don't worry I'm gonna cut this
shit down
my (F28) wife's (F25) sister (my sister-in-law) is trans (22)
"Lesbian" and a
in one family,
what are the odds 
I walk upstairs and I noticed the door to the master bedroom. I open it and see my sister-in-law standing in my wife's closet trying on her lingerie.
22 year old man puts on his sister's underwear, very valid behaviour 
I didn't say anything out loud because I am a pretty intimidating person

Ever since then, sister-in-law has been texting, apologizing, saying how she's been having a hard time passing and this was her "last resort option."
I had no other choice. I HAD to put my sister's lingerie on. Literally nothing else could be done.
My problem now is, after I tell her what happened, what do we do?
indeed what a conundrum
A chud containment breach
and delusionposting
The porn addicted weirdo trying on his sister lingerie as a fetish is actually
when are chuds going to get a fricking software update 
Why does it feel like all of these comments are grossed out bc the sister is trans... Like ... Would y'all be this disgusted if the sister wasn't trans and was messing around in her family's closet?
I feel like this is a "trans women bad!" Bait post with how people are responding.
Like I get being annoyed at overstepped boundaries but I feel like if you just looked at this with a little sense and compassion it's pretty easy to see what's happening and it really shouldn't be That Hard to just act like a decent person about the situation.
Just be a Decent Fricking Human Being and let your brother stroke himself off in your underwear chud 
I'm honestly a little surprised by the strong reactions here. From what you said there was nothing sexual or predatory about this- it's a trans woman wanting to wear something that's extra feminine to feel good about herself.
I don't have a
big enough for this
It's not mandatory to tell but if you care about the SIL, you could probably sit down with them and see where they are mentally and emotionally about all of this
Suddenly you owe men emotional labour

So my family dynamic must be vastly different. Because if I walked in on that, I'd have just said, "make sure you put in the wash when you're done, and ask next time you want to come in here." Like it's just clothes. Fabric.

I think that while this is bad, she may really feel in danger in lingerie stores having her sister go with her doesnt necessarily mean shes safe from judgment.
Yeah, make sure to wear your own sister's lingerie instead while she and her "wife" are in the house, you won't get any judgement that way 
On the off chance this isn't completely made up by a transphobic troll, tell your wife.

I wouldn't want anyone sharing my underwear. But why is everyone describing this as "disgusting behaviour "? This is extreme rhetoric for this problem. No, this person isn't mentally ill either.
Perfectly normal behaviour 
Tell her, but also remember that this young woman is going through a lot. Trying on a sisters underwear is a pretty normal thing. 

as usual:

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Demographics of Reddit really telling on themselves there
feel like if you asked 100 people on the street their opinion, 90+ would be saying that's freak fetish behaviour
Edit: opening the threads that's actually 90% of the upmarseyd comments but the fact that I believed it says more about Reddit than me
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