies effortpost

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Least obvious BWC alt

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@Kongvann rightoid :marseypeterson: effortpost drama :marseytea:

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Plausible since that's the only pic of it in the post, It doesn't have the usual bipoc baby features :marseyshrug:


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Wtf is bronze age about being a whore on the internet?

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Great job, maximum effort post.

:marseythumbsup: :marseythumbsup: :marseythumbsup:

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Dating market is so bad even rightoids have to date single moms lol

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Can you do an effortpost on the Amarnasphere? Who is Mikka? Why is their Forum locked?

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Ping me when you're done.

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