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Redditors are whiny babies exhibit 4846491





>I had to stop playing some games because they were actions i can't do, there should be an option to skip fights, or lower the difficulty after each fail


>Every day you're making progress just by showing up. Give yourself a break, you got this.

:marseylovegigaorgy: we need a hugbox emoji but this was the best I could find


>I've started looking up instructions before a boss fight. Much less stressful when I don't have to guess what weapons will be effective!

Muh stress from bideo games

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anyone who plays games for story or only wants the story is an r-slur. read a fricking book. video games are for playing not watching. :scoot:

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The incel writing paragraphs of seethe about vidya writing vs the Chad 100%'d the game and never listened to a line of dialogue.

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I still don't know what Skyrim is about, even though it's my favourite game. :marseygigachad:

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It's about snow, and things that happen in it.

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This 6 hour video essay will explain why the dialogue isn't cringe


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Gotta listen to the lore videos while playing the game on mute


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watch a movey

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like a marbel super hero movie or a stars war movie! :hysterical:

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Lmfao yeah. The best games are the ones with solid gameplay and no story. Dwarf fortress chads stay winning

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SIMSchads stay gooning

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I like the power :marseyzeldaganondorf: fantasy :marseywhitemage: :marseyshrug:

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i bet you play borderlands for the story :scoot:

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I watch streamers play Borderlands for the story. :marseyretardchad:

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From Software is the worst for this. Intentionally refuse to add difficulty settings as some weird point of pride.

Then play another game you stupid cute twink

Their lore and stories are dogshit too, the combat is 99% of the reason people play those

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It's such obvious FOMO whenever a Fromsoft game comes out and these people start whining

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Sometimes I really need a quick way to feel like I'm successful and making progress without stressful things ruining it

I've never wanted to bully someone more in my life.


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Playing video :marseythief: games :marseyminecraftcat: is fun. Struggling to get through difficult bosses or challenges is the most fun part because you feel good when you overcome the challenge. As always, Redditors :marseysoypoint2: rob themselves of a fulfilling experience. They really :marseythinkorino2: are bugmen


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What a bunch of sissy cute twinks. :marseysigh:

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At least sissy cute twinks are hot :horny:

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What movies is bro watching? Most MCU movies are prob better written then the nuGOW games and Horizon games they have such awful scripts:

I really dislike movies these days. Lazy writing (if it's even written by humans anymore) Extremely predictable and cliche. Unnecessary nudity and s*x scenes (like if I just couldn't go watch porn and get it over with).

The point is that's why I enjoy story-based games. There is a lot of hard work put into them to keep you engaged in the story and the gameplay. Last of Us series, God of War series, Horizon series, Final Fantasy series... All great and immense stories that keep you engaged for a long period of time and doesn't make you feel like you wasted 2 hours of your life.

Like a lot of you I'm an older g*mer. I work more than my share of 40 hours a week at times. Outside of that, as adults, we have chores and responsibilities we have to take care of (well at least some of us do...and do it). We have a very narrow window of free time to enjoy screen time.

I love exploration in a game. There's just something about trying to find all the little secrets and Easter eggs in it. That could take your good 60 to 80 hours just to complete a game. I would hate to waste time on a game trying over and over to kill a boss just because of difficulty of the battle. I don't find the fun of a battle that takes longer just because you're doing less damage or they are doing more damage to you than normal. It doesn't add anything more special to the game other than frustration... besides trophies which are just bragging rights.

All this is just my honest opinion btw ..

bro works 40 hours a week :marseycry:

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we need a hugbox emoji


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Valid point in general. Nothing worse than a 'hard mode' making enemies bullet sponges.

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That's why games shouldn't have difficulty settings at all. They should be balanced around one difficulty so it's actually good. Games that have 4+ difficulty levels always resort to just changing damage numbers.

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That's only valid if the difficulty isn't in making sure your build has both good dps and good defense. In some games you can frick up and make your build a 0dps tank, it's not the game's fault the bosses are spongy then

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>We are adults, we work all day, some of us in very exhausting positions, some of us in a world we wish we didn't exist. Games are our escape


Literally can't find a westoid game that can be played(progressed) more than 1h a day. Some 15y ago you could see these games everywhere, games were moddable like oblivion or were grindy like most mmos that released. Then the phone users arrived, the west stopped having babies and now the only people playing mmos are boomers who have no time to play mmos and the zoomers are all on fortnite or phone games

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Every day you're making progress just by showing up. Give yourself a break, you got this.

mf giving pep talks to play video games.

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>play the game on easy mode

Is this a subtle attempt to groom men into :marseytrain2:ing out? :marseysquint:

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The problem is tranning out makes it harder when they think it's supposed to be easier which is what causes the sperg outs

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I'm playing through F.E.A.R. again to get used to steam deck controls.

I realized the gameplay is the same thing over and over again, while the story is just kinda... there.

I love how 2005 the game design is. Wall of text explanation between chapters. The fat nerd is a fat nerd surrounded by empty doritos bags. Crude "You were killed!" partially overlapping the game logo. Literal jumpscares of bloody faces. "Remember to quick-save often" -- it doesn't even bother to be immersive, it's unapologetically a video game.

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Kill crackers. Behead crackers. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy scrotes. Defecate in a crackers food. Launch crackers into the sun. Stir fry crackers in a wok. Toss crackers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a crackers gas tank. Judo throw crackers into a wood chipper. Twist crackers heads off. Report crackers to the IRS. Karate chop crackers in half. Curb stomp pregnant ftms. Trap crackers in quicksand. Crush crackers in the trash compactor. Liquefy crackers in a vat of acid. Eat crackers. Dissect crackers. Exterminate crackers in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crackers in the oven. Lobotomize crackers. Mandatory abortions for moid babies. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown crackers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize crackers with a ray gun. Kick old crackers down the stairs. Feed crackers to alligators. Slice crackers with a katana.






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