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Nothing Trump (or Elon) are doing is in any way informed by any expertise in economics, why would you expect any good outcomes????

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  • Doc : even communists are less r-slurred economically than you

I've seen what qualifies as "expertise in economics". I'm ready for something different :marseyindignant:


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The exceptionally great economy under Biden? 😘

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  • Doc : it was transitory, my net worth doubled, and ur poor :marseygiggle:

I liked the part where everyone with a brain saw inflation coming after the 6 trillion dollars they printed, but then all the "economic experts" strung the American people along for two years saying inflation wouldn't happen and then that it was transitory.


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he's just like me fr fr

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6 trillion dollars they printed

it was done during the last year of trump tho

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Yes, thank you, aevann


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Im tired of all these so called experts its hi time we give the dumbys a chance to run things

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Thomas Sowell for president

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this but unironically


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Economists are all libs with soft hands.

We need REAL men running the economy for REAL people. Give me a MAGA on 3, y'all. :brainletmaga:

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Who did Biden and Kam-Kam consult? :marseyconfused:

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Idk but it worked (unsurprisingly)

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It did? :marseythinkorino:

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Oh, okay! :marseyexcited:

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It worked too well

Deflation is killing us now

Why invest when the same dollar buys more tomorrow

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Americas economy can't be stopped only slowed down and

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The deep state unironically.

Having a president who's incontinent and a VP who is lazy is a good thing because a council of 160iq Jews can just run the economy instead of 110iq twitter anon accounts who think that the key to economic growth is some study.

Now we are finding out what happens when the government is run by people who have not done calc 2.

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The Experts™

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Remember when the Biden Administration redefined what a recession was when they had two consecutive quarters of GDP growth?

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Except that looking back, the economists at the NBER were right to not call it a recession yet and the rule of thumb was wrong?

Explainer in 2022:


Looking back, it's funny how many people thought there would be a recession in 2023:

A survey of 49 U.S. macroeconomists conducted by the Financial Times and the Initiative on Global Markets found that more than two-thirds believe a recession will hit in 2023.

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How about the the hundreds of thousands of jobs they kept saying they created but didn't?

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Unemployment numbers were amazing at the end of Biden's term.

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They weren't given real unemployment, inflation and wage growth. A lot of that was Covid which Biden made worse but still

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Biden's economy was exceptionally good. Cope more BIPOC

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  • Doc : me and my buddies think the economy is bad, therefore it is bad :marseygigaretard:

The number one issue listed in all polls was the economy and Trump won because of that.

You are a very stupid person and I have genuinely never seen you say a single funny thing.

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yeah, because the median voter is literally r-slurred lmao. trump is wrecking the economy right now, consumer sentiment is lower than it was when biden was in office.

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Okay and? People are stupid. Republicans are consistently measurably worse for the economy than Dems and everything Trump has been proposing was obviously economically r-slurred. If you only care about the economy and you're voting republican then sorry honey, you're r-slurred.

You are a very stupid person


I have genuinely never seen you say a single funny thing.

:marseypearlclutch: you don't mean that

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>It wasn't real unemployment. It wasn't real inflation. It wasn't real wage growth. :brainletmaga:

>Now that it's worse with the same metrics, it's bidens fault. :soy4dchess:

Holy shit you are more r-slurred than I thought, remember the hard-hitting tariffs haven't even been implemented yet. Remember, even if the line goes down, do NOT trust your eyes. :marseyblowkiss:

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>the biden economy was good actually

you lost because it wasn't lmao

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We lost because 90iq Mexicans and "dissident rightoids" are too low IQ to understand what real wages mean.

And because urban mayoids were mad that their doordash prices went up.

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Now you just have to explain how places like california are losing businesses/people despite being a literal paradise.

Everyone is just stupid chuds :marseyindignant:

(its because the tariffs are far preferable to every other economic policy the left has)

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This statement is just objectively false if you compare it to the world economy or other developed nations.

I know chuddies care more about feelings and lived-experiences over facts and statistics nowadays, so next time just say 'you lost because I didn't feel like it was'. :marseyhomofascist:

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>we were right

>collapsing support, everything is chaos

every blue state in the union

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To be fair, a lot of the economy is based on vibes. Stocks, for example, are strongly vibe-based.

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Economists successfully predict 10 out of 3 next recessions.

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Or when Clinton redefined what "unemployment" was?

Or when the Department of Labor had to revise it's unemployment statistics due to a "larger than normal" abnormality while under Biden?

The revised figures show total employment in March was 818,000 lower than had been reported, or 0.5% fewer jobs. That suggests employers added 2.1 million jobs during the previous 12 month, not 2.9 million as originally counted.

While the downward revision is not unusual, this year's adjustment is larger than most.


Which also happened multiple times under him.

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Without even sperging too hard about the CES, survey response rates, the uncertainty of the birth-death model etc.

This is growth of 175,000 jobs a month instead of 240,000 jobs a month

Annual revisions to nonfarm payrolls by March of each year, with the revision change in total payrolls

2017: 0.1%

2018: -0.01%

2019: -0.3%

2020: -0.1%

2021: -0.01%

2022: +0.3%

2023: -0.1%

2024: -0.4%

2025 projected: -0.5%


Did the deep state help trump leading up to the 2020 election? -0.3% and -0.1% pre COVID when things seemed stable? Was DDR fraudulently pretending there was 500,000 more jobs than there really was???


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Democrats have to resort to writing novels to try to cover up the FACTS

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They always revise their figures, sometimes up to three years later. There's going to be some chicanery there because they're a bunch of government stooges using economics inappropriately.

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They always revise their figures

Yea it states that in the article.


While the downward revision is not unusual, this year's adjustment is larger than most.

Since you seem to have issues with reading comprehension.

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There's obviously going to be "larger than most" revisions because they make many revisions. :marseyshrug:

What about other "larger than most" revisions throughout the years? Shall we find them and see which presidency they correlate with? :marseyconfused2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741105552kKUo3drdaUQiAg.webp :#marseysad:

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The monthly unemployment data comes from CPS which is a fairly small sample size (60,000) and has trouble representing some household types because they don't respond too the survey. They apply weights too this data which get updated every 2 years.

The raw number is fairly meaningless and not how the data is intended too be used. It's tracking how employment is changing month too month, as the survey uses the same households for a long time errors are persistent which makes the delta more accurate.

They revise the data based on state level UI data but that takes 3-12 months after the quarter too aggregate as states suck at supplying it.

Payroll data from CES is the most accurate as it nearly all comes from systems not people but smaller companies are under represented which can cause problems with events like COVID where they are more heavily impacted.

This is why NBER and the Fed don't rely on one number.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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They revise the data based on state level UI data but that takes 3-12 months after the quarter too aggregate as states suck at supplying it.

It's chicanery, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. :marseysigh:

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b..b..but what about?????

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Recession is only two quarters of GDP decline if you're understanding of economics peaked in highschool.

The federal government doesn't define recessions you fricking mong. @fedposter congratulate you on continuing too be a giant r-slur.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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at no point did anyone change the defintion of recession lmao

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>Biden's economy was artificially propped up by fake money and fake data.


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Good jobs report Friday = President Trump already personally hired 253,000 people!!!

Bad jobs report Friday = the libtards at the BLS are messing with the numbers, we'd do better with DOGE interns

(The DOGE interns just run monthly_nfp <- sample (100000:300000, 1))

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Its just how redditors were claiming any positive thing under biden was his doing while all negatives was still the aftermath of trump.

Just another proof of horseshoe law.

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Yeah it gets very tiring. The average dramanaught apparently has no object permanence so when the redditors have left sight they're all so surprised that Trump's supporters prefer things under Trump and Biden's supporters preferred things under Biden regardless of the situation.

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>it's not trumps economy until he implements his policies

Yeah he implemented his biggest policy at midnight kek.

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Incoming administrations never touch the BLS, even if it is a different party taking over. The deal is pretty simple: fudge the numbers and guarantee a job for life. Every country does this, so it's not exclusive to China or the USA.

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It legitimately was. They changed the definition of recession and they massively over estimated job creation and always had to scale back.

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This is nonsense. Yes two quarters of GDP decline is a decent rule of thumb but it's not the definition nor is it acceptable when you're unable to square it with growth everywhere else. We had the opposite example, where GDP was growing in spite of an obvious recession, last time.

The Great Recession saw employment peak in November 2007, personal income less government transfers peak in December 2007, the unemployment rate was up to 5% from 4.5% in the summer, GDP fell 1 quarter in Q4 2007 but rose in the initial estimates of Q1 and Q2 2008 GDP. The NBER called a recession literally because of every piece of evidence except GDP. https://www.nber.org/news/business-cycle-dating-committee-announcement-december-1-2008

Yes, the start of 2008 when the Fed bailed out Bear Stearns, GDP was growing in the initial reports. The initial GDP report was wrong in calling that recession. Eventually revisions brought it down across 2008.

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Extreme cope

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Tell me what I am lying about?

Not that tariffs are helping (in the short term) but the economy was not great to start with.

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you're lying about literally both things.

A) nobody redefined recession, you made that up.

B) the job numbers are ALWAYS revised.

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no they did not you absolute mongoloid.

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though i think trumps lower taxes will outweigh any stupid economic decisions he will inevitably make

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Holy shit, it's clones of my dad.

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Looool wish it was real !asians

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His r's are too guttural, the key to the Chinese accent is a light r that blends into l

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Remember when it was doing good it was Obamas economy but when it not so good it was trumps economy and then back again up its obamas economy magically again :marseyclueless:

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So is this going to be the party line when the trade wars and layoffs lead to stagflation?

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The stock market has been in a massive bubble since 2020 but that doesn't have much to do with Biden.

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Cope and Seethe - the eternal state of Chuds.

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Sorry bro, I'm just not interested in your immigrants that will safe the economy, you can keep 'em, that's all


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see also: Trump's economy

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Ever since we moved off the gold standard, all money is fake money.

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Yes. It's comical people are worried about inflation, if we get a $5000 rebate from @ DOGE .

They have taken an astronomical amount of money out of circulation! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

These people don't deserve too be called human.

Inflation caused by two rounds of poorly targeted stimulus too be made better with even larger stimulus.

This is still Biden's economy. There isn't a magic switch. It will take time for it to be Trump's economy, and it won't really start until after his agenda gets passed.

Gotta love dementia daddy imposing a 25% tarrif on most of our food after he left office.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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I'm not really worried about the $5,000 DOGE thing being inflationary as long as that money comes purely from canceled contracts. It will only be "less deflationary than it otherwise would be", which might be the cost of buying public support.

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as long as that money comes purely from canceled contracts.


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I brag about how good I made the economy my first month into office except for when it's bad because Biden did that

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