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  • crouton : Blatant David Foster Wallace bashing

You may not like it chuds, but this is what peak masculinity looks like :marseynails:

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I actually felt my peepee shrivel up into a vagina reading that.

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hey babe :horny:

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You're on your way

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Might as well, because no man who acts like that is getting any kitty. Women only like dudes like that in theory.

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Now you don't have to keep yourself safe!

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You're cured of being m*le

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literally the exact kind of person who when pushed to breaking point will kill his wife, his kids and himself. if you follow traffic laws while playing grand theft auto, instead of just not playing it, you are either an incredibly repressed stepford husband or an actual psychopath trying to mask

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>if you follow traffic laws while playing grand theft auto, instead of just not playing it, you are either an incredibly repressed stepford husband or an actual psychopath trying too mask

...haha yeah, what a psycho loser, right? :marseyveryworried:

@nopassword stand with Ukraine

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I couldn't do it even if I tried, I think. Says more about the game and my ability at it than me, though.

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Kurt Vonnegut

Here's my Kurt Vonnegut story: I am somewhere around 6-8 years old. Me and my dad are cleaning my room. Somehow we end up talking about Cat's Cradle and he tells me the surprise ending. About 15 years later, I'm going through some boxes and find his copy of Cat's Cradle and read it and... I can still remember what the surprise ending is. I remember virtually nothing from that time except every surprise ending of everything.


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I believe there's also cannonballs in front of court houses, and a midget.

It's been a while.

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The part that really sticks in my mind is the woman who's job is to make indexes for books and it gives her all kinds of insights into their personality so she can find out if they're gay.

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For me it was the foot rubbing

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Womxn: This is how men should be

Yet womxn no want to bone man like that

I no get it :grugthink:

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They do it so guys dumb enough to fall for it filter themselves out of the gene pool :baited:

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Women are not smart enough for something that elaborate

They're just too r-slurred and dishonest to know/admit what they REALLY want

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It's subconscious, instinctual

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:hesepsteinyouknow#: :#marseymerchantfoid:

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You ever want a guy who thinks it would be hot if a chick shit in his mouth, only to hire a hooker to shit in his mouth and immediately be cured of degeneracy?

That's women and "what they want in a man"

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I feel bad for all the teenage boys who then fall for " life isn't all about s*x and you just haven't found the right one yet. " after this.

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David Foster Wallace hate is the strangest foid meme. Are they really meeting tons of obnoxious dudes that really love David Foster Wallace? Like even online he has some fans I guess but they're not crazy about him like the haters are.

!foidmoment !bookworms do you know what's going on here?

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Status competition amongst the vanishingly small number of people who still read (non-pornographic) fiction

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Freddie deboer has a longpost about this phenomenon where he points out that very few people read novels, and only a small percentage of these people read experimental fiction. An even smaller percentage goes out into the world and discusses it. He thinks that most of these women who seethe about DFW fans probably hang out in the same nyc art hoe scene and are literally describing the exact same guy.

if this is tru and there is some turbo-neurodivergent infinite jest enjoyer who has successfully infiltrated the lit chick sleepover, I salute him.

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Someone who has only read DFW and thinks Infinite Jest is the peak of literature is definitely a red flag for midwittery and pretentiousness.

If you've read it as part of a wider selection of things it's not bad, but there's a lot of people who've only read him and nowt else

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I loved Infinite Jest and I'm pretty obnoxious, so score one for the foids I guess. :donkeykongshrug:

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I read consider the lobster and I consider all of these points to be signs that your moid is a gigastrag so foids 2-0 moids

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I don't read novels because they're imaginary so Thucydides would probably call me an artstrag or something. So all I know about David Foster Wallace is that a few years ago there was a tv commercial they would play incessantly where it was assumed you know and care about this person. The narrator even got really into it, especially when he said the guy's name. I think it was some kind of sexual experience for him.

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I don't read novels because they're imaginary

reading cuck pepe

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>he thinks nonfiction isnt imaginary

Oh no no no :turtoiserofl:

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literally who?

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>he buys a glass of white wine to be polite

This is the worst one, spending money to drink gross poison for "politeness" !noalcohol

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>This is the worst one

I disagree. Being polite is important.

If I'm in the city and I need to take a piss in an alley, I'll buy a heroin from the alley's dealer just to be polite.

Then I'll do the heroin, because not doing a heroin you've bought is impolite.

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My cat Sasha was like that. If you offered her some heroin she would lick it a couple times just to be polite and then decline to have any more because she was too classy. At least that's what she did with butter but I bet she would with heroin too.

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>At least that's what she did with butter but I bet she would with heroin too.

Well, I guess we'll never know for sure now, because SOMEONE was too stingy to share his heroin with her.

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Well dammit, I thought she would take the butter instead!

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She was unreasonably fluffy.

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I'll have one of your finest heroins, please!

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My heroins are too strong for you, traveler

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From the heroin region only, thank you.

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True, white wine is disgusting :marseysick: Just buy some normal booze, like whiskey :marseylickinglips:

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See you don't understand, I'm trying to gradually quit. I've worked my way down to the 8% white wine. I'm making progress! :marseyletsgo:

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Water with vague taste of white wine :marseysick: Even worse, just drink beer at this point :marseyzwei:

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Just get the cheapest thing on the menu if you're doing that I really don't get why you would get anything else if it's you being polite.

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He does not have a Twitter account

If avoiding social media like the plague makes you a cuck then buy my wife an extra plantation of boyfriends (that's the collective noun for black lovers) because people who use that shit are annoying.

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Is Vonnegut considered a cuck author?????


@nopassword stand with Ukraine

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I always heard him lumped in with the 'male manipulator' literature, so this surprises me.

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No, but bringing it up unprompted is.

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He laughs calmly when called a cuck.

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The first step to driving in GTA is "steal a car"

But even if you follow the road rules after that, the NPCs will ram you, get out of their cars, and attack you with shovels

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You forgot the part where he fricks the girlfriends of people who call him cuck

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I don't think that's historically accurate.

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It's definitely not canon.

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This just feels like someone trying to rally support after having their ego shattered by one such specimen.

"You may have taken my dignity, but at least I'm the real man!"

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Who gets their ego shattered by rdrama? Besides that mello guy.

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… I thought this meme was reposted from somewhere else :marseyglancing:

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Oh. Maybe it was, but it read as you replying to comments in the thread. Probably because you replied to comments in the thread.

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Oh nahhh I getcha :marseybeanwinking:

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When someone makes a meme this specific and hurt? Seems to be on the safe side

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When you make a meme this specific in response to another meme, you may be a homosexual.

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We've found it, the world's most frickable man

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Neighbor what is even the point of following all the rules of traffic in GTA when the objective of the game is to be the biggest name among the criminals of the city

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When I was a kid, this older kid down the street had tricked his parents into buying an allegedly nice steering wheel pedal controller and some game (Driver?) that had "realistic" traffic in the game, under the assumption he was using it to pre-practice driving for when he turned 14. The game had an open world segment where the cars would use turn signals and stop at red lights or some shit and cops would chase you if you didn't. I can't remember exactly.

I went over to his house and want us to play the game and see if I could try out the controller and Jesus Christ he was buckbroken into just driving around and stopping at red lights. I played and started fricking around and he was quietly telling me to stop and his mom overheard the driving crashing noises in the game and ran in and started to chew him out, but stopped because I was the one playing. It was super awkward and I didn't want to be the only one playing and having fun, so we played a different game.

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I played and started fricking around and he was quietly telling me to stop and his mom overheard the driving crashing noises in the game and ran in and started to chew him out,

Yeah that kid got beaten.

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I don't think so, but she could be a real harpy. He didn't want to get chewed out and get the game and the controller taken away.

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He didn't want to get chewed out and get the game and the controller taken away.

Why, so he could keep being bored driving around safely?

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"Ha, ha. This fun. I really got one over on my parents and got this cool controller set up and sweet game."

Nah, he just didn't really play it much when they were around and he negotiated down to being able to play the game with a normal controller.

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Based parents

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@KongsburyDonkboy like trying too follow the traffic laws in gta. It makes it feel more immersive. It would be cool too have a gta that's more like a simulation where the cops pull you over for going too fast and you die if you crash into things. Trans lives matter

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Neighbors peepee must be inverted

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Thank you for giving me the will to freedom comrade

-- That one testicle that escaped out the piss canal after reading this meme.

( The joke is manliness violently leaving your body just by reading this cognitohazard )

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which frick came up with this ? Also David Foster Wallace, i dont know who the frick was David Foster Wallace before you posted. Read his bio another emo kid who could never grow up and could write well.

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Dramafoids, is this true? :marseythinkorino: Does this describe your dream moid?

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Yes. Pay no attention to my roided out husband in the lifted truck over there.

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Christcucks :marseysigh: :marseyeyeroll2:

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@DiddyPilledKongcel @JiggyKonghad

I just wanted to say nighty night. :marseysad:

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