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Germans are so fricking pathetic


The Taxidriver, Afzal Muhammed, followed the vehicle of the perpetrator to a deadend thus stopping him. We need to talk about migration so that more people with the name "Muhammad" can come to Germany in order to protect us.

I can't believe people are unironically posting this.

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It's like when Reddit and the media discuss women: groups with perceived disadvantage can have group characteristics, but only if they're positive. It's almost like they believe groups have characteristics.


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Bei seiner Festnahme soll sich der Mann mit einer Schreckschusspistole in den Mund geschossen haben. Er lag im Schockraum und ist inzwischen in Polizeigewahrsam. Der 40-Jรคhrige soll heute vernommen werden.

Lol what. The guy shot himself in the mouth with a blank and then went into shock?

How is this just "drunk" behavior?

Still no description or picture even though it's CONFIRMED he's a German citizen.


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wpd has (multiple) pics of him, dont know if legit

also named Alexander


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Literal endomorph

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Everyone intuitively knows that locking people up based on physiognomy alone would greatly improve society, but we're not ready for that discussion.

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Endomorphs are only good for being topped.

100% agree.

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Every citizen of the third world is a german citizen. They just happen to have not tun over people quite yet. :tayscrunch:

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ok sure maybe there was no religious motive, but what colour was he?

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Germoids doing olympic levels of gymnastics to explain the obvious away. G*rms get what they deserve.

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"I'm a CEO, gimmie the Luigi, Please :)"

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