… because it's an outdoor cat and that's heckin' environmentally hostile to the birderinos.
Outdoor cats die young.
And have a better, more free life.
A "better" life how exactly? Outdoor cats have a lifespan of 2-5 years. Indoor 10-15 years. It's not even comparable lol
Outliers always exist. But statistics are statistics for a reason.
Please dont let your cats free roam, the amount of small mammals and birds they kill is insane. You are a peepee if you do this.
to play with the birds and chipmunks
Don't anthropomorphize it, it's hunting them, not playing and those animals spend their last moments in terror.
Edit: Why am I being downmarseyd for stating verifable facts? The downmarsey is meant for comments that are inaccurate, if you think Im wrong, please speak up and provide facts, dont hive mind.
Also looks like OP has a history of abusing animals and anthropomorphizing them, not surprised: https://old.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/1fzh3xb/zukos_bath_dance_turn_audio_on_you_wont_be/lr40hxp/?context=8
It's nature that cats hunt. Keeping them inside is anthropomorphizing them. They say play instead of hunt because the cat is not hunting them for food but for fun.
Keeping them inside is called being responsible, your response is a strawman and made in very clear bad faith. I obviously struck a nerve.
... How is my response in a bad faith. I just responded what you said?? What
Wonder how many native creatures the pest murders every year.
better question is - why care? no really, how do birds and lizards being eaten affect me or anyone else negatively?
People say this, but then cry when people even suggest a feral cat hunt to help prevent the damage. How would that negatively affect you?
I like cats, they are cute and killing them makes me sad. the death of birds and lizards does not make me sad
It's no different. Actually, there's a strong case that the feral cat hunt is less egregious because it wouldn't negatively affect the local ecosystem.
The fact that you don't care about the destruction of the ecosystem doesn't make it different, just makes you selfish.
Stop leaving your cats outside. You are committing ecocide every time you let your little furballs out of the house. This is basic cat ownership 101 that takes a 5 minutes of research.
I don't care and you are wrong.
If there's ever a feral cat hunt set up, it will be the fault of people like you.
Why would I care?
Keep your cats indoors please.
Why would you do that to a cat. If you don't live in a place where you can safely let them go outside just don't have one. My cats used to be indoors because of this dumb idea and you can't even imagine how much happier and healthier they are now that they go outside.
Do you allow your dogs to roam free with no supervision too?
Dogs can be a threat to humans. Cats are not.
Humans are not the only consideration when it comes to outdoor cats.
Their effect on local wildlife and ecosystems plus their own safety also matter.
We know the facts on this based on scientific observations - introduced domesticated cats destroy local ecosystems, kill many animals and are at a much higher risk of accidental death than indoor cats. It is not hard to find this information online and environmental and animal experts have a consensus on this.
To disagree is to just be contrarian for the sake of your own misinformed views and ideas.
Educate yourself and do your research before you speak on topics that you do not understand.
Where I live there hasn't been any studies saying that so idc honestly
Selective caring, you are a peepee.
At least I don't keep my cats locked up like prisoners, my cats are happy and healthy and that's all that matters to me. Also as I said before there's no study in the place I live that they're doing any damage. Not every place is the same
Prisoners lmao stop personifying animals
Yeah, right, letting my cats go outside like animals they are it's personifying them, because it's their nature to checks notes live inside a house all day everyday for all their lives?
Personification followed by the appeal to nature fallacy lol I promise you cats are more than fine inside. In fact, they do better inside. Ya know, where disease and predators and poison isn't.
Have fun with your coyote food ;)
Cats do not belong outside.
Where were they originally found? 😱
Cats not only destroy ecosystems, but a large amount of outdoor cats end up missing or under cars. All the professionals advise more responsible ownership, which means keeping them indoors except on leashes. This isn't anything new. It's standard.
I don't think a human has any moral standing on what's good for the environment. Europe has lost about half a billion birds since the 70s - this is because of farming methods - it has nothing to do with cats. Also birds that exist in a city are birds that can exist around humans and therefore around cats.
This idea that cats destroy ecosystems is just human pandering to our own consciences that it isn't all entirely us. The same person who berates another for letting their cat outside will then merrily drive their car which is literally going to war on all life that breathes air. Not saying you shouldn't drive, just the cat stuff is only for one's own alleviation of guilt.
It's like 'Earth Day' -- what's the absolute least thing people can do so we don't have to feel bad about something.
Every responsible cat owner will agree with me. You get your cat chipped, neutered and keep them indoors. It's what's best and safest for them (and nature itself). I had a friend that disagreed. Her cat was flattened on the road outside, where she apparently never went. She quickly changed her tune. Unfortunately, this will keep happening until people learn.
It seems cruel to keep them inside. If you care about them at all, that's what you do as the parent. Otherwise, hold on tight, because you may not have long with them.
Life is inherently dangerous. Might as well wear a helmet everywhere you go just in case
Let's see if you feel that way when your cat is flattened because you think you know better. You don't. Responsible cat owners don't let their furbabies wonder, it's that simple. I'd prefer my boys alive and not messing up our local environment.
You're in the minority.
I did actually have a cat hit by a car. Another in the same litter was given to a friend and also was hit by a car.
I'd personally sooner just ban cars.
So, your cats died, because you let them out. This argument uses that as a very high risk... and you're still refusing to see sense. Responsibility would've kept your cat alive...
For Bob , he's already your indoor cat , just with a lot of playtime outside .I am glad you found each other 🧡🧡🧡
Thats exactly it. He's been an outside for what I assume to be years now so he's always going to enjoy the outdoors to an extent. He loves to come inside and sleep for a solid 5-6 hours and then go back outside to play with the birds and chipmunks. When I get my new house and turn him into an official inside cat, I think I'm going to train him to be on a leash so I can take him on walks so he can still enjoy the outdoors. I don't want to deprive him of that in anyway cause I can tell he enjoys it
We're in the midst of the 6th mass extinction, animals are struggling to cope with habitat loss due to climate change, pollution, and outdoor domestic cats. No matter how you try to justify it, your cat is worsening your local ecological crises right now, every day. Thinking that he just catches pests like mice is a dangerous misconception. They kill indiscriminately, not noting differences between pests and valuable native species like voles which help aerate soil and improve water absorption after rainfall. Local species your cat is impacting is innumerable, meaning too many to count. Cats are also now competing with birds that need smaller rodents for their own diets as part of the food chain, but cats aren't catching them for food to survive, they just do it for fun. Cats can also cause death in birds that they don't bring home, cats have a special bacteria in their mouth that's a death sentence for any bird they bite, without treatment. It's a slow death as well, getting blood poisoning from cat saliva.
Back to risks to your cat, loose dogs and coyotes can and do kill cats, my neighbor's dog has killed 4, including a flame point Siamese that I was desperately trying to get a neighbor to save by bringing indoors. Additionally, cars kill cats all the time, you might think your cat is smart enough to look before crossing, or just not cross since there's plenty of land on the side they're on, but once prey drive kicks in and they chase something, all bets are off.
Your cat could have the misfortune of running into a rabbid animal. It could be something like a sick bat on the ground, or something bigger that would maul them. Squirrels are rarely found to have rabies, but that's only because they don't survive attacks.
There's also cruel humans out there. My cat has a BB pellet in his shoulder from when he was a street cat before I rescued him. Cats can be poisoned, people do sick things. There's also a high population of people that swerve into animals when they see them crossing the road.
My cat gets lots of enrichment, and I regularly take him out in nice weather on his harness, he gets super excited to see when it comes off the hook, it's an adorable ceremony your cat deserves to experience on the sooner side of later.
Please bring them inside asap, they're like toddlers. Toddlers may want to play with bottles under the sink but we don't let them because it's dangerous. It takes a few days to weeks to break them off the habit of trying to escape but I promise they can be happy, thriving indoor cats. The sooner you can do it the better!
Hope this explanation is helpful and brings him sooner rather than later!
It's nice to see a cat roam. Can't have that where I live because it's a containment zone due to them killing every small wildlife they see etc
Is that a local law? That's such a shame given that the 'study' the "kills billions of birds each year" came from used almost deliberately flawed methodology
Yeah it is. If they find your cat roaming it gets taken to a shelter/pest holding center and they call you ( if you have a cat and bring it to the vet, they have to microchip it ) , issue you a big fine.
If you don't microchip it, it might go to a local rspca for adoption, or it will get euthanized. Or go to the rspca, overloaded with animals , and they have to euthanize it too.
Is it ? I'm not animal expert much less species related stuff but I don't think it's a highly debatable thing that cats have a fairly large range and can kill many birds especially. Thought I suppose that varies with the local environment, where I live they have zero predators, though I'm guessing that's the same as most urban areas ?
When I had a cat we did just have a net thing over the balcony so he could go out easily and look at traffic etc.
Miss the old bugger.
Is it ? I'm not animal expert much less species related stuff but I don't think it's a highly debatable thing that cats have a fairly large range and can kill many birds especially. Thought I suppose that varies with the local environment, where I live they have zero predators, though I'm guessing that's the same as most urban areas ?
Yeah, the 'study' was commissioned/financed by the American Audubon Society (so, not exactly unbiased) and its methodology was:
- Calculate how many cats there were on average per square mile in the city they were in;
- Look up how many square miles there are in America;
- Guesstimate how many birds a cat kills in a year;
- Multiply the figures they got at (1) and (2) to get an 'estimate' for how many cats there were in America;
- Multiply the figures from (3) and (4) to get the 'answer' of how many birds cats kill each year in America.
The glaring hole in all of this is that a LOT of America is empty space - and even most residential areas aren't as population-dense as a city. So when they took the figure from (1) for the average number of cats per square mile in their city and multiplied it (2), what they got was an estimate for how many cats there were total in America if the entire surface of America was one large city.
So, they massively (as in, by several orders of magnitude) overestimated how many cats there are in America, and as a result their figure for how many birds cats kill per year in America is similarly several orders of magnitude too high :)
Outside Cat = RIP Cat
I've had outside cats live more than 15 years. Luckily not everybody lives in big cities where they can be killed by cars or things like that.
Humans are cruel. Put antifreeze out and watch that cat lap it up and die soon after. Trap it, shoot it, snap its neck, stomp its head. So many easy ways to kill a cat, and there are too many people willing to do such horrible things.
Just because you got lucky with your cats, that doesn't mean countless other cats haven't had to suffer for their owners irresponsible decisions.
I had an outside cat. Always had outside cats. He was my best guy he would come running to me when I got home from work etc.
Neighbors put out rodenticide and my very healthy very active cat came home very sluggish, very lethargic and wouldn't eat or drink.
The animal hospital wanted 1800 blood test before they would give him poison treatment so they put him down for 100 dollars.. but wouldn't take my 500 dollars for shots.
Frick boomer neighbors (and everyone ) who use rodenticide on squirrels or outside period.
Frick vet hospitals who make money on desperate people.
F people who think their single pet is somehow worth more than the hundreds of things it kills for fun outside. Your outside cat killed far more than the rodentcide did dude.
Keep bob inside, butthole - wildlife in your area
I'm not saying the cat did it…
I wonder how many birds it's killed. Natural born hunter.
I have a native garden at my place. I've drawn in so many birds over the years. They love serviceberry in the spring. Winterberry is a favorite during winter.
New neighbor moves in. They have a beautiful cat that absolutely loves being outside. He's a great climber, always in the trees.
The birds are gone. I hear nothing from the trees. Nothing from the grass. Every now and then there's a mocking bird or a crow. The blue jays are gone. The finches, the cardinals. No more titmouse. Chickadees. I wonder if I'll have catbirds this year.
Beautiful cat. You can tell it is content and its family loves it.
Winter days when I bring him inside (the fur coat difference in winter vs summer is crazy, so majestic)
Cats shouldn't be outside. They do so much damage to the ecosystem
Yes not to mention letting them free roam exposes them to all manners of hazards, predators, and psychos.
You're getting downmarseyd but you're absolutely right and anyone with half a brain that truly loved their cat would leash train, get a catio, do supervised outdoor time, or get a stroller. (
Out door cats live on average half as long as indoor cats, and this stat adjusts for the disproportionate amount of kittens who dont make it into adulthood in outdoor cat litters. If it's included, the average outdoor cat lives around 4 years. So much death for creatures we all love.
I know youre in a tough spot with your rental not allowing pets, OP. But for the animal who saved your life sakes. Please consider finding a home for him. Even if it's temporary.
This is a false statistic that people keep throwing around on Reddit. 'Outside' in this statistic is used to describe STRAY cats, not indoor/outdoor cats who have an owner and are being cared for.
Pls have data to prove that it's not false or else rephrase that as your own opinion.
Please have data that it's true
You're the one claiming it's false, the onus is on you to either have proof to disclaim it, or admit it's just your opinion/observation.
The person making the initial claim is the one who inherently needs to provide evidence for that claim to begin with. That's literally how the burden of proof works.
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Wrong. Lizards are based. Frick birds though.
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We have found the ubermensch
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If humans actually cared about nature governments would be actively killing all cats.
Edit: I saw zero birds harmed in the video?
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why do redditors think it's ok to make assumptions and quote statistics when it comes to feline assault rates?
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ll trust the fricking experts this time, motherlover! I swear!"
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Because the average reddit cat is Orange ( ginger ). not black.
Internal racism of redditors strikes again.
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!homeowners, eliminating vermin is the whole point of having a cat. I don't own any myself, but there's one that wanders my neighborhood killing every squirrel it sees. Puts a serious dent in those frickers' efforts to get inside my attic.

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The other reason to have an outdoor cat is so you don't get cat shit in your garden.
Your cat keeps all the other cats away, and then your cat shits in someone else's garden.
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My one sometimes brings live mice home to play with later :(
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King shit
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My sister had rats stealing food waste from her composter, the little shits.
Late last year, a bunch of stray kittens randomly appeared on her street, and mainly congregate in her house. She doesn't have any rat issues anymore
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/u/camoure you're fricking kidding, right? You realize people with outdoor cats will let them stay inside if they want (and they often do in the rain), but the cat prefers to be outside, because just about every animal prefers to be outside.
You're acting like this cat is gonna get taken by a hawk and in its last few seconds of life it's gonna think "darn I wish I stayed inside my whole life" lmao yeah right
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One of mine lived to 10, the other made it to fricking 22. That fricker had a stroke, thought he was on his way out, had the kids say goodbye when he hadn't left the spot he posted up in for 2 days. Then after 2 more of not leaving that spot got up, acted like nothing happened and lived 3 more years. Also once saw him deflect a hawk.
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Calipso finally passed away a few months ago. I'm not sure how old she was, but probably close to 18.
I can at least date that we went on a family vacation back in 2008, she got out when we were leaving. We came home a week later and when we opened the garage door the following morning, she walked back inside like nothing ever happened.
She loved wandering around the fields and killing whatever she wanted. Also liked cars.
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Omg she's so cute
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Always had outdoor cats growing up - helped with keeping rats out of the chicken feed.
They'd live to at least 15, aside from the occasional owl snatching a kitten.
I don't think these redditors realize cats in rural areas are often considered working animals and aren't the blight on nature they claim that they are.
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Yeah I imagine if given the choice, most cats would prefer hunting land animals like mice than birds.
I did see my aunt's outdoors cat one time take down a fricking hummingbird - she jumped from the roof, I am not kidding, snatched that fricker out of the air from a window-mounted feeder and pinned it to the ground. It managed to fly away though, and I think she only pounced for fun lmao.
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Sounds like a blast to watch.
I mostly had to deal with them leaving garter snakes and mouse kidneys on the porch, which was a sweet gesture.
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Yeah, other than mice I never saw my cats kill shit, maybe when you live in town there's more fat slow birds that have lost their instincts to kill.
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i've got an outside cat that's probably 10. or more? it just showed up one day and never left. probably cause i started feeding it, i guess.
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thats a good cat video
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Frick the ecosystem.
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Why am I being downmarseyd for stating verifable facts? The downmarsey is meant for comments that are inaccurate, if you think Im wrong, please speak up and provide facts, dont hive mind.
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Unless you do something r-slurred and introduce an outdoor cat to an isolated island, or keep one right next to a large nesting ground its basically fine. The cat is either going to be a) Rural, at which point the density of cats is too low too matter or b) suburban at which point you've already affected massive habitat loss by constructing suburbia, and the cat makes little difference.
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Sorry to be a redditor but this is r-slurredly wrong. You're acting like "cat" is some otherwise wild animal that fills an environmental niche when left alone but it's a species we bred specifically to breed crazily and kill everything. Rural cats ruin everything and I try to my best to kill every suburban cat with my car
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The redditor take is the "my cat is such a wholesum chungus isn't it awesome that he cleans out my yard!! He's such a badass" Like it's so awesome that a fat butt cat kills animals and doesn't even eat them.
It is really a shame that cat owners think that their grey tabby (mostly indistinguishable from six other cats in the same mile radius) is that much cooler than all the fauna they kill and rob food from (foxes, hawks, etc.) That being said, pet cats are nowhere near as disruptive as feral ones. Pets are mostly worthless at large scale pest control besides scaring the mammals to somewhere else. Still pretty cute though.
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feral cats are just the offspring of redditor's obese pet cats going free roam though. this thread on rdrama is such a stupid contrarian circlejerk that it beggars disbelief, it's so unbelievably easy with no real downside to keep your cat indoors if you insist on having one that it's crazy to support "free roam" cats. if you dont want to deal with the smellz of an indoor cat you don't get a cat (p.s anyone who owns a cat who thinks their house doesn't smell is wrong)
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I've never had a cat, but I have met plenty of indoor ones who live healthy and fulfilling lives. Family friends once had kittens that they kept outside until two were eaten. The other siblings have spent the rest of their lives indoors and are just fine lol. Cat owners (most pet owners in general) are stupid about their pets which leads to them coping with the fact that they smell like crap in the house and are overgrown pests that poop in playgrounds outside of it. At least most dog owners have the decency to pick the poop up. Most of the reactions here are probably contrarian plus the fact that they can't cope with the fact that the pet they love so much is a old fat person pet that is also a scourge.
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irgin bird lover vs the fricking chad feral cat enjoyer.
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Some places have had large cat populations for literally thousands of years and still somehow have birds.
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unless by "large cat populations" you mean "population of large cats [ie tigers and shit]" you're just straight up wrong. this is such an r-slured way to look at it anyway because "well i went out yesterday and saw a pigeon!" doesn't disprove the fact that a stray cat which shits 40 kittens every two years isn't a natural fit for a place hospitable to birds
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Do you think domestic cats were genetically engineered in a lab in the 60's or something you spaz? The middle east and North Africa has had them for 12000 years, Europe for between 2500 and 9500 years depending on what part you look at and China has had them for 5000 years and still, somehow has birds.
Habitat loss is the big one, cats just move in in the wake of humans destroying them.
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The problem is that in their natural environment, cats are in balance with other species, but without enough of their natural predator, the pitbull, they will breed out of control and become destructive. In a suburban environment, where pitbulls are culled but cats allowed to proliferate, you end up with a surplus of the latter. Pitbulls are also necessary to deal with another suburban menace, the toddler.
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Still mad at my brother's ex. He moved down south when he knocked her up, brought his strictly indoor cat with him.
First thing she does? Sets the cat outside.
Never saw Cookie again :(
This one picture is all we have left.
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Where I grew up this happened to a lot of the cats. We had lots of coyotes that would roam around. On one occasion a neighbor saw their cat ripped up by mountain lion not far from them.
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I like Bwob!
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Imagine seeing a video of a happy cat greeting a friend and your first reaction is to sneed endless paragraphs about it.
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Redditors are legit ghouls, holy shit
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Homesick for an outdoor cat I'm not sure even exists
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Ive killed more birds and small mammals then any cat.
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Our farm cats live for like 15 years and they're outside everyday around heavy equipment on the farm lol. I do put them in the heated shop at night tho.
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As if there's anything left that matters anyway.
Where are the eagles?
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My indoor/outdoor cat lived 17 years, a lot longer and happier than many redditor cats, and I almost never had mice in the house
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All of these people need too die. Holy shit. Trans lives matter
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you should grill yourself NOW
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archive.ph (click to archive)
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