Mods of /r/Conservative object.
OP should be suspended for using the RedditRequest process for trolling.
I noticed you're the guy who moderates in republican, conservative, AND conservatives subreddits, huh.
Quite an impressive resume. You got a lot of free time running flaired only subs and participating in misinformation?
You're part of the greater issue with the Conservative reddit and our country if this is the type of leadership you participate in.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll be adding you to the list of quislings
How is this trolling? You all have clearly shown complete disregard for the entire point of free speech, an open forum, or any semblance of fair moderation. You've completely lost the plot. You all are the snowiest of snowflakes and ban anyone who doesn't toe the MAGA line. It is not a conservative subreddit. It is not a public subreddit. Mark it private or change your moderation.
They ban so many people for petty reasons. Might as well make it private… smh
Lol, if a sub like /r/Democrats did this you wouldn't say a word.
You're only complaining because it's a conservative subreddit
It's funny you have to use hypotheticals because left leaning subs aren't so terrified of dissent that they feel the need to make their snowflake safe space. You can't find a real counter example because your side is so scared of the truth you have to ban it.
STFU. Left leaning subs ban you before you even participate. They use bots to search your post history to see if you are worthy.
Aggression, projection, triggered defensiveness. You really are a perfect specimen of a Trump supporter.
I see you want to change the subject bc you are wrong.
Change the subject? I don't need to change the subject. You get banned from subs for being an active contributor to hate subs. Sorry I don't feel bad for you. Here's the difference: for those subs, you just have to not be a cultist. To participate in rcon you have to prove you are a cultist. Also, I participated in rcon for a little while before being banned for asking a question. Never got banned from any other sub for my participation. Maybe you were banned because mods from those subs saw what you post, not where you post.
I think there is sufficient evidence in this thread to show why new moderation is needed whether it's someone here or not.
whether it's someone here or not.
As OP, I'd like to underscore this. It doesn't need to be me. I'm sure there are more qualified people than me. At the same time, I know I would do a better job than the current mods.
Guy, you're delusional. Every default sub is moderated by exactly what you deride. The fact you'd only recognize this in relation to the single sub that runs against the grain is hilarious.
Anyway, get fricked. By your own fascist doing you progressives lost FB, Twitter, the podcast space, and most of the MSM to free thinkers.
Enjoy the last thing you have left - the Reddit bubble.
Every default sub is moderated by exactly what you deride.
What other sub excludes 99.9% of the website from participating on over 99% of its threads?
I'm sure some exist. And that's problematic too. But two wrongs don't make a right. Pointing out another example of wrongdoing doesn't invalidate my point. In fact, it underscores my point.
They have an extraordinary approval scheme because this site is a delusional progressive mob intent on destroying anything remotely right of center, and you and you're post just another weak butt manifestation.
But that's them apples big guy. Reddit has always pumped the fact that moderators make their own rules. If you object to that you object to Reddit as a whole.
Anyway, try commenting some right wing shit on the defaults and you'll understand the actual moderation on 99.9% of reddit.
Literal nonsense
Why do you want that subreddit /u/agent-bagent, are you trying to make it like every other sub on Reddit right now? Gosh let the people have their own space if they want. When you have subs like pics and millenials get taken over to be basically anti-Right/Trump subs then don't be surprised when people want their own place to go to
I clearly answered this question.
I am you say that and say that you want a "open subreddit". So why don't you do that to the other subs on Reddit that should be open but in reality are just anti-Trump subs?
I agree, OP should moderate all subs. The Unitary Moderator Theory has yet to be fully explored and is worth looking into.
Heck no.
/u/agent-bagent is not making this request in good faith. He has no interest in advancing conservative ideas and this would be nothing short of a hostile takeover.
/r/Conservative is one of the few large subreddits where conservative ideas are able to be talked about freely. Many subs, including 'default' subs will ban users for even mildly conservative ideas.
Further, the argument that /r/Conservative should be taken over because it bans left-wing ideas is ludicrous. Subs such as /r/politics, /r/pics, /r/news will ban users for participating in any number of right-leaning subreddits. Reddit Inc. has consistently held the policy that these subs have full control over what is or isn't allowed. That same standard should apply to /r/Conservative.
The sub, like many subs, has to take actions to stop brigading, and at the moment there is no larger target for brigading than /r/Conservative.
Allowing the sub to be taken over by a group of leftists would only further isolate Reddit Inc. from a broader spectrum of ideas, and without push back, will continue to devolve into further into extremist ideas which have begun percolating throughout many of the most popular subs.
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Lol they want to turn /r/conservative into a leftoid sneed space like /r/libertarian and the rest of reddit.
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You are anti drama if you dont want this
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The more they turn reddit into an evhochamber the less drama you'll have.
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lol. LOL. LMAO, even. ROFL, perhaps if I'm feeling generous
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That's the fun part of reddit censorship, how do you prove something that inherently erases all evidence?
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The soft censorship has gotten worse than the outright bans
I don't really know how new users are to use the site with all the karma requirements
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The karma requirements are interesting because they basically require you to "feel out" what the consensus on a topic is and post about that for a day or two, then you can actually say what you want where you want. I have to imagine a ton of potential new users get filtered out and go elsewhere.
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has he never opened a top thread of /r/democrats like ever?
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No way someone typed this unironically
No trans lives matter
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wait until he hears about bardy
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He's not ready for that conversation
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I mean it's true that conservative subreddit jannies do it for free and ban people they disagree with. It's also true that there are Asian NBA players.
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Redditors crying about censorship lmao
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I remember back in the day the head janny of /r/conservative was a teenager. I guess by now he's an adult.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
/r/Conservative: (click to archive)
/r/Democrats: (click to archive)
/u/agent-bagent: (click to archive)
/r/politics: (click to archive)
/r/pics: (click to archive)
/r/news: (click to archive)
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It would be good for redditors to do a hostile takeover of /r/conservative, just destroy the whole site
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