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Should I go to China for a month to bang local hotties? :horny:

Yes? No? Which cities should I visit?

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Your Resident Ricecel's Guide to Mainland Chink Cities

Shanghai = The hottest and most gook adjacent plastic surgery mayo lusting center of China [Most Incel Seething when Gook Vloggers go there to sexpat]

Beijing = The Sacramento of China, its okay. Despite being the Capital, its really mid.

Shenzhen = The other hot, most gook adjacent plastic surgery mayo lusting center of China

Guangzhou = Below Shanghai and Shenzhen aforementioned hotness and plastic surgery

Chongching = I legitimately think its a CCP honeypot where the mayo lusting is cranked up to an 11 because its their version of Kyoto.

The rural areas of China are Africa tier poverty so you can uplift women out of poverty and buy them mid-level luxury goods like Michael Kors and Coach and they will be super happy and thankful. They will be the Bangmaid of all Bangmaids.


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When you say "gook" what do you mean: I've always heard that as slang for any Asian person, so calling one area of Asia more or less gook seems silly.

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It's slang for Korean

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Then you would recommend Chongqing?

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At Night = Sure? Supposedly a lot of whores looking for mayos.

At Day = I'd rather look at foggy San Francisco because its fog and not turbo-cancer causing smoke.

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:marseyclueless: surely nothing could go wong

:marseygeisha: is NOT the ccp

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I've heard Chengdu is the gayest city, go clean your butthole with the spicy sichuan food and get crazy with the bussy blasting

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I am straight. Are there hot spicy women there too?

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where tho?

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isn't Beijing too westernized?

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I heard chicks in Hotan Prefecture are ๐Ÿ”ฅ.

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Why China? Go somewhere poorer for more bang-for-your-buck

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I read Chinese women love handsome white dudes

Where would u go?

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Asian women love white dudes. Just go anywhere you want. If you know any of the local languages or want to learn some specific language, then the given country is a no-brainer, even if that country is richer. Then there's sub-racial preference (thai's look different than SE-asians), but if you like chinese women Vietnam is probably your best bet. Poorer, but not shithole-levels, and they are basically the same phenotype as the Chinese/Japanese.

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but I heard Vietnamese chicks are less likely to put out quick than Chinese because they're more traditional

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LOL a lot of them travel out to other SEA countries to be whores

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Let's skip ahead to the part where you hang out in weird foreign bars with a bunch of old dudes for like 3 weeks and bring home like one girl if you're lucky and you should just pick the one that's most fun for real tourism

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Go to Thailand. You'll keep both your kidneys

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I read online now Thailand is only good to visit from November to February. Is that true?

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is this actually an issue? is it in China more dangerous than in Thailand? :marseypearlclutch:

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There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet.

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