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:rape:: :lizfongjones: vs :marseynull: settlement: Vincent Zhen owes :lizfongjones: $128k

This statement further establishes that Joshua Moon made false statements that misled APNIC. Mr. Zhen has turned over the documents containing these false statements, among others related to the broader issue. I expect these documents and the evidence they contain will be useful in future efforts.

Liz Fong-Jones (ๆ–น็ฆฎ็œŸ) ( 2025-02-27T20:35:03.084Z

Judge judgement here:

The legal costs sought by the plaintiff on an indemnity basis currently total $134,367.09. Allowing for some items to be taxed off but keen to ensure adequate protection for the plaintiff, I am satisfied that a sum of $70,000 be paid as security for the costs thrown away, and a sum of $58,000 paid for the plaintiff's costs of the summons.


Additionally, :lizfongjones: claims that :marseynull: stole money from donors to the "sue Epik for saying we hosted CSAM" fund to pay Vincent Zhen, that the $128k is a "confidential" sum, :lizfongjones: will focus :lizfongjones:s' "full energy" on "stopping" :marseynull:, that :marseynull: has been thrown under a bus and that KiwiChuds have been wrecked:

:lizfongjones: also claimed to have been involved in a "consent accident" which left the other party "suicidal and traumatized":

Despite tweeting that :lizfongjones: would accept consequences for this admission, :lizfongjones: got the thread scrubbed from the Wayback Machine, tried to get Kiwi Farms taken down in its entirety and sued someone for providing services to it/Jersh, claiming that :lizfongjones: was being defamed by Kiwi Farms posting about the "consent accident". Also turbodoxXxXxXed some guy named Kevin Crawley.

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No email address required. :marseynullautism#:

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:#marseyhuh: Marsey?

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Why does this :marseytrain: freak have so much power? :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Worked at google and has a lot of internet infrastructure friends. No dong tho

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Why did these r-slurs not see that politicising internet backbone infrastructure is going to backfire on them when they lose their political capital which is now.

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Us, the braindead chudcavemen will rise up and take over infrastructures and culture and anything more advanced than the discovery of fire without being rightfully blasted down into dust by holy lightning and furious fire any day now

:#chudtantrumfastertalking: :#chudtantrumfastertalking: :#chudtantrumfastertalking:

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>the braindead chudcavemen

Weren't libs pooping bricks a week ago because a college kid named "BigBalls" accessed their sacred untouchable infrastructure?

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It's not that they'll replace the programming socks wearers it's that once the dam is breached it's a lot easier for them to use political pressure. "Political neutrality is vital for backbone operation" is a lot easier to argue when you've actually held yourself to said standard.

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Trump won.

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they were immensely successful with their tactics. I doubt any punishment that rightoids are able to dish out now will be able to outweight that.

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it only takes one snitch to grovel at elon or some burger in the executive branch to get some serious attention

"retribution" (read: total war) is possible now vs previously

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Don't forget Aussie cucks ruled against a dating app operator catering to only biofoids lol !transphobes

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after Mr. Zhen and Flow Chemical failed to engage in Court processes


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I don't get what any of this means. Could you dumb it down for me? Are the good guys winning?

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:marseytrain: gook sues Australia gook.

Australia gook decides to no-show the trial.

:marseytrain: gook wins 450k judgement.

Null crowdfunded 150k for legal funds.

Decides to pay for Australia gooks appeal.

Lawsuit settled and he now only owes 150k and not 450k

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What is the proof that Null paid him?

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Null himself talking about how he is financially helping him with the appeal multiple times on mati and complaining about the fact that despite him funding the appeal he can't be privvy to the details of the case as the entire case rests on proving that Null and Vincent aren't like intimately tied business wise.

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wtf why

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Because Vincent is one of Null's closest friends, and he was doing him a solid by borrowing him the IP addresses in the first place which caused all of this

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Null, Vincent and Destiny (a popular streamer) used to be in a competitive Starcraft 3v3 team like a decade ago. They had a falling out with Destiny but Null and Vincent stayed in touch.

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That sounds made up. I mean, I believe you, but it SOUNDS made up.

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I didn't know Kevin was fricking such a fricking chad. He could be Null's long lost brother.

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Unironically it's not

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How deep does this hole go?


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>:marseytrain: gook sues Australia gook.

For what though? Hosting KF in Australia?

I'm surprised that Australia can have social media at all if hosts are treated as publishers of all user content?

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Vincent's company rented Josh's company ip addresses during drop kiwifarms. And so she sued him for things posted on the site I think. And he thought that was so r-slurred and far fetched that he never submitted anything to the case expecting the judge to throw it out.

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I will be suing in Egypt on behalf of my clients: all the groomercord attentionwhores.

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The issue he made was assuming courts are in any way competent or reasonable

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Joshua Moon

I constantly get him confused with Josh Luna.

I think it's understandable.

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This is so fricking accurate it's hilarious. :marseylaugh:

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Wtf is that comic lmao

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Totally insane butthurt Filipino guy with insane hatred for white people.

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>filipinx ricecels who seethe at white men colonizing asian women love to draw sexy white women, and have even made softcore porn comics with the sole themes being white women acting sexy

:#marseyitsallsotiresome: !builtfor !BWC !whites !asians !nooticers !comicshitters

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More hilariously, look at how he draws himself. He's incredibly ugly but draws himself like that. :marseylaugh:

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:mars#eyzizek: All sexshual is political *sniff* and some such

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All men incels are the same, no matter the color

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Filip*no seething that neither azn nor white women want azn men, especially not from jungle Asia :marseylaugh: bonus points for the one where he seethes at his brother for not being butthurt, and being more successful and happier :marseysourgrapes:

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Funny thing is I know plenty of Filipino guys who do fine with women, moreso than other Asian groups. They're one of the least neurodivergent Asian cultures out there, this dude is just r-slurred.

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@BWC origin story

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Wook up Jwosh Lunya. He's a Fwilipinyo that has a huge inferiority cwompwex and blames ewerything on maywos

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So are we not allowed to say no dong fong r*ped someone?

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You can if you're willing to accept responsibility for your actions. :marseynails:

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The fricking consequences of my actions is fricking that I get to silence the fricking people that speak of my actions...

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Liz Fong-Jones is a male feminist and I say that based on me having no money to sue me for.

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You'll get there someday bud. Everyone should have enough $$$ to sue themselves!

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Accepting responsibility is for chuds. :marseynails:

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Allegations of CPTSD! :#marseyscream:

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Fun fact that girl is now a pooner

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Her dad died

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She was also molested by some emo rock band, so it makes sense how she turned out. Very sad. Consequences really were never the same

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they released a diss track about the 11 year old they molested :marseydarkxd:

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Unreal lmao.

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Free r*pe doesnt mean freedom from consequences, right?

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I am under the bona fides impression (resulting from a zealous search of related materials publicly available on the internet, document 1, attached below) the words used by mr fong jones were "consent accident". I am of the opinion "consent accident" is a much more humurous expression than the (incorrect, as far as I know) expression "r*pe".

Document 1

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So... Liz r*ped the dog? Liz made the dog r*pe this other lady? Liz and the dog r*ped each other?

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On advice of counsel i respectfully decline to answer, as is my 5th amendment right.

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The dog hair made it r*pe / 'a consent accident' retroactively, and they are both :marseytrain2:s. That :lizfongjones: has fought to get his own words wiped from the internet strongly suggests he is, in fact, a self-admitted male feminist by his in-group's definition of r*pe.

He has millions of dollars and former Google cred, but most importantly an neurodivergent, likely sociopathic obsession with control, considering he's also deep into BDSM. That's why he's a threat, because he'll do things far beyond what others would regard as reasonable to try and get what he wants. What usually gets ignored or forgotten about trying to deplatform KF is that a large part of it is DDOS-based, and therefore illegal, but :lizfongjones: pretends it's all about mitigating hate speech as an innocent victim of it. The r*pe info counters that, so it must go.

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Liz's side of the story is he and the girl had consensual s*x, but afterwards she got triggered by finding dog hair on his clothes and said he r*ped her by deliberately getting some on her.

As described it's not r*pe, but the theory people prefer is that he came up with an r-slured story about dog hair to get ahead of an actual r*pe allegation that never made it out of their groomercord or whatever.

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hah get fricked null, ban this

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Liz fong-jones is a male feminist and I have no proof they're a child molester but I believe that's only because they're too fat to catch children.

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:lizfongjones: has alters as do most of the :!marseytrain:s in his orbit, so chances are very high that either he or his frickbuddies pretend to be children during s*x.

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>we defaulted and autolossed for not responding to a lolsuit

>we had the judgment set aside to fight it after the fact

>we also chose to not allege truth as a defense against defamation

>didnt even allege bullshit costs because lol $128k on a default is unreasonable as frick


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>Josh steals money from mentally ill people :marseynullchonker:

>Brave strong Woman steals it back :donkeykongdrag:

ROBIN HOOD! ROBIN HOOD! :marseyvibing: :marseyravegigaspeed:

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lol, unironically knew shit was going to get fricked when Null went to bat for his sneaky china friend

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Yo fools is like owe some money man and shiiet


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The Eternal Gayreek strikes again!

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Get gocked kiwistrags, hope that website vanishes soon :marseybow:

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