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:chudcheers: :clap: :woo: Chapter 3 is out. :marseylibertyfireworks: :shmleep: This time I have hired a professional author and I will also be including a soundtrack. As well as awards for my subscribers. :redlight: :bluelight: :redlight: :marseyneon:

First I would like to take some time to thank my fans for I would not be able to produce my art without them. Trust me, knowing that people enjoy my art is all I need to keep going, even though it is hard for me to support myself since I have quit my job and moved across the country to pursue writing full time. My fans keep my heart warm which will eventually lead to me keeping my belly full from my passion for my writing. They are my reality.



500 - coins @cyberdick

5000 - coins @Dahl_Fook - Will have his illusion turn to reality when the correct conditions are triggered.

5000 - coins @ihatepoorppl - Has given his will to @BananaSlugToucher (This man's OC is already in the works. Only my smarter readers will be able to make their way through my house of mirrors to the foreshadowing that I have cleverly hidden on the other side.

With my fan's thanked, I would next like to leave another message to my enemy. The hacker who has stolen my original account, and the jannies who defend his actions and refuse to give @Bridge back to ME. The actual @Bridge. Frick you @Bridge. You can't just steal someone's identity like this and think things will blow over. Do the right thing.


And now for Chapter Three. The Prelude to the Banana slug.


It was an overcast day, the breeze spraying gray across the landscape. Another forgettable village in the middle of nowhere—the kind Bridge would have mercilessly roasted in an online forum just weeks ago. Every anime needs its generic background location, he thought, suppressing a smirk.


Itachi narrowed his eyes, jet-black hair billowing dramatically in the wind. The villagers scurried to and from, some waddling in a way that screamed something is definitely not right.

"Something is awry here…" Itachi muttered.

Bridge nodded, channeling his inner protagonist. "I... I sense it too." What was it that Bridge sensed? Had he awaken... Some sort of hidden awareness?

Minutes passed in tense silence.

They had walked by numerous villagers, yet little sound met their ears beyond their own footsteps. Suddenly, they stopped, exchanging a meaningful glance.

"How odd," Itachi observed, pointing to a wanted poster. "That's the fourth poster with an orange and white cat accompanied by a masked man." He noticed Bridge staring anxiously at the poster.


His Sharingan eyes studied Bridge carefully, noting the slight shift in his posture—a nervous twitch that screamed I know something. "Do you know that cat?" Itachi asked, his voice as sharp as a kunai. "Do you know the Banana Slug?"

Bridge's thoughts spiraled. Why were aspects of his old life haunting him in this new world? How could he determine if he was actually alive when his past kept finding new ways to torment him?


Before he could answer, an elderly stall vendor beckoned them over in a hushed tone. With no better plan, they followed the man and sat at his stall. Obligatory small talk ensued, culminating in a tea purchase that seemed more like a transaction for information.

The old man finally worked up the courage to speak. "So... You seek information on the Banana Slug?"

Itachi nodded. Bridge gulped his tea, suddenly feeling like he was about to dive into a thread he'd regret opening.

"Well, it all started a few weeks ago with the disappearance of the old village male feminist, a close friend of mine by the name of Mithrandir-san. He was as mild as they come for village male feminists. Barely ever hurt anyone, most days he was too drunk to get it up so he was more of a village fondler."


The old man stared into the distance, lost in memories Bridge would rather not explore.

"They found him with… Let's just say he still has yet to walk normally. And he was only the first."

Itachi and Bridge exchanged a look that said this is getting weird, even by our standards.

"This Banana Slug who has taken his place… Is much worse," the vendor continued. "He is a powerful shinobi who has made a contract with a demon cat. And he does not discriminate. No buns are off limits…"

Bridge felt something calling to him. This sounds like something straight out of a cursed forum post.

He erupted from his chair, slamming his fist on the table. "I WILL TAKE DOWN THE BANANA SLUG. BELIEVE IT!"

The old man panicked. "What are you doing? You'll draw him—"

But Bridge was on a roll. "I was brought here to bring him to justice! I need you to believe in me. I promise I will be the one to save you all and bring this village back to the light!"

Itachi's glowing eyes analyzed Bridge's words, sensing genuine conviction beneath the dramatics.

Suddenly, the old man began to fall. Bridge dove, catching him—and promptly tumbled into the stall, becoming a human tea and condiment catastrophe.

An awkward silence filled the room, broken by Itachi's cold voice. "He was never actually in this room with us. He was under my illusion from the start. He wouldn't have divulged that information otherwise."


Bridge gasped. "Wait why did we pay for the tea then?"

Itachi offered Bridge a hand, helping him up from the sticky mess. "I didn't, you were also under my illusion." Bridge felt his jaw drop. "Now... Come on. You'll need me if you hope to win this fight." The ghost of a smile is visible on Itachi's face as he anticipates the battle to come.

Bridge smirked and nodded. The hunt for the Banana Slug was about to begin.


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