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Poors of rDrama.net

Explain yourselves.

What moral failings are responsible for you being poor?

How many more arts degrees will it take before you feel personally fulfilled?

Have you ever considered making more money?

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I'm quite poor, but I have low expenses. I have an easy job that I don't spend more than a couple of hours a day working on, and spend the rest of the time either on my own projects or doing something fun.

It's truly the superior way to live. I know guys who earn a lot of money, spend it all on rent in expensive cities, and spend 90% of their energy and waking hours in some boring, soul crushing, corporate environment. I don't care what kind of bank number highscore you get from that life, I'd never want it.

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There absolutely are high paying jobs that still allow you this kind of lifestyle. Maybe not the absolute top paying jobs, but top 10% at least.

I know money isn't everything, but it's comfy having options.

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The cope is unreal

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:marseyhesright: if you aren't spending thousands of dollars on goyslop every month you must secretly be miserable

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The cope usually comes from the other direction. If I see someone spend their whole lives in the office, well it's sad but their choice. Those guys can't stand that I'm not working 12 hours a day like they are though.

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Wa wa wah Im not poor you're the real poor :chudtantrum: :chudseethe:

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Which of us ITT is the most mad? :marseyshrug:

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Not me :marseyhappy2: The neighbor who knows this is a pathetic thing he said and kept it in a ghost thread might be doe :marseysmirk2:

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:smugjak: riddle me this then, chuddy- do you value wealth because your life is devoid of any other purpose or because s*x reassignment surgery is expensive?

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I value it because it makes you a productive member of society, access to nice things (without going into debt for your soylent subscribtion) all while still having free time :taywine2:

Living frugally and making money aren't mutually exclusively you know :marseysmug3:

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:marseyfedoratip: point well taken. Perhaps it's best to strive for a happy medium. You've given me something to think about... may we one day meet again, friend! :marseywave2:

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This is the dream tbh. I'm working like crazy to pay off my mortgage super quick, sort out some major projects, and get enough in the bank for big emergencies and then I'm hoping to do the same. If all goes well, in a year I'll be a part-time NEET.

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Move to some other country afterwards nonironically. The difference in expenses between there and the 1st world is underappreciated.

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