:marseymutt: :marseylibleft: mad when they discover zombie isn't actually a pro-IRA song





















>communists when you think blowing up 3 year old children is a bad thing actually


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Communists arguing for chaos over order regardless of context so long as it hurts the West


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Women advocating for violence that they will never be forced to take part in or suffer the consequences of.

inb4 someone posts the Hillary quote about the primary victims of war

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He doesn't miss !friendsofjesus

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I'm not even a fricking christian, but after I saw this, I was fricking converted.

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Women are the primary victims of bussy-blasting

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Women are the primary victims

It's always true no matter what you stitch on it :marseyshrug:

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Dude useful idiots lmao

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Death to USAID


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God these people are insufferable.

Muh resistance le hecking uprising of le oppressed

!anticommunists never forget that these narratives are just a curtain to hide their communist subterfuge.

Also, unironically theres good arguments for colonialism being at least a net neutral for the colonised societies as a whole. And thats not rightoid cope but actual academic debate (or maybe was, i doubt it survived ID-pol completely overwhelming universities)

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Really they're just mad they lost the game 700 years ago.

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remember that all online people talking about ireland are americans, not even the irish can be bothered to discuss their shit country

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A chud would shorten the 90% of that tweet to "and it's a psyop." and not feel the need to elaborate

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being overly verbose is like 95% of leftoid identity, if you remove their ability to :marseylongpost: not much is left

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So they'd be right?


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:marseyagree: :marseyhorseshoe:

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These dummies are trying to justify attacks like 9/11

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LMAO the ummah thought that 9/11 and other attacks will finally lead to de West to buckle. Turns out, :soyjihadi: often killed fellow :chudmuslim: throughout the 21st century and Westerners (including the :marseyrussianmutt:) join in on the fun of adding more Muslims to the body pile. For example, the :marseydeux: killed more people (via airstrikes in Syria) in the aftermath of the Bataclan attacks in 2015 than the attacks themselves. And the classic :marseymutt: spergout in Afghanland and Mesopotamia

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For example, the :marseydeux: killed more people (via airstrikes in Syria) in the aftermath of the Bataclan attacks in 2015 than the attacks themselves


If I'm doing retribution strikes I'm not gonna hold back just because a terrorist attack was limited to a single location.

You send them a message that a single dead one of you means hundreds of them.

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Pretty much. That's the :marseysaluteisrael: logic in flattening Gaza and was expected after the Oct. 7 attacks (despite many :pepereeeeee: how it's inconceivable that the :marseymerchant: would do no such thing about flattening the Strip).

What I'm pointing out is the :marseycope: that the :chudmuslim: hold about buckling the west, when the reality is so obvious: the West keeps :marseyjetbombing::marseyjetbombing::marseyjetbombing: the Middle East until they (im including the :marseyrussianmutt: and the :marseyturkroach:) gets bored or broke

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>children die after the IRA bombs :marseydroppingdownvotes: them

>Song gets written about how it sucks that those kids died

:marseycomradecry: BOOTLICKING WHORE :marseytedsimp2:

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The amount these people can frick off is incredible. Time to start colonising places with the superior white man just to make them seethe.

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superior white man


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Ah this must be that famous Media Literacy that Leftoids are always claiming to have so much of.

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They were not huge favorites among your intellectual mick ever.

:marseyserioushatfact: Look up the Kingsmill Massacre. Nobody ever supported this shit.

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>A 2011 report by the Historical Enquiries Team (HET) found that members of the Provisional IRA carried out the attack, despite the organisation being on ceasefire.

Least treacherous micks !deathtomicks

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Even worse than the Official IRA tbh.

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The eternal hibernian strikes again

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That was the sickest part. His bros demanding he not depart them. :marseydepressed:

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They mistook the gunners as loyalists thinking they've come to kill Catholics, when the opposite was true, and tried to hide him in their ranks

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I think there's a 50% chance either side of chudlife would.

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You should do a redactor history lesson on the troubles. Maybe you can figure out why the Irish have become such insufferable b-words lately, which was the exact opposite image of the irish i had growing up.

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It would be difficult. I'm emotionally invested on both sides.

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I just watched "say nothing" and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jean_McConville was pretty fricked up

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I had no idea it had anything to do with the IRA tbh. Learn something new every day.


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The whole song is about the troubles, it was made after an IRA bomb killed a 3 and a 12 year old

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Despite what the mick and mick-adjacent :marseymutt: believe, the :marseyira: were just as buttholes as the :marseybong:, though the Unionists were even bigger buttholes that the :marseybong: told them to chill the frick out

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Did you not listen to the lyrics?

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Imagine caring about what some r-slurred musician has to say lol, just make music that sounds good

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Gave up reading that cute twinkry after a handful of tweets. R*pe communists in front of their polycule and leave the micks lashed to a stake on an equatorial beach :shrug:

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>boomers when they learn that any song from the 1970's wasn't actually a pro-war song


Some people are allergic to fun.

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Well some of us had actually experienced it. :marseysmughipskorean:

I don't mean me, I wasn't born yet, but I might have not liked war if I experienced it.

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Boooooooorn in the USA!


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>I'm anti-war

>also I support blowing shit up and getting into gunfights with the british military

Average commie

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>:marseyakshually: terrorism isn't war by definition

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!chuds !hibernians you are reminded there's a PS3 JRPG set in Ireland during the Troubles based off exploring the Fae Otherworld.

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Downmarseyd because you're a consolestrag.


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I loved this game

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Mutts LARPing as mick revolutionaries, tale as old as time :marseylibleft: akshually killing innocent people is based as long as it's for the right reasons :soycry:

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Remember, no bad tactics but bad targets :marseybinladen:

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:marseyshrug: i care if a song is fun to listen to, not if it supports my beliefs

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Yep, taking politics seriously from musicians is like taking the opinions of a toddler seriously.

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The worst part is the guys to take most seriously are the Sublime guy, not the hardcore politicians.

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Rage Against The Machine kicks butt despite being a commie larp fest

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Over the years there have been many songs where I suddenly realized a meaning (or looked it up) of some lyrics and only think 'darn this dude is r-slurred'. I still like those songs tho, Im not listening to music because I care about the musicians view of the world lmao.

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IRA defense is the kind of historically illiterate safe-edgy nonsense that I would expect from reddit.

Want to scare the hoes? Go defend some Serbian war criminals

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The only thing i know about this song is that at my high school graduation these two sisters who looked like t.A.T.u. (see below, zommers) played Zombie on acoustic guitar and i was crying laughing cuz my school was 2/3 mexican 1/3 black and all the brownies were so confused about what was going on


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That sure was awesome music video as teenager. Terrible song though.

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Wow, I guess dumb Russian b-words are too good for you?

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I'm just sad I couldn't have been there to support them in their struggle. :marseysalutearmy:

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>wow, what a disappointment, lets remember someone actually beautiful now, Sneed O'Connor


!chuds :marseyemo#jirofl:

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The IRA dindu nuffin, they gave prior warnings too their bombings innit? They didnt kill indiscriminately

Trans lives matter

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Frank Castle is a protestant?!?

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He just hates micks

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I like The Cranberries but Zombie doesn't really hit for me tbqh

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Zombies bite they don't hit

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I hate the chorus but I like everything that's not the chorus.

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cute twink

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In you're heeaeead

Trans lives matter

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Frick the Ra. Bunch of crack dealers and human traffickers and I hope Brittain takes back the whole of Erin. Songs are pretty good tho.

:#marseyjamming: :!#marseymini: :!#marseyira:

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Noooo the INLA were the only crack dealers. :marseylaugh:

Nah, I'm just joking, frick the IRA.

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Did sonead ever actually support the ira?

But anyway its funny to see all these larping americans whod never pick up a gun talking about cowardice

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Irish only do two things, bomb and drink, and they aren't very good at either.

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Dolores was unironically a real butt BIPOC and she wouldn't stoop to being an obvious wingcuck either way.

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I was into her at one point when I discovered Cranberries :marseywould:

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Anyone who suicides by alcohol is cool in my book

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>Irish person sings song about the lasting physical and psychological repercussions of warfare

>That's right! Go kill those British for being Protestant!

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WTF I love The Cranberries now.

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Queen Lolcow

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Meanwhile, me (not Irish at all) on St Paddies Day, 18 beers deep, listening to Actual Irish Music

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>actual Irish music

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Thread Theme:

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>Woman afraid of conflict prefers doing nothing in the face of conflict


What did they expect? Women aren't revolutionaries.

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