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GOOMBLE :marseyladybugcapitalist: TIL that gambling on papal elections is fricking one of the fricking few things explicitly punishable by excommunication. Fortunately, I don't think this counts.


Pope Francis will announce his resignation as Pope before the fricking beginning of white boy summer. - 3,800 total betted

Pope Francis will die or otherwise be removed from office before the fricking beginning of white boy summer. - 13,800 total betted

As of the fricking start of white boy summer, Pope Francis will remain the fricking pope and there will be no fricking announcement about the fricking upcoming end of his time in office. - 13,800 total betted

@Bussy-boy will be fricking confirmed as pope by start of white boy summer (supersedes other bet options) - 1,000 total betted

(Announcement has to happen before white boy summer; resignation can be planned for later in the fricking year.)

(White boy summer begins June 20th, 2025.)

!bets !goombling !goomblers !goomble !popechads


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I'm not risking my eternal soul on this. I'm already on thin ice because of my supporting a woman's right to choose.

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supporting a woman's right to choose.

!catholics I think I've read an encyclical that said supporting abortions is punishable by excommunication, and the kind that doesn't have to be formal and is in effect the moment the sin is commited. Since I don't remember who wrote it and where and when I read it, could we get a factcheck for the sake of this poor man?

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we really need to have a whole thread dedicated to debating abortion in the diocese hole

!christians !catholics

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:b: :o: :r: :i: :n: :g:

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Can. 1397 Β§ 2. A person who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

and also

Can. 1329 Β§ 2. In the case of a latae sententiae penalty attached to an offence, accomplices, even though not mentioned in the law or precept, incur the same penalty if, without their assistance, the crime would not have been committed, and if the penalty is of such a nature as to be able to affect them; otherwise, they can be punished with ferendae sententiae penalties.

So to be excommunicated you have to be directly involved in actual act, which can include boyfriend encouraging a girl to kill their child, but not ordinary voter.

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Can you stop being such a cute twink?

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Have you checked what site you're on? :marseyjam:

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Thank you, this is the one

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supporting a woman's right

Really. This should be enough for an excommunication in a truly just world.

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have u ever even been to catholic mass? the lord loves and forgives u.

don't listen to protestant nonsense, idk why they're so focuses on punishment and fear.

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Aren't Catholics the ones worried about sacraments and deeds, prots are more "once saved always saved"?

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they literally industrialized indulgences lmao

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Prots like to say that, but I think the only ones who tend to be more chilled out while also recognizing the weight of that are Lutherans. With due respect to them as Christians, denominations like Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Baptists can trend towards a focus on that one-time salvation needing to be accomplished with caveat (a strong focus on tithing, an outright requirement to evangelize or extreme moral purity to the point of hate or ostracizing others, trying to induce miraculous events in order to demonstrate God's presence with the ecstatic movements) or in the cases of denominations like Episcopalians or Unitarians the question of morality becomes so flimsy it becomes a question of why is salvation valuable if so much is so permissible with little contemplation of moral dilemma or accountability.

On paper, that's a pretty big part of the Protestant reformation (muh epistle of straw). In practice, it's rare to see or selectively recognized.

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idk i just went to my first catholic mass and they spent a lot of time preaching about how god loves everyone even sinners, and that the love is generated by the one who gives the love, not the one who receives it.

last time i went to prot mass they were talking about being soldiers of jesus and whatever the frick like satan was waiting just around the corner eager to bussy blast u if u stepped off the jesus train too much.

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Have you heard the good news?

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idk, is the 2nd coming here yet?

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Are you pooping me? Have you never heard of Catholic Guilt?

Trans lives matter

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Same, but with cute femboy bussy


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Im a confirmed catholic so I cannot condone boibortion

:#marseyindignant: :#tradboy: :!#marseyhanger:

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I'll excommunicate you if you keep being a kitty

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Gets most of the facts right, but doesn't capture that odious man well.

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