Chilean-born Marco Evaristti said he had been aiming to raise awareness of the suffering caused by mass meat production with his art installation that opened last week in Copenhagen. The piglets were being denied food and water and would have been allowed to starve to death.
Another of this "artist's" exhibits put goldfish in individual blenders and encouraged people to blend them, which they did. If the point is to draw attention to animal cruelty, there are ways to do so that don't involve literally torturing animals.
The police had to come out and make them unplug the blenders after complaints. It would have been really easy to use non-functional blenders, instead of functional, plugged in blenders.
So a mean artist said he was going to starve some pigs but then his own friend and some activists free the pigs. You wouldn't know the activists, they go to a different school.
And now the mean old artist reconsidered and is glad the pigs get to have a good life.
And the art is called "So now you care" which only makes sense if people do steal the pigs. Because the whole thing was obviously always the plan.
Y'all got hoodwinked. You're the art.
I fricking hate rich perverts who masquerade their fetishism/sadism/libertarianism as "performance/experimental/protest art" so much !eurochads
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Oh, look, a redditor I agree with!
On a seperate note, why is this artist so bad? Honestly it's good thought-provoking modern art. It highlights the hypocrisy of the relationship normies has to animals and meat. The animal suffering of these small exhibits is nothing compared to the meat-industry.
Like, I'm not a vegan or anything, but I like meat and I respect the artist.
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I am going to answer you if you answer this to me first:
Negev-chan, have you been creampied by any Congolese BBC BVLL today yet?
!coomers !2dgooners !builtfor !BBC
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Yahweh save your soul
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Is this a yes or a no?
Also you said G-d's name out loud, ya gonna get stoned

!jews !jidf
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just like the suffering in ukraine is nothing compared to the 23 million jews killed in WWII
i'm starting to get it
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Yeah I mean I guess dismembering a kid in a glass case would also be a thought-provoking modern art piece, highlighting the normie indifference to the horrors in Gaza and nothing compared to the actual war casualties over there.
When your "protest" is just you becoming another cog in the machine, what's your message even worth? Because everyone's just gonna think you're a weird frick satisfying some sadistic fetish in a pretentious way.
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Normies don't actually support what happens in Gaza to any meaningful extent, but they eat a lot of "unnecessary" meat. Some people will hate him, but others will think about the message. I do like that it both pisses off the vegans and meat-eaters.
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Not support - indifference. Goes for both topics, really. No one loves the idea of factory slaughter, but they just accept it as a reality they can't change and mostly don't think about it. I know I'm guilty of it.
If the point was to piss off both sides, congrats, but like I said, I feel like it kinda misses out on the whole "animal rights" part here
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I like the idea that he had the art exhibit for the piglets expecting PETA or other animal rights activists to step up and rescue them, but none of them gave a shit so he had to have his own friends rescue them.
I strongly suspect the piglets were being taken care of outside gallery hours and the point was always to get media attention by having his art 'ruined', but that's likely because the pro-animal message is undermined if they actually do starve to death. This doesn't take the fish in blenders into account, but a fish isn't nearly as cute as a piglet which is the premise of a great deal of animal activism anyway.
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He had to think about it for a few hours before coming to that big brain conclusion.
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Total modern art cute twink death
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