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Women don't simply "choose" low-stress, comfortable jobs-they are disproportionately represented in caring and teaching professions, such as nursing, elderly care, and education. These roles are far from easy, yet they remain underpaid because society prioritises wealth generation for large capital institutions over essential, people-centered labour.

/u/violetrain1 is like "ugh they think it's fair they get paid more just because they generate more profits for their employer"

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0 IQ take lol without education, no profits for these employers

It's a real problem that teachers get paid like shit so it's impossible to get good ones

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Teachers aren't hired or promoted or given raises based off merit so increasing their pay would do nothing to increase their quality.

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Ah yes thus they should not be paid well

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Well yes, all paying them more will do realistically is raise my taxes.

If we could convince teachers unions that they should be paid based off merit I'd agree with you though.

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So you agree that ur first comment was bs? :marseysmughips:

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Not really, why?

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They should get paid more, from the wages of all the administration, bureaucracy and of course DEI that overtake school districts. That seems to be where most of the money goes when it gets poured in to education.

Also dock the wages of any teacher using social media under their own name, or reddit and TikTok in any form.

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It would increase retention. Look up "cost disease" - why should anyone be a math teacher when they could take those same skills and make 200k slinging javascript or 300k in insurance or 500k in finance?

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Because they suck at math :marseygiggle:

There's also opposition to paying teachers significantly different amounts based off what they teach though. Like realistically math teachers should probably get paid like double what english teachers do, but no teachers union would ever approve that.

The effect you're describing is real ofc. If we paid teachers like double then yeah we might get better teachers - not like universally better bc the people who are teachers now would still be teachers. But it would cost SO much. Here in Chicago, our school system is by far our largest expense, it costs triple the police dept and related stuff. So just realistically, a 30% raise for teachers usually works out to like a 10% increase in property taxes across the board. I just don't think it's a reasonable use of resources in comparison to simply rewarding teachers who actually do their jobs well, which also gives other teachers an incentive to step it up which they simply don't have right now.

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Higher education does discriminate in salaries based on area of study. Humanities will pay as low as $60k for a professor while STEM is anywhere from $100k-200k depending on the exact field simply because there's no private sector for the first tranche to compete against. Law profs end up being the highest paid at most schools because of this and because law schools are such moneymakers for a university that they're willing to pay for it.

Chicago is screwed and no amount of teacher salary will change it. You can't make school systems work when the majority of the parents are completely disinterested in their children's education. Suburbs and private schools have much lower per-student spending and teacher salaries and still have superior outcomes because the students there have parents that are actively involved and making certain that their children are learning.

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cause they wouldn't get too groom children. trans lives matter

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Each job has its perks

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given raises based off merit

The ones that merit it do

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teachers are r-slurred monkeys who deserve to get paid nothing

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This but unironically

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Teachers make 6 figures after 5 years in Washington

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Sounds poor to me

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this is also why police suck. You get the quality that you pay for.

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0 IQ take lol without education, no profits for these employers

The education system in the west is excessive if not outright hedonistic. The idea you need 12+ years of schooling to push a broom, stock shelves or work a cashie is absurd.

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Maybe the economy that thinks plastic crap and fake digital "money" is more valuable than caring for children and the elderly is actually what's wrong.

All this first-order analysis is so :marseysleep:. Yes, it's tautologically true that adtech for spam email is more profitable than keeping vulnerable infants alive.

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the economy doesn't "think" anything

those things just are more valuable

caring for children and the elderly is not hard, just often unpleasant. and if you want those people paid more to filter out psychopath abusers who otherwise flock to these jobs like flies to shit, then it has to cost more

so grandma can either get beaten by a 300 pound jamaican foid, or be priced out of any kind of care at all. at which point YOU can care for her yourself

since you're all so selfrighteous in what society should do, lead by example :marseyindignant:

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>:marseyakshually: one trillion spam emails is more valuable than a kitten

Go google "is-ought problem" you mouth breathing trog.

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you're the one oughting it up in here :marseydisagree:

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or be priced out of any kind of care at all. at which point YOU can care for her yourself

This is what my family always does. Even hospice care.

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Wonder which gender spends all the money on plastic crap instead of caring for gender


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kindergardener is an easy and fun job.

elder care / r-slur care is hard work, but there's lots of men in those jobs nowadays.

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:marseytruthnuke: :marseydeadinside2:


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Teachers are terrible at carrying for students. I'd let any random !biofoids watch my kid before someone with a degree in Edu or child care because those degrees amazingly make you worse at understanding and raising up children

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I think the forces of a profit motive are strong and it doesn't make much sense to get rid of them, which you would be doing if you like set all salaries at a govt level, kinda like price fixing but for pay.

At the end of the day, with the exception of minimum wage laws, your compensation is between you and your employer, and I don't think the government should really be getting involved. Obviously if somebody reneges on an agreement - like an employer saying they'll pay you $X and they don't - then it should. But not for negotiations. It's really one of the best ways to get people paid based on merit. It's not perfect - nepotism of course exists, but tbh I find it generally less common than redditors whine about. Like I'm sure there's some people at my company who are there bc they're family members or whatever of some partner but they're a tiny minority, the vast majority are hired and retained due to their profitability/skills.

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Only a very tiny number of highly skilled employees can negotiate their own salaries. Most workers take or leave what's offered.

I'm not advocating for a command economy, but I would put a thumb on the scale for socially beneficial outcome.

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Only a very tiny number of highly skilled employees can negotiate their own salaries.

Strong disagree here. Maybe it's still a minority as in less than 50% but I think you're underestimating how much leverage a really good/productive employee has. Even at larger companies with more rigid pay structures, management usually has the ability to influence promotions.

Realistically though, what would such a policy even look like? Some kind of head tax based on the work somebody does? Or a discount if the work is "good for society"? But who would even pick and choose which jobs are "more good" than others?

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I think you're overestimating how many people ever get promoted.

Anyway I'd slap Pigouvian taxes on funkopops, social media and HFT and use it to subsidize early childhood arts education. We need more citizens and fewer consoomers.

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skill issue

always has been

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/u/alwaysright0 it's funny how there was an entire movement of third wave feminism to address this and yet because a couple of chuds on twitter said "this is stupid" apparently no one was behind the former

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Read username

Refer to username

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Were you up in arms about the gender pay gap at any point over the last forever years when it's women that earn less? Oh no, a small age group of men is earning less than women, now we have a problem!

:quote: it was bad before but it's good now :quote:

i hate redditors

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I like that logic.

Jews have had it good for millennia but now they experience a tinzy genocide for 3 years.

They weren't up in arms about any previous genocide why do they whine now?

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Of course burger simps for Israel

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i support for anyone killing muslims terrorists. :alienfinger:

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everything in there is the opposite of correct :swing:

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How do you even manage to get paid less. Like, just go to the place which pays you better then put in the effort to make them more successful than the place you left? Is that really that hard?

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Low skilled Bong moids are stuck having to compete with endless migrants who'll work for minimum wage. It's depressed wages significantly over the past 2 decades.

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!neolibs economics isn't real, it's just PAKIS. It's not austerity, it's not aging population, it's not energy policy, it's not zero economic growth, it's just PAKIS. It's just PAKIS dude.

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Lets see the unemployment rate:


Nope, the pakis aren't the econimically problem (unless the gov hides the real rate ofcourse)

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Remember, they don't include people who quit looking for a job after so many months (Why, I don't know).

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isn't that mostly women deciding to be a stay-at-home mom

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No, it's the current homeless and anybody else who stopped applying for job after 6 months (at least, that's how the US calculates it).

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Obviously because they won the lottery and simply dont need to look for work anymore. Stop asking questions :marseysweating:

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Can't really tally figures on people who don't interact with your data-gathering system. That it helps them skew the numbers is a side-benefit.

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>interact with

Odd way of defining their measurement of "unemployment."

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mass migration + failure to mass-build new housing in london = native brits get pushed out of their country's only economically dynamic city and can't internally migrate there as they did in generations past.

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I fookin 'ate PAKIS!


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It is all Pakis fault.

It is the bongs reaping after sowing groomercord across Asia


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and that's a good thing?

I wonder if it would be better to pass a law that all people within a society must be given jobs before you can offer any of them to outsiders. How would that turn out.

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We couldn't possibly do that, apparently paying more than minimum wage would cut into globalmegacorp's profits too much.

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Yeah what you said.

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work for minimum wage

Better yet, they pay back some of the money so that they don't get deported!

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Women in the UK have endless diversity hire opportunities.

Every tech adjacent company tries to force a 50/50 workforce out of 10% comp sci grads being women and it's a fricking shit show

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Every tech adjacent company tries to force a 50/50 workforce out of 10% comp sci grads being women and it's a fricking shit show


I used to work somewhere that did actually get to 50/50 and it sucked because basically all the women there were literally useless at their jobs.

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My buddy's workplace did away with open air offices because foids were being foids and put everyone back into cubicles and the foids are leaving and solving the problem they created because they don't like being in a cubicle having to do work and shit.

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Based self destruction.

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Women mostly do as they're told through education and so are quickly employable, while men frick around for a while but then focus in on something that's more profitable than the people-based kind of work that women do. I guess that'd mostly be it.

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Makes sense except for the fact that the share of unemployed men keeps going up.

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british economy collapsing

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So from what I am getting, it is because the market has too much red tape that goes beyond safety standards, ruining all aspects of life and growth potential?

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how did you watch a 1 and a half hour video in 6m. Are zoomers using 15x playback speed now

its more about old people cannibalizing the country to do old people shit

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No I am lazier than that the vid is divided into chunks and each chunk's name shows up when you click on a video segment in that section at the bottom of the vid box. So I figured out what I could by checking what each video section was titled.

The old people thing was only raised as a point near the end. Other places have old people too.

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yeah but these old people are rigging the economy, NHS, and benefits massively in their favor. They hate freedom and love nanny state shit that is causing massive problems.

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What is your recommended solution?

Mine would be that the right to vote is only reserved for those who work jobs, and the age of retirement is kept at 65. If the women complain point out that a large chunk of men are unemployed as well now.

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I watched another video said a double whammy of Covid and the Ukraine war fricked up an already bad situation beyond repair.

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Yes. It all started with the 2008 crisis which was like a punch out of left field to the EUs eye. Germany barely recovered and began growing again economically a few years before covid then Covid ended up being the second black eye punch. After that the EU was still able to get together to provide stimulus surplus funds to keep the economy running but that too wasn't enough when the Ukraine war hit.

It is not beyond repair unless by repair you mean that the EU economy is again growing above 2% rates per year its GDP.

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what you just did is called a strawman /u/ButtocksSandwich

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ur a gold memer

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/u/Annual_Swordfish263 keep simping

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men deserve less tbh :marseynails:



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This simply can't be true, if it were a company would pop up that only hires men and be successful.


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