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i always assumed doctor who was a franchise for women because i have never met a single male fan of it nor have i ever seen men discuss it online outside of culture wars sjw casting discourse

like okay sure maybe the original black and white 1890s version of the show with those silly trashcan killer robots was for men but since the 00s "reboot" it was clearly something aimed at women

so having a female lead would clearly kill it because women want their guy doctor in lead role, it would be like rebooting supernatural and giving it two sisters as main characters, whoops there goes 90% of your dedicated audience

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My dad described it as Star Trek for literal r-slurs. :marseyshrug:

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Am i OOTL ? https://media.tenor.com/6nrRyMFf330AAAAx/dancing-blippi.webp

This is a show you watch with your kids between agea 5 and 10.

It is Blippi with aliens and a "assistant" character is just for the Doctor to talk to the audience.

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Yep. I heard great things about the show; watched it, and was devastated by how shit it was. Then I read a bit about it on Wikipedia and discovered it's basically just high-brow bright colors Cocomelon shite.

The writers put an insane amount of work into it; ms the end result is, yeah, something I want my kids watching about as much as I want them watching Blippi or Spiderman X Elsa on YouTube.

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The first couple of seasons were just a basic scifi show with moral themes. By season 5 the show was basically a carbon copy of Wishbone the dog.

Are women literally children?


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i have never met a single male fan of it

don't blink!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740668257J32sr4k1VlomMQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740668257YW8K6Ez95_DdPA.webp

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I know one male Dr Who fan and hes little different from your average commenter/poster on front page subreddits.

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like okay sure maybe the original black and white 1890s version of the show with those silly trashcan killer robots was for men but since the 00s "reboot" it was clearly something aimed at women

Pretty much. !kino, I watched Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor when I was a kid, and it was a fun, campy sci-fi show. David Tennant's Tenth Doctor, on the other hand, mostly found success with the proto-Tumblr crowd, and that's been their target demo ever since. Instead of casting a foid, they should've done away with the pretense and cast a gorgeous male pop star as the Doctor and some generic, homely, personalityless "everygirl" as his companion. It's what the audience wants, even if they'll never admit it. :marseychonkernoticeme:

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Uhh, Donna Noble? Saying Oi doesn't make her not generic.

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It's a show for children that freakish adults couldn't let go of like Harry Potter

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Everyone I know who was into Dr. Who was a newly converted Teeabo to British TV from Sherlock taking over Tumblr (female, obviously)..

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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As a fellow glowie I have to support her for role on The Assets. Dr. Who is gonna be a no from me tho. My dad said unemphatically that that was a show for literal r-slurs.

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>literal r-slurs

lmao there was a huge crowd of these people cosplaying at comiccon, blocking a hallway so they could take photos...me and a buddy tried pushing through he was like "what the heck is this" i said i dont know must be harry potter fans or something...a few of them got very upset with me...but i literally had no idea what the frick they were fans of, never seen the show...

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role on The Assets.

does she show the "assets"? :marseycoomer2:

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No it's a show about the CIA in the early 1980s. Can we be serious ever? :marseysmughipskorean:

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Can we serious ever?

no get out :scoot:

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You really think the fricking CIA does anything other than show assets, b-word?


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I think they're actually a quite good employer. :marseysmughipskorean:

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If you work there, you might just be an asset.


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she shows the bob and vagene

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That is NOT true. I wish it was so bad but it doesn't happen.

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What agency?

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More like which ones? You think we just run one at a time?


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We all know there is only one way to fix the show. More black and queer characters, more social justice equity lectures.

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In this week's episode, the Doctor and his companions end up at the Stonewall Riots (again) (Part 1 of 3)

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"look at all the trans, not a gay or lesbo in site"

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Ur from Zimbabwe bb? Want to come over?

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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She didn't kill it the writers killed it there's no reason to blame the actor doing their job

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Her casting was directly motivated by political activism rooted within the production team. It's not her fault individually, but the role was a product of the show's problems.

Even foids were turned off by the state of the writing. It used to be a fun show for families, but degenerated into overt political grandstanding where pushing the message was placed above having the plot make sense. As a result you ended up with stage direction like "Your character sees pollution. You look at the camera and state that this is bad".

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She's a fine actor. Having done it for a while, you don't have to to be Albert Fricking Eisenstein to do it especially if you're a cute girl. The writing is more important.

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His name is Einstein, r-slur

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When a nonbinary disabled mute obese aboriginal s*x worker is cast as Superman, and people get upset, obviously most people don't hate this person personally; but they don't know the writers/producers/directors' names, so they direct their vitriol at Jara Bayu instead of David Finkelberg or Cheryl Whitewoman.

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casting directors really killed it

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You can just say Jews here

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!jidf thank you my glorious jewlords for killing this dogshit Bong show :marseypraying:

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This is like 9/11 for neurodivergent women.

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Vaginal Jews

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The caterers actually killed it.

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She still helped

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Just seen what they did with the Tenant comeback episode. I would :marseyfedpostyes: every one of the writers for making my dad so upset about something he was excited about.

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What did they do? I liked the Tennant doctor but was out by the time the guy without eyebrows became a thing

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The main point of the episode was that :!marseytrain:s are hecking valid and that the Doctor should check his wibbly wobbly timely wimey privilege

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The people I know who liked Doctor Who said she was good but the scripts were shit, which sounds about right.

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With Aimee Lou Wood in Toxic Town, a Netflix drama about an environmental scandal in Corby, Northamptonshire, in the 1980s and 1990s


… and the real-life campaigners who fought to be compensated: Tracey Taylor, Susan McIntyre, Maggie Mahon


:#marseyemojilaugh: :#marseyemojilaugh:

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>1980s and 1990s

rdramas strongest mathematician

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It's literally copy/pasted from the article sweaty.

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Yeah and they are playing people that would have been in their twenties in the 80s you moron.

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!jannies can we get mandatory, public IQ tests for all dramaBIPOCs please

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People should have to clear some hurdle to be allowed to post on chudrama. The amount of low IQ, unfunny r-slurs there has been nuts recently

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>low IQ, unfunny r-slurs


Yeah, sounds about right

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I haven't watched Dr Woo since that the first Prince Philip off of The Crown was in it with the ginger chick. I only saw a couple of those episodes.

Anyway, Jodie Whittaker was good in Broadchurch. That's actual proper TV. There's been so much good TV and movies over the last decade if you can just grow the frick up and stop watching childrens stories about spacemen and superheroes.

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whats funny is the guy who wrote broadchurch, started his career as a doctor who fanboy who went on tv and went to write on doctor who after broadchurch (that's why she was in it) and tried to make it like proper tv and people found out he just wasnt a good writer outside of broadchurch (which even then, season one is the best season and it's all downhill from there)

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>there is more than one season of Broadchurch


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Don't do it to yourself

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Oh I know- the fact I never knew about it shows it's probably not worth watching. There's a bunch of Olivia Coleman stuff I still haven't seen so I don't need to worry about this.

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The show has not prospered since Whittaker left.

It hasn't prospered since she left, but it wasn't prospering before she left, either.

I checked the ratings and the show died in the middle of her run.

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"I'm your perfect person, as a journ*list. I read [an article] and get going: 'I'm so angry! I've not done any research, but I've read what you said and I'm absolutely aggrieved!'" She laughs β€” a throaty, room-filling guffaw. "I'm always f***ing fuming about this thing and that."

:#marseyconcerned: Oh dear. She's a raging r-slur.

It's a fury that has fed Whittaker's appetite for social-justice dramas.

:#marseyitsover: And with no cure.

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Jodie Whittaker is a good actress, she's not the reason it failed

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Jodie Whittaker is gorgeous

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She looks like DJ Qualls

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>pseudo intellectual British phone booth man finally getting cancelled


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>I'm your perfect person, as a journ*list. I read [an article] and get going: 'I'm so angry! I've not done any research, but I've read what you said and I'm absolutely aggrieved!

Everyone knows the best journ*lists stay completely ignorant on topics and write entirely on emotion.

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The newest season is half bottle & Doctor-lite episodes, which also doesn't help

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