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i really think trump doesn't have the balls to do this. come on guys if you put tariffs on mexico for two months carlos slim himself would end the sinaloa cartel in a fortnight. the only reason cartels exist is because they don't hurt the rich and powerful in fact they help by keeping wages low nd government splintered. mexico is one of the few actual oligarchy in the world because wealth controls politics not the other way. bigly sad that trump doesn't want to stop drugs tho.

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he's a weak r-slur lol. What he's doing is even worse than just putting them in place - he's creating massive economic instability. how can any business expand in this climate? why would anyone reshore jobs due to tarrifs that exist one week and don't exist the next week?

furthermore, if other countries are the ones paying tarrifs, why does he keep delaying them due to economic conditions in America collapsing?

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Trump does something

:marseypizzashill:: He's a dictator!

Trump doesn't do something

:marseypizzashill:: He's weak!

Pick a lane :marseysmug2:

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Why isn't Origin zero REEEEEEEEE

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Daddy really blue balling us with these tariffs.

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He's trying to give the GM board time to figure out how to launch a truck of peace into the oval office.

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They'll figure that out after they figure out how to make a reliable car


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It doesn't need to be operable, they could drop it out of a plane or use a really big catapult

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Having the White House obliterated with a car-tapult would be like the high point of history.

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GM is perfectly capable of making good vehicles, they just don't most of the time. Too many bean counters.

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Yeah totes just blue balling you, not simply fricking you over with no intention of actually delivering because it would lose him money :#fellforitagainaward2:

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Just 2 MORE WEEKS until the tariffs!

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Mexico (more like MexiGo away amiright fellow patriots) will pay for the wall any moment now :#marseysalvindicated:

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I realised that President Sheinbaum is a member of the chosen people

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Richard Spencer vindicated for supporting Kamala

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I…..I….i would have loved for something to happen…..for once


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Kitty out


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Nobody cares about mexico. Are we still fricking Canada? trans lives matter

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Yea I just canadians seething on reddit

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I guess Trump realized where most of the food comes from to the USA when it's winter time.


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Gosh, here you are, a "journ*list," and you are too stupid and lazy to do a god darn internet search that would take you less than a minute. And then you wonder why no one with a third digit in their I.Q. trusts a single fricking word from you and your kind? LOL. Seriously, I was a professional journ*list for 11 years, before dumb buttholes like you and your editors destroyed the basics. You are beyond pathetic, and the best thing you could do is quit and go do something you're qualified to do, like live in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass, selling meth and stolen bicycle parts. When you're not joining your antifa buddies in another "peaceful protest."



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Ugh, I can't take this edging, daddy. Just let me c*m!

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