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/r/MapPorn once again posts the religion in Germany map:marseyflyingspaghettimonster::marseynooticeglow::marseyamazingatheist::to::marseyauthright:, reLIEgion-hating Redditors:marseyseethe:over the fact that Eastern Germany, the most atheistic region on the planet, is the AfD-voting Nazi stronghold, Soydditors copemaxx at any comment pointing out that German atheists aren't the wholesome anti-fascist right side of hxstory Marvel movie scientific #RESISTANCE like them!:soysnootypefast:






What forced conversion to atheism/irreligion does to mfs: :marseyserioushatfact:



you're on reddit! prepare to be downmarseyd :marseyshapiro:



I guess if you belive in god, you don't belive in AFD :marseyjesus: :marseytruthnuke:


!nooticers !eurochads


What are you insinuating? I guess the part that has no religion voted for AfD? That has more to do with their history intertwined with communism (and thus, being the 'poorer' part of Germany) than with religion. :soysnootypefast:



You guessed wrong, no one is thinking that the AfD has something to do with being not religious. You were right about the part that the former GDR is the reason, but more because they actively tried to lower the influence of the church and religious thinking. :soysnooseethe:



"None" should in many cases be Scientific Materialism :sciencejak:




>when the Fact-Checked Peer-Reviewed Science-Affirming Secular Humanist Scientific Materialism makes Germs vote for the Neo-Nazi party



Looks like in Germany, atheists are most likely to vote for AFD :marseysmug2:


!christians :#handshake: !nonchuds

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By "the religion in Germany map" I thought you meant this one:


It is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.

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  • FreedomforChristmas : There are also dozens of recognized Catholic saints and martyrs killed in the Holocaust lol

!christians !catholics !lutherans !historychads !nonchuds this makes the modern Trad Catholic Nazi trend even weirder, like, I get it that lolicon-loving tranime hard-working Americans are 60 IQ r-slurs and all, but still, you would've expected that the post-2015 Nazi LARPer trend would have resulted in a lot of r-slurs clinging onto Lutheranism, which was founded by one of the most famous anti-semites of all time, is Germanic in origin, and majority-Lutheran areas were the supporter stronghold of the Nazi Party - but nope, they went straight for Trad Catholicism, and love to hate on Protestantism, while ignoring how much the Nazis despised the Catholic Church and the election results show that Catholics did not liked the Nazis.

Is the Crusader aesthetic that much attractive for neurodivergents looking for a fandom to belong to?, or LARPing as Lutheran Deutscher would more easily expose how they're all :satokohoujoufan: :brazilmutt: :mostvantablackbipocaward:? :marseyconfused2:

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Nazism was always about some sort of "retvrn!" Shtick. Catholics had their own party with Zentrum while prots didn't. Can't find it but I wouldn't be surprised if commies also were more prevalent in prot zones.

Modern retvrnists are exactly the subhuman IQ you would imagine they are. It doesn't matter if they're Jews, ruzzoids, mexigoons. It's all about an over romanticized idea.

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Have you seen prot aesthetics? They're dumb, not blind.

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It's kind of cool because of Darklands. And Merchant Prince. :marseyboomer:

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there is a section of very anti-semetic Lutherans, i got redpilled by them on here

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>Be me


>Only viable party "Zentrum" is Catholics only with a heavy Catholics emphasis


>Gonna vote for commies and Nazis then :marseyclueless:

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Is it an actual catholic party? I thought it's just the historical name

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Zentrum was very catholic. CDU is semi Christian :marseywhirlyhat:

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Oh I see, I was thinking CDU is the one you were talking about

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Zentrum was the CDU before WW2. They established themself as a general Christian party after that, so prots don't start to protest for a new Adolf again :marseyclueless:

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The Nazi Germans are the one who resisted Romans :marseyschizonotes:

Barbarian Nazis

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>It has less to do with irreligion than historical patterns. The heavily Protestant North and East Germany was traditionally the electoral stronghold of the Nazis during the Weimar Republic.



almost all of those dark brown "very nazi" parts aren't even german territory anymore and don't vote in modern german elections.

the germoids who lived there were expelled by the soviets/poles/czechs. a portion of them were sent all over eastern europe by the russkies to work in labor camps as reparations. a lot of those died. ~3/4 of the people from those areas who lived through the crazy shit at the end of the war were resettled in west germany because the soviets feared they would organize a resistance once they were freed.

but you know, if someone disagrees with me in 2025, their ancestors MUST have been nazis :marseypearlclutch:

hitler himself and his besties were from #24 and had their beer hall putsch there, too. all the way in the south.

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Are you implying that the real Nazis today are the Poles and Russians? :tayhuh:

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Nah, the Germans from those areas were asked to do the ultimate land acknowledgement and GTFO

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We expulsed them and colonized the land ourselves, it went from >98% to <1% german.

Exiled germans went to West germany, not "all over europe". And they didn't go to :marseydeux: occupation zone either, :marseydeux: weren't at the table when population transfers were agreed so in a classy :marseydeux: move they got angry and refused to cooperate.

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i've read that some were sent to the french zone. but like you said, frenchies no-showed at potsdam. they used that as an excuse to not provide any kind of aid to the refugees they got, including food...so after they starved, the americans ended up taking most of the germs they were supposed to get :marseyxd:

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big if true

i was always told the nazis ended up in Antarctica and Argentina

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Beautiful, r-slurred redditor gets pwned

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>young foids overwhwelmingly vote far-left

>young moids overwhwelmingly vote far-right

https://media1.tenor.com/m/Au4Zlt25H_IAAAAd/i-like-where-this-is-going-ulysses-thatcher.gif !moidmoment !foidmoment !accelerationists !zoomers

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Bu zoomer moids who voted for Die Linke and the greens make 90% of /r/de

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are commies built for big nazi peepee and are nazis built for big commie peepee

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:#marseywomanmoment2: umm like can't we all just like get money for free????

:#marseykaiser: BLUT UND STAHL

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I smell a sitcom.

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Homofascism is real.

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Bay Area Reporter, January 23, 1974, p. 31

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Current day woke style politics has always seemed to me like nothing more than female social instincts put into political policy.

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This is an American map - that is a dumb map. It presents complex statistical results as a simplistic FPTP 1 or 0 solution. Everything must be an American map because otherwise Americans don't understand it and when Americans don't understand they get angry and either shout angrily or shoot angrily or shout and shoot angrily.

/u/roomuuluus America Derangement Syndrome

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I have Kim Yo Jong derangement syndrome, I wanna creampie and impregnate this gook goddess with my Aryan Evropean seed so much it's unreal :marseycoomer2: :@a924love::@a924love::@a924love: :brazilaryan:

!coomers !commies !yellowfever !whites !asians !builtfor !BWC !aichads

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I recently heard that she's married. But I don't think that matters. I'm white so I'm pretty sure she'd frick me anyway.

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:marseyspitmoji#!: :marseyspit#:

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Kim Jong-Un is also !builtfor !BWC !r-slurs !asians !aichads

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SAVED :marseythumbsup2:

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I want to know what's that one red region in East Germany that refused to get buckbroken by commies.

!germs any cool story here or just a statistical anomaly?

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Looked it up, the Eichsfeld county was a silent protest against the commies where every serious catholic went there. The gommies couldn't even get informers and plants into the churches there. They had no grip on them there.

The gommies tried to lure them out of their beliefs with industrial Jobs by building europes greatest cotton spilling mill that habits 5000 workers but the caths still didn't ditch their beliefs. You should know that if you aren't a full party card holding comrade you pretty much wouldn't get a job beyond farmer and low level jobs. And one of the requirements to get into the party was to leave the church. But the church and the people helped each other despite state sanctions, they had their own schools, clinics and higher ED.

Today there live 64% caths, while in rest of Thuringia its around 6%


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Very interesting, thought this was a coincidence but that's a very curious story

!catholics !anticommunists interesting read :marseyhesright:

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cotton spilling mill


In America in the early 1900s dealing with cotton was for... poor people.

OMG your country is so poor when that's considered to be a desirable job.

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Why would non-Christians vote CDU?

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Its the boomer party. SPD used to be too, but they massively lost support the last years.

CDU has little to do with christianity these days. Maybe the CSU in bavaria.

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Nice try chud, but I'm tricking people out of everlasting life in heaven in this faith.

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this just shows if you don't tell a bunch of children that grown up santa is real then no one picks up the weird god idea

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Throughout human history, the #1 danger to females always has been males of every variant. The venom, the threats of violence by XY and the never ending attempts to silence endless number of women who dare stand up for themselves and other females is staggering but not surprising. Right of girls and women are not to be subsumed by XY pretending to be XX.














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