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The Littlest Nazi tries to redpill his parents on Israel, his mom calls him a "woke liberal" :boomermonster::chudseethegenocide: :marseyka!ren:


:marseywhirlyhat: Ate dinner with my parents today and they started talking about politics. They're total Gen X MIGAtards, have absolutely no understanding of the world. I eventually interjected and told them I haven't been impressed with Trump since he's deported less illegals in his first month than Biden. They didn't believe me, lol. They then started talking about Ukraine and how it's good we aren't going to be sending them money anymore. So I then told them Trump sent 2 billion to Israel very recently and that short-circuited their brains. My mom then said the usual bullshit about Israel being important to Christianity—which I immediately shot down by saying Jews hate Jesus and Christians.

I then had an argument with my dad where I was literally showing him passages straight out of the Bible and Talmud showing how the jewish chads killed Jesus, Jesus was boiling in shit in the Talmud, that Jesus wasn't a jew, etc. and he STILL insisted I was wrong. They had no argument for what I was saying and my mom even said I was "becoming a woke liberal". Like, what? :chudtantrum: :marseylaughpoundfist:

This is why I don't talk politics with family, it's pointless when they're that old and brainwashed. Nothing will convince them. :marseycrying:

anytime someone says that Christians should take care of their fellow Jews, just simply remind them that a Jew literally killed Jesus

Yet these people worship the guy who killed Hitler :soysnoo:

Well I'm Gen X. Actually many people within a generation have different viewpoints believe it or not. :marseyindignant:

My Dad is still super pro-Israel, but at least he has come around on Ukraine and now thinks maybe we should stop sending money there. All you can do is try to explain and hope they are open minded. :marseybrainlet:

Yep, the problem isn't specific generations, it's the close minded people. The young are generally more open minded as they haven't been programmed yet. Hence why the jew always target the young. Who hasn't gone through the holohoax brainwashing procedure in first grade of school at around age 7? :marseybrain: :marseycalvin:

So this is why CP users spend so much time talking to six year olds.

You're allowed to attempt once, after that you have to tap the sign. Because you're right, it's a pointless waste of time.

Aint that the truth. Best you can do is step aside and let them destroy themselves. It is heartbreaking to watch your own slowly destroy themselves but be thankful you are not. :marseyclueless:

Then everyone on the bus clapped

Things that didn't happen :marseyxdoubt:

2 edgy 4 me

Jew. :marseysoypoint:

:marseysoyswitch: Fricking jewish chad.

I'm sorry my comment made you throw a conniption fit. I hope I didn't ruin your life and you can recover soon. :marseysmug2:

Not at all jew. No matter how hard you try :marseyindignantturn:

Shhhh... sit down or I'll make you throw another fit. :marseytroublemaker:

Yeah ok glow BIPOC :marseyglow:

I've had conversations that are VERY similar to this before. Boomers are very stubborn people. :marseynouautism:

I don't buy the boomer division shilling. It's the sort of narrative that JIDF and Hasbara pay shills to push. :marseyboomertalking:

We should be working together will all of our White Christian brothers and sisters, not fighting each other based on age, gender, sports, Christian denomination, favorite foods, or any other trivial nonsense.

Somebody got bullied for ordering chicken tenders :marseyblackcock:

We have a duty to plant seeds in the minds of normies and NPCs to help them understand. It's duty, not an excuse to declare war against our Christian neighbors and surrender and doom.

Disagree. Boomers are a lost cause. Frick em. We need to focus on the young generation coming up. Im talking about children. :marseypedo:

I'd rather leave my children with :marseytrans:

@Aevann time to laugh at !chuds

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ok good job not ghostposting

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Backing down is even bigger cute twinkry than 👻posting

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That was left over from me writing an embarrassing personal story while drunk and deleting it. The box stays checked in your browser until you post or remove it

No way I could make an effortpost without getting actual attention for it

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So are you and @Soren the same person? Very similar posting styles.

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Borpa is Soren spelled backwards

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What the frick are you serious???? !soren

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he is literally a libertarian

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Ah, so he's your evil twin.

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Other way round !!!!!

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The fatter one :marseyyes: :marseychonkmaxx:

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top of the morning to you laddies its jackscepticeye

ur actually a dumb

pewdiepie brofist!!!!!

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The absolute state of dramaredditors lmao

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That site is a solipsism where you are the only real person and everyone else is a CIA psy operative or a Mossad Zionist.


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Yeah, whatever, you woke glow BIPOC. :marseyindignant!:

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That's JEWISH CHADLER to you, uppity goy.


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They had no argument for what I was saying and my mom even said I was "becoming a woke liberal". Like, what?

the :quote: woke liberal :quote: stance in current year is to be a jew hating nazi.

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This but unironically

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i said it unironically dingus :scoot:

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But I said this but unironically

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i don't think you did

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Did I tho?

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you definitely did

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the :quote: woke liberal :quote: stance in current year is to be a jew hating nazi.

The conservatives want too kill all palestinians and the libs want too compromise and only kill half.

jewish lives matter too libertarians

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conservatives want to be on the right side of history and kill terrorists.

liberals want to be on the wrong side of history and let the terrorists win by killing all the jews.

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You're saying that as if establishment liberals haven't been unconditionally giving Israel support.

Jewish lives matter too libertarians

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have they though

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Source? Source source? Can you please provide a source? I can't possible believe anything in life without a peer revieved fact checked source!!!

jewish lives matter too redditors like you

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that's your response because you know they haven't actually been giving israel unconditional support

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The Biden Admin absolutely did lmao

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they did not give them unconditional support.

biden said he'd stop shipping them weapons if israel did something he didn't like. biden complained about how and who was being killed.

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You're just grasping at straws trying too find any way too get upset at liberals. you're extreme politicucking won't let admit that conservatives and liberals both support israel

jewish lives matter too triggered redditors like you

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liberals march in the street screaming for the death of israel.

conservatives don't.

they are exactly the same when it comes to israel and everyone knows it!

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There are Democrat politicians that don't, but no Republican politicians that don't. The old guard Democrats do, but whenever they denounce antisemitism they have to denounce Islamophobia at the same time, even if there's no matching acts of violence to point to, because they don't want to seem biased.

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We have a duty to plant seeds in the minds of normies and NPCs to help them understand. I

those fricking NPCs! believing everything they are told from their echo chamber! not like us. who believe everything we are told from our echo chamber.

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>We have a duty to plant seeds in the minds of normies and NPCs to help them understand.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967921842560277.webp !grillers !nooticers !truthnuke

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@X ghosted by mistake, this is the thread

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I love how this r-slur is quoting the Talmud as a way to get someone to turn against Israel as if anyone in Israel even reads it, other than those leeches who dress in all black and refuse to join the military.

Bibi Netanyahoo.com doesn't think about any of that shit and he definitely doesn't care enough about Jesus or Christians to hate them. :marseyxd:

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wat, his parents literally brought up religion first

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Rabbinic Judaism is based on the Talmud. Jews hate Jesus and think he's burning in boiling shit

Trans lives matter

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which I immediately shot down by saying Jews hate Jesus and Christians.

He said this in defense of Muslims?

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did you feel smart writing this comment? :marseyhmm:

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Have you considered that your failing nation is not a template for understanding every other conflict in the world?

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literally what are you even talking about? nazis just don't like jews, it has nothing to do with muslims

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I know your brain rots whenever a topic involves Jews, but you have to be an idiot to not consider the second-order effects of limiting Israel militarily. !jidf

"We shouldn't send Israel money because they hate Christians."

MFer, who do you think stands to gain if you do that -- and what do you think their position is on Christians? My point isn't that he's a Nazi. My point is that he doesn't care about Christians and tacitly supports Muslims gaining power.

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israel bombs christians too r-slur

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He's actually fine with killing those Christians because they're brown.

Jewish lives matter too libertarians

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he's fine with killing anyone of any colour, including joos, as long as israel is the one doing it


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And there's Christians who suffer actual persecution in the world like in Armenia and such.

Jewish lives matter too these r-slurs who claim too support the west

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this BIPOC really said MFer lmaoooo 💀

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Sourcecels be seething at filterchads.

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Muslims hate Christians too so that actually makes it okay for Jews to hate Christians :carpshapiro:

Jewish lives matter too libertarians

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Yes, it is actually incoherent to claim your goal is Christian acceptance if you only talk about Jewish hate of Christians and support Islamic nationalism. !jews !jidf

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:bluelight: He pinged the pingerinos!!!! :redlight:

Jewish lives matter too libertarians

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top of the morning to you laddies its jackscepticeye


pewdiepie brofist!!!!!

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that Jesus wasn't a jew

:#marseyconfused2: :#marseyinsane:

Why can't these people just give up the ghost and convert to Islam or something?

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I mean Jesus :marseyimmaculate: was a Jew but he wasn't the kind of Jew you see walking :marseydogwalker: around today :marseyclueless:

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Aint that the truth. Best you can do is step aside and let them destroy themselves. It is heartbreaking to watch your own slowly destroy themselves but be thankful you are not.

Lol how are any of these opinions 'slowly destroying themselves'? None of that has literally any impact on their lives, no matter what stance they have on these issues.

Internet brainrot really is something else.

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Hoist by his own r-slur

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I call them "Tate-Kanye (spelling: Tate Kan-oo) Nazis"

This phenotype of Broccoli hair wigger mayo soyboy cute twinks who play videogames all day, consume to rap music and inter-racial porn while crying about BIPOCs and jews on twitter, except the "based blacks" who they worship while their sisters are getting trafficked or r*ped by them. They have very little identity of their own and merely repeat everything the "based blacks" say including the hatred of Jews. Most of them become :marseytrain2:s and/or leftoids eventually anyways.

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His fatal flaw was not making concrete his allegiances via Dietrich Eckart quotes and arguments on the International Jew.

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