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Am I allowed to call redditors neighbors if I make a reddit account and pretend to be black?

Curious on the logistics of that

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You can just use pingbot to do it for you.


/u/SquirtleChimchar I just fricking killed him you stupid fricking BIPOC. It's not even that hard, you seem stupid.


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If you're willing to work for it then yeah as long as you're not obviously being mean people will sometimes argue in good faith that you are indeed black so its okay, because who would pretend to be black on the internet for imaginary points?

Example A: "Shieeeeeeeeet neighbor, dont put that pressure on me" <- Good faith usage

Example B: "I was telling my neighbors, that Trump is a bozo who is going to send all us to the food bank. Bum butt orange neighbor" <- Good faith usage

Example C: "Keep yourself safe neighbor" <- Bad faith usage

Example D: "George Floyd didn't die for my sins so a neighbor like you can talk shit to me neighbor" <- Mixed faith usage; they will check your post history so sprinkle innocuous Blacktivities posts like food banks, college loans, Black Panther, /r/hiphopheads, NOT posting on BPTwitter and most importantly, being anti-Trump.

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I'd argue even as a white person, you can't just opt out of saying the n-word.

We exist against the backdrop of a racist society, and if you don't make it clear whether you reach for the soft-a or the hard-r, people are going to reasonably assume you're a hard-r user.

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Frick you :#lappflip:

Jewish lives matter less than any other religion

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Is there a chatNEIGbotπŸ€”

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what the frick is this i swear to god i spent like 9 seconds on this fricking subreddit and i think i just lost all capabilities of thinking like i fricking hate everyone that thinks that animesexuality is valid, i fricking swear to god MoSt OpPrEsED PeOPlE SHUT THE FRICK UP YOURE LL METALLY UNSTABLE AND you should all go fricking socialise, you hall probably have neck beards, are 35, fat and r-slurred with no hope of reproducing, youre like the only reason why people cant be ok on the internet these days, like you get mad over things that are justified, no president is animexsexual, and if they saw this sub im pretty sure the cold war would start all 0ver again and you would all be dead, and yeah, everyone would be dead but atleast its better than living in a world of people who think a motherfricking PIxELS on a screen are a reason to masturbate for 60 hours a week. like your fricking search history is probably so deranged that even a therapist would start having menta issue. you all have 3d women but i dont get it. your parents are probably so fricking idssapointed in you all and i fricking ahree, get a fricking reality check right now please, take some time of the frickig internet or else youll be the reason your family cries themselves to sleep. you will never get a girlfriend because youre too bsy flirting with someone that doesn't exits, get a grip of yourselfs man. i know you can be a good person but holy shit fi i hear another fricking "anime sexuality is vaild" im going to fricking hit someone wit a chair. youre like dream sexuals but worse, which so fricking impressive, i just cant with you all, youre the reason why everyone likes the early 200os so much. because we didnt have stupid fricking idiots like you all. you also water down shit so much to the point where its just an adjective, like wwii or 9/11 you all are just botched u. go frick yourself please, thats the only way youll reproduce, by asexual means or mitosis, i cant with people now a days, go die in a hole.

tldr; youre all fricking r-slurred and should start making friends

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