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Ladbible uploads a wholesome video of having Western women try on a Hijab :hijabwojak:. White Western woman love it :marseyembrace: :marseyfingerhearts: Everyone else is like WTF :marseywtf2: :marseywut2: WARNING, Mega White Woman Moments to be found within!




These white women... not a fan tbh. :cdmwtf:

1. :chadwomannordic: "imagine what would happen the other way around"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047fZjh6x768Z8Iqw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047mk_OdbMQMrOs_g.webp

2. :hijabwojak: "remember, wearing a hijab is a choice... also, something, something, nuns..."

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047O71wf-dQemHm0A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047e1J84WZaBeAKvQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047L2tYeNuuxU0bHQ.webp

3. :marseywomanmoment: "imagine being mad that someone else embraces culture" :marseysmug3: "imagine thinking a hijab is culture..." :10inbongland: :ethot: :ramonajak: angry white woman noises

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871047tNKns9mqkonhJw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871048lGDpYVazjT49Yw.webp

4. :marseyfoidretard: "bla, bla, bla, but what about nuns!" :handsomechud: "nuns don't randomly explode"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871049RqSti_tmkG4yHg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871049LO0GBQQN-lJPsA.webp

5. :marseywomanmoment2: "I'm white and own a hijab and niqab!"


6. :marseyfrozenchosen2: "this is wonderful! Keep it up ladies"


I checked her profile, she's real, she's some deranged boomer white woman......

7. :marseyfrozenchosen2: :marseybrainlet: "this is so cute! DEI must grow and expand!"


I hate white women! I hate white women! I hate white women! :marseytrollcrazy:

8. :marseyradfem: "as a pagan, I adore hijabs!" :marseyhuh: "you would be killed as a pagan in an Islamic country..." :marseyradfem: "so be it, make me a martyr for my beliefs!"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871049BFBKr5LqrleQHg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871049Bp-EUaAMEH6Z3w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740871049c7s_fJqtKTmEQw.webp :marseylaugh:

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the handmaids yearn for the breeding robes :marseygilead:

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Always the breeding robes, never the work robes :marseythinkorino2:

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even in their worst fantasy they cant imagine forced labour

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>Women love murder podcasts and dystopian grandma breeder fic and documentaries about the abjectest depressions and men who hurt them and MAID and foreign/domestic policies that hurt them

I know so little about women it's fricking unreal

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!foidmoment !chuds !ranchers someone post that pic of the Handmoids Table cosplay outfit being sold out on XXL sizes :marseydarkxd: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseycertifiedangus:

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That's a shoop. Here's the original:


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How does sizing even work for an outfit that's basically a bed sheet with sleeves :marseythinkorino: does a small on a :marseychonkerfoid: stop at the knees?

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It stops right above the belly button

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The fact that women are stupid enough to cheer on wearing a hijab proves that Islam was right about women all long.


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Puritanism, Christianity :marseynpcmad:

Puritanism, Islam :soyjakwow:

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Muslims are heckin valid oppressed BIPOC bodiex chud.

Sure, !christians may have existed in Ethiopia and in India before Christianity even reached Northern Europe, but they were KKKolonizers, unlike the Muslim folx who spread their wholesome progressive religion peacefully :npctantrum:

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>what would happen other way around

Happens all the time


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Jewish lives matter


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Pro tip: Don't talk to the sister unless you're trying to immediately get beaten to death by her 20 cousins.

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The most traumatizing moment in a 3rd world moids life is when a peepee goes into his sister without his consent. Somebody should annoy thirdies by pointing out that they are their sisters proud pimps.

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Islam is right about.....whatever this is..... https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740936413yu6ufAR38LVqHQ.webp

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actually in all these countries it's their choice to wear it and nothing to do with being beaten with sticks for not being happy at being married off at 7 years old

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freedom of dress does not mean freedom from consequences.

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Das rite. B-words can wear anything they like, just have to expect to be shunned by their families and their communities, and possibly murdered or doused in acid by an angry father, cousin or brother if they choose incorrectly.

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"Hey b-word, try on this cool scarf"


"Yo I look hot as frick in this, I'm posting this to insta"


"Nooooo what if the roles were reversedโ€ฆ"


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Bih should get on her knees and give me a hijob :pepoboner:

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imagine what would happen the other way around

wouldn't that just be a crappy striptease?

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What happened to "my culture is not your prom dress"? White women be slipping

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Why are white people like this?

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Meanwhile actual muslim foids just don't really care that much. They think about it as much as you'd think about putting on a hat during the winter.

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Don't think Muslim foids have a lot of thoughts that aren't just fear of God and Husbando; and white hot anger at whores and a desire to stone them.

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A society is never insane with one sided gender insanity. If you find the men intolerable in some land then the foids are going to be a miserable experience in some other way too, and if you find the foids unbearable then the moids of that land are going to be unbearable in some way too.

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government mandated devout muslim wives when?

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The nun comparison is just dumb. A nun is an occupation and a commitment, very different from being a regular women.

If being a Muslim women means you have to commit yourself to live like a nun, then all that shows is Islam is not a good religion for women.

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Islam is a good religion for women. :marseyjihad:

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Do these people get anyone to convert??

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Never trust a woman wearing muslim garbs.

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White sharia, it's what foids crave !repealthe19th @weev

No trans lives matter

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Ah shit weev upmarsey and comment, feels good man :marseyfeelsgood:

I didn't know you still hung out here, I'm on the gay bodybuilding site but didn't expect a response here on our ultra gay marseystragging site, can I break the j k Rowling connection or would you prefer to mine that dramacoin :marseykneel:

No trans lives matter

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Yeah sure you can post about it, I wasn't going to. @ me when you do. Maybe wait until you aren't chudded though

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Unfortunately (((ZOGs))) tendrils reach even here and I've been permachudded for mild antisemitism

No trans lives matter

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1st girl got cuter

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definitely a nicer outfit than generic "I'm not like the other girl" shitty Zara leather jacket and high waisted wide pants to hide the fat

Sandneighbors onto something FR

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Hijab is a choice, sweaty. You can wear it and function :marseyairquotes: normally :marseyairquotes: , or not wear it and be unable to leave your house. :soyjakanimeglasses:

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imagine not experiencing the pressure to look universally frickable 24X7 from ages 13-65 because it's socially acceptable to wear a bedsheet that covers your entire body

all of the seethers have bought into the lib dem version of feminism where being the object of c*m thoughts by moids is the ultimate self expression

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imagine not experiencing the pressure to look universally frickable 24X7 from ages 13-65 because it's socially acceptable to wear a bedsheet that covers your entire body

the mussie men don't care how you look, they will try to r_pe you since the age of 7 anyway

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there is zero pressure in the west to wear tight or revealing clothing, it's perfectly acceptable and very common among zoomer foids to wear e.g. a hoodie and wide jeans.

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Some people would gladly put slave collars on themselves as long as you told them it was the fashionable and liberating thing to do.

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The way big mike gorilla grips that woman's arm

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you would be killed in islamic country for being pagan

Or in this country :marseybutt2: :marseybestfriends:

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Fully support the other s*x wearing hijabs if it means I don't have to see more tits out in public, it's unsightly!

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