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:marseyhappening: "Shalom Hamas, you are dead, there will be heck to pay" - Donald J Trump :marseyhappening:



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He's like the intro to an 80s beat-em-up game.


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nah he a cute twink

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I wish beat-me-off was a real genre


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The Japs are trying their hardest to make it a reality.

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Ask your uncle

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I am in agreement with this sentiment but I don't even know what it has to do with us. Israel is fully capable of a full-on genocide of Gaza and they should 100% do it. Literally just Ghengis Khan style kill everyone. There will be lots of crying and moaning but 50 years from now no one will care when everyone sees how well it worked out.

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Literally just Ghengis Khan style kill everyone.

That's not how he ended up being such a prolific ancestor of so many humans.

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This Ghengis !kino from 2008 made by Russkies (it was supposed to be an epic trilogy but later cancelled) was literally VatBIPOC cope, because in the entire movie Ghengis gets cucked multiple times and raises the children of other men while still respecting his unfaithful roastie, when in reality he was one of the most prolific BVLLS to have ever lived :marseydarkxd: :mongoljak: :angryvatnik:



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>(it was supposed to be an epic trilogy but later cancelled)

Darn, really? That's a shame. Seeing all of his antics at the same level of production would've been kino. Listening to a long history on the Mongols made me want to rewatch it since it's been so long.

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If you read into the ideology of any famous Russian philosopher, it always goes back to how buckbroke they are by the Mongols :mongoljak: :marseythroatsinging:

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kill all scrotes

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The sn-risk is increasing :marseychudchartuptrend: :marseyveryworried: this is why trump wants to fortify panama & gaza, to keep steppe nomads out of the Atlantic

:mongoljak: :marseypony:

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Unfortunately if we just r*pe palestinfoids they will just teach their children true Islam all over again. The only way r*pe would be acceptable is if we kill them afterwards.


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He's basically telling Netanyahu to get off his butt and do it. Bibi won't do shit, though, because once this war ends that's also the end of his political career.

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Maybe sooner.

!jidf discuss

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Nah, that won't do shit. Anyone who was still willing to vote for Bibi after October 2023 has already integrated into their worldview the idea that Shin Bet are responsible and are just trying to shift the blame.

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They'll never do it because Gaza serves as a source of what's essentially slave labor, and if the war ever ends they'll stop getting free gibs from America.

Iran and Gaza aren't the enemies Israel fears. America is. Their highest priority is to extract as many resources from America as possible while keeping America from using that leverage to force Israel to stop expanding.

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I think the ongoing cost of Gaza being a gaping infected butthole on the edge of Israel is far greater than any benefit they might obtain from 'slave labor', particularly when Gaza's been locked down for a long time now, and Arab Mexicans within contribute nothing to Israel's economy.

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No because you have to factor in the opportunity cost of losing all international aid if they just wiped them out. Right now their military is basically free.

Outside of rare events like Oct. 7 Palestine mostly just launches rockets (which US taxpayers shoot down) and they otherwise mostly just patrol the borders (which US taxpayers also pay for), both of which they'd be doing anyways. In exchange Israel gets slave labor, an excuse to gobble up territory from surrounding countries whenever Hamas does kick off, and most importantly a blank check from the West as long as they can say there's still Palestinians.

The Mexico comparison is good for the opposite reason you think. Israel just locks all their Mexicans in a really big jail and only lets them into the country during working hours, otherwise they just do the bare minimum to keep them alive by providing electricity and water. Much cheaper than if they had to police them and such like the US does.

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Right. So what you're talking about is not at all slave labor. What Israeli products are coming from Gaza? None. They barely could produce economically meaningful agricultural exports to Egypt even when times were good, and there is no transfer of labor into Israel either - Gaza has been a cage since Hamas took power, you only get out for medical care. You've got Gaza confused with the west bank.

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They absolutely did import Gazan labor before they locked down after Oct. 7, and they'll open back up once it becomes convenient to do so.


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Right now their military is basically free.

Is it? I was under the impression that the vast majority of "aid" we "give" them was actually permitting arms sales, in other words we sell to them. After all unlike Ukraine, Israel has a functioning economy.

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No, the "sales" we make are we give them money under the condition that they use it to purchase American equipment (until Obama they could buy Israeli too). This is literally free money. The US also buys Israeli stuff and then leases it back.

Separately they also can buy American equipment out of their own treasury.

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They'll never do it because Gaza serves as a source of what's essentially slave labor, and if the war ever ends they'll stop getting free gibs from America.

"Israel's main issue is running out of people that hate them"

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You don't understand, America should not be getting involved with or spending money on conflicts happening on the other side of the world that don't involve us, unless the country in question is our greatest ally Israel, in which case we should write them a blank check and do whatever we can to help them

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He doesn't see the irony kek

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Yes :marseysaluteisrael:

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Why exactly do we want a bunch of inbred jewish chads to build up their population?

I'm fine with wiping out Gaza but Israel has to go too

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I mean there's no chance of peace while either leadership is still in power, and both sides openly want to genocide each other so I guess I'd rather God's chosen win seeing as I'm one of them :marseymerchant: ideally what would happen is both Hamas leadership and Bibi die in consecutive stepping-on-banana-peel accidents so we don't have to have a genocide at all :marseythumbsup: maybe all of Palestine and Isreal could hold hands and sing Imagine together or something

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>claims to be jewish

>name is "call me ishmael"

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>has never heard of Moby Peepee or MGSV

>I like harpooning whales :marseychonkerfoid: :marseycoomer2:

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nujewcacas don't even know who ishmael is GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG

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Why go to the effort of doing it themselves when they can just get the US to do it

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fr, they can handle this themselves. The real reason is they want the backing of other nations when they do it to legitamize their actions and prevent sanctions


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An actual genocide too not the lame kind reddit defines where the population somehow grows.

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I am in agreement with this sentiment but I don't even know what it has to do with us. Germany is fully capable of a full-on genocide of [word that will get me banned by Aevann and JDF] and they should 100% do it. Literally just Ghengis Khan style kill everyone. There will be lots of crying and moaning but 50 years from now no one will care when everyone sees how well it worked out.

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Just casually threatening to murder Gazans via Tweet.


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We're a 3rd world country now bro

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If we're a 3rd world county now. The rest of the world is 6th world, at best.


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7th worlders be like

D̵͕͗Ų̶͐D̶͈͌Ẽ̵̜ ̴̣̌B̵̟͛Ụ̴̈́S̴͙̈Ṣ̵͠Y̵̤͊ ̸͍̄L̷̩̆M̸̩͌A̷̜̚Ô̴̱


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I look like this and I do this every day :chad: !r-slurs

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Zelensky gonna end up having a second bar mitzvah to keep up :marseyxd: chuds gotta take the L that a few days after saying "no GIBS, we don't get anything BAD DEAL" to Zelensky he's straight back to "yes mr Netanyahu anything for the glory of Israel"



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Why would !chuds be upset about killing palestoids

The !nonchuds you've pung think it's a heckin genocide remember


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The jew hating type and the old school christian moralist type of rightoid both would hate (although the second group has been miniscule and irrelevant and I guess chud refers to a specific type of rightoid but there is no !rightoids ping group on rdrama.)

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Chuds hate seeing Jews succeed where other lesser whites (like them) failed.

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I love Frieza sm


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I just think it's funny okay :!marseyindignant:

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I love the word "pung".

Thank you for that.

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It's real :marseyspit:

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:marseywaowbased: :marseywaowbased:

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god i hope i wake up tomorrow to hamas not existing cause trump bombed them in to nothing. i'll vote for him in 2028 if it happens.

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:#marseyeaglenuke: :marseyexcited!gif:

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:#marseyisraeliflag: :!#marseyarmy::!marseytrump:

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I like the vibe but this neighbor is sounding like a BPD foid tbh

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!anticommunists - all eyes on /r/TrueAnon and friends they'll be bawling.

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It was better when he wrote his own tweets


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Trump officially makes Shalom the most dangerous threat in the world.

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I like the idea of sending novelty beepers to the Arab loud mouths around here.

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  • Grue : Include Israeli-identifying Palestinians and you'd be right

Based the world would be better off with Palestine eliminated.

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Jesse Welles predicted this one year ago :marseymindblown:

So in a short twenty years, when you vacation the Strip

Don't think about the dead and have a nice trip

War isn't murder, we should all give thanks

I saw it all in a movie, give it up for Tom Hanks

War isn't murder, they don't ship out the poor

And the bullets they fire aren't part of the cure

War isn't murder, land is a right

But the banks called dibs, it's something you can't fight

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This but unironically

If I go to Brooklyn I don't think about all the poor gangbangers pushed out by gentrification

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!palestine Frick this guy. Defile the hostages. Be ungovernable.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill em all!

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He should let Israel take care of killing Hamas and focus his energy on killing Hamas supporters in the US.

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For my money, Aloha is a better combination hello/goodbye than Shalom.

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What kind of presidential drugs is this guy on

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No amount of chuddening inside his cabinet could peel him away from Israel.

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What do you think Trump is going to name his new casino in Gaza?

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