:marseydarktrump: Trump stopped all military aid to Ukraine and considers stopping other types of aid as well :chudrage: :marseyzelensky:


But why let all those perfectly good weapons go to waste when you could still put them to good use? :marseysaluteisrael:

Ukros and their supporters on suicide watch rn :marseyrope:

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:soycry: noooo you have to play an extremely expensive game of chicken with a nuclear power!! Because.... you just HAVE TO, OKAY :soysnooseethe: :soysnoo:

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But how will I get a constant stream of absurd war videos now? Neither the palicucks nor the jews are funny enough :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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Ikr Israel is nuking hospitals and civilians and doing actual war crimes.

At least slavs larp as cod soldier boys

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That video of ukros running over unarmed zigger soldiers with a tank was a think of beauty. Middle easterners could never replicate such an absurd idea :marseylaying:

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Meanwhile Israel be like: here's a gorilluon dollar javelin that can sink a flagship watch us launch it at this run down hut cause there is where Hezbollah hide their infants and expecting mothers.

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Killing Hezbollah's leader while crashing five nearby appartement buildings was spectacuar :marseyagreefast:

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five nearby appartement buildings


Cause ain't nobody gonna be your ally if you blow up their apartment with their wife and kids inside!

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Muslims and jews are natural enemies, they would have been against Israel even if left alone. Like khohols and ziggers actually :lelolidk:

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Kohols and ziggers are brainrot and fetal alcohol syndrome and take their grim situation with a bit of humor and understand irony.

Middle easterners are 80IQ and supercereal moralstrags with not a single funny bone on the entire subcontinent and the only way to get something funny out of them is to glass and hope whoever settles in next is funny.

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But khohols ARE ziggers

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:marseysigh: True, we'll be back to Cartelmaxxing 24/7 until Trump shuts those down too

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extremely expensive if you're an r-slur maybe. owning your geopolitical enemy forever just by sending obsolete military gear and the expense is refreshing your own gear is a bargain deal. Also this was the norm for 40 years during the cold war and the russians had no qualms proxying against us.

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What if we spent the money on things that actually make Americans' lives better

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Dead Russians do make my life better tho

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>actual Ruski simp

lmao :marseyxd:

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Russia is cooler than the rest of Europe and Ukraine by a long shot. We used to be friends and make cool video games before the year of our lord 2016. Now I have to simp for some country I can't point to on a map

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Go do something besides choking on vatnik peepee for a change.

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But it's all he knows!!!


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Russia is cooler

Neighbor so r-slurred he misspelled "poorer".

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I get batting for Trump, but comlimenting Russia makes you look like a r*pe victim suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

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That makes no sense

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It really was evil of hilldawg to scapegoat Russia when you think about it objectively.

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Yeah like funding :marseytrain2: clinics in India

BIPOC you're fricking r-slurred, your country is literally as wealthy as it gets, you can't succeed because you're a moron like 95% of your brethren, if they stop sending stuff to Ukraine it won't make your life better in any way and it WILL make your life much worse in the future, but obviously you can't think one step ahead.

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Surely those billionaires will split that money with me!

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That's called communism buddy

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It's not the Cold War anymore, why 'own geopolitical enemies' when there's plenty to do at home

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And you know why it isn't the Cold War anymore? Because the US won. And when you defeat your enemies but can't turn them into vassals/allies a la Japan or Germany you better make sure they don't come back up. It's a lot cheaper to send old military equipment to Ukraine today than to deal with a Russia that has regained it's imperial territories.

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And you know why it isn't the Cold War anymore?

because communism is an r-slured broken system for resentful morons and biomass? not reading the rest

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why is russia our geopolitical enemy post 1991?

I still don't get this :marseyconfused:

we've done nothing but poke the bear for 30 years

and we're surprised someone's getting mauled???

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(((Neocon))) warhawks eternally seething about the pogroms their great-great-great-great grandbubbies had too endure hundreds of years ago is why

No trans lives matter

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Is "bubbies" why Rickman said "Hanz, Booby" in Die Hard?

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Because of Putin's necessity to have an enemy to uphold his regime. poke the bear lmao, like Ostpolitik and giving millions of gibs to Russia after 91'? Its not our fault their oligarchs took that money. Russia's real enemy is China and they will backstab them soon to take Siberia.

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no like couping ukrane. it seems they're not the only ones who 'need' an enemy :marseyindignant:

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Cause it's an r-slur bear (sic racoon dog) that growls and howls the moment it stops getting poked

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"Owning the geopolitical enemy" by watching them take progressively more land from your vassal state.

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holy shit they just took bumfrick village shitkonevichka #5009 in the Dumbass this week :marseyitsover:

At this rate they will take over Ukraine by 2774 its so over bros....

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2 more weeks years decades and Kiev will be ours :ziggerseethe:

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you live in a failed state :10inbongland:

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