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Frick yeah, you tell em Bubbles.

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Dumb SJW propaganda

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i like how the Powerpuff Girls were in rhe same universe as Samarai Jack, butt Samsrai Jack was like 1000 yearsnin the future or something

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mood :marseyrain:

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!macacos ouvir a voz da Lindinha era terapia pra mim, e de pensar que a dubladora dela hoje é uma professora universitária :marseywholesome:

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:marseycringe: actually painful to watch. i can't stand this whole "kids show now for adults (meaning it's edgy)" crap

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Blame m*llennials for this kind of crap :bigsmilesoyjak: :marseyshooting:

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I'd rather blame...YOU!


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No, and Blame yt women, and The scourge of the world

I need to find that study again that came out around 2014/15 talking about discretionary spending and disposable income, and It was used in some G*mergate arguments but basically said white liberal women drive this slop because they spend the most time and money on shit like this, and Think, buying dumb shit like male tears mugs, and The short version is, they drive this stuff to be created and its literally all fallout from the Tumbrina era for lack of a better term

Without them, this shit would be DOA, and Instead we get a decade of this nonsense

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Everything commies blame on muh capitalism it's actually caused by women consumerism. !anticommunists

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How can white women be blamed when they're the center of the universe and all men are just orbiting objects that they created?

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God fricking darnit! I'm going to r*pe her so hard she'll never get off the pill!! :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

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!terfs wtf total scrote genocide needed

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I'm telling you this woman will get pregnant and have 12 of my babies. Trust me bro, trust me

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>actually caused by women

never should have been given the right to vote...

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Do you think the "white milfs destroying the environment and buying wonderbread" art patron has caused the LLM publishers to put up guardrails around those prompts?

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can confirm, estrogen makes you r-slurred :marseytransplushie3:

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I was perfectly willing to blame soylennials but this is better :marseythinkorino:

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yeah, iirc womcn control 80% of household discretionary spending and so most marketers consider them first when selling products.

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Scrotes very often comment "who is this advertisement aimed at"

It :marseyclapping2: was :marseyclapping2: not :marseyclapping2: made :marseyclapping2: for :marseyclapping2: you. :marseyclapping2:

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yeah its a large % but are dudes just not buying anything??? seems weird what happened to project cars and ride-on lawn mowers?

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Men and women both spend their discretionary income on women.


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All I'm hearing is SHARIA LAW NOW

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We just keep making creepypastas a reality.

This is what happens when a generation can't read, and recycles shit that's already been recycled.

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if they were gonna make it edgy they should have pushed it to 10 and made it a mystery like archie for that sweet cash. Mojo goes too far, gets killed by one of the girls but not shown who. Fast forwards some years and two of them are living under fake names and such not certain who is actually who since they have like different hair and all were white. Those two try to find the third girl as a sort of mystery as some sort of superpowered killer had been going around the country, but the third they can have a twist, third wasn't the one who killed mojo or anyone but it was one of the two trying to find the third. Then idk pump it to five seasons by adding a redemption arc and this jojo son of mojo character, add a love triangle with miss bellum and boom.

I expect my check Monday, sent by express


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I frequently consume trash media but I'd tolerate this as it sounds halfway decent. Write a spec script and send it to whoever owns the IP.

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The only thing that made sense in everything you said was the jiggle physics. I forgot what we were talking about.

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also im in the season finale in a 5 minute scene where i milk miss bellum

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She can cute me open like christmas turkey and its EVERYTHING

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Riverdale was fukkin wild hilarious, that was fun

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I liked the live action scooby-doo movies

I mean, they were shit movies but not cringy at least. Probably because they at least kept it PG

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Is this the Scooby Doo where Velma and Daphne were weirdly sexy and lezzing out a little?

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Yes, and in fact the original version of the live-action Scooby Doo was supposed to be even more coomery, it was originally intended to be an R-rated American Pie-esque s*x comedy/parody, an early "DUUUUDE what if children's cartoons.... BUT with s*x and with swear words LOL! trope subversion is so cool maaaan! :soysnoo:" that was eventually popularized in 2020s "adult" animation, but this was back in 2001, so Warner Bros. didn't reached their dude weed lmao r-slurred adult animation phase, so they gave up on the R-rated version, and the film was heavily censored and changed in order to make it :marseyairquotes: kid-friendly :marseyairquotes:, and the original uncensored print of the film is now lost media. :marseycoomer3genocide:

Some of the original adult humor is still left in the final version of the film, heck they even had to censor cleavage with CGI tits :marseydarkxd:

Some original scenes in which the female characters exposed a significant amount of cleavage were re-edited with the cleavage CGI'd over for the final cut of the film. Several scenes were removed for the PG rating, including a scene where Daphne and Velma kiss in order to exchange bodies after the Daemon Ritus fails to correctly realign them, and another where Fred jokes that someone "spiked" Scrappy-Doo's dog bowl.

Two of the removed scenes were included in home media releases: one where a possessed Velma dances in a bikini, which parents mistook for underwear, and another where Daphne's protoplasm is removed, which was deemed too dark for children. Other scenes that were removed for pacing rather than censorship are also included.

Some minor adult humor remained in the final cut of the film, most notably a gag in which Shaggy meets a girl named "Mary Jane" (Mary Jane being an often-used slang term for marijuana), to which his response is "Like, that is my favorite name."

While the original cut may still exist somewhere (despite Gunn claiming it to be unlikely), no footage has ever been released from it. Due to the release of 2020s Scoob! reiterating Warner Bros'. intentions to keep the franchise kid-friendly, it is unlikely it will be publicly shown anytime soon.


!kino !coomers

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What you mean Daphne lost her protoplasm, her soul???

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Sorta? James Gunn wanted to make Velma bi or lesbian but it didn't make it into the final script.

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I laughed.

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They knew what they were. Which makes all the difference.

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Slam dunk critique of the media for the time with the journaloid antagonist

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But they drew lovable kids cartoon :marseyhawkmoth: character :marseyrustyventure: as some kind of freaky monster! Look, it's Thomas the tank engine :marseythomas: but he eats kids or something! Isn't it soooooooooo scary :marseyolantern: and freaky?

Whoaaaaa, it's Mickey :marseydisney: mouse :marseydisney: drawn :marseyfoxxy: in a grotesque way but he eats kids or something! How crazy :marseyschizowall: and uncharacteristic!

Guys, guys! I portrayed lovable Disney :marseysully: character :marseycrystalmaiden: Goofy as a murderous psychopath who eats kids or something! I sure am edgy! I'm really :marseythinkorino2: pushing :marseybutton: boundaries here!

The concept peaked with that one comic :marseytrumpgarrison: from like 2010 where :marseydrama: Mario :marseynintendo: and Luigi :marseybriansweater: are going :marseysalmaid: to r*pe Peach and everything has gone downhill from there.

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I have such a bad headache today, think i got SARS at work yesterday

Also i thought maxine was his son's love interest

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It's like the dumb shit they did with the entire Hanna-Barbera line of comics. Fred Flintstone was turned into a PTSD veteran who participated in a genocide of the lizard people.

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It would be, but instead he just monologues about how guilty he feels and how it means that maybe Bedrock doesn't deserve to exist and he's afraid Wilma will see his emotional weakness and leave him. And of course there's a Trump stand-in running for mayor...

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>cool badass premise

Looks inside

>leftist talking points

Everytime :#pepewtf:

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What the frick is this shit? Is this a parody or from the IP owners?

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I was happier before I knew this existed

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>when a children's tale gets remade to include drugs, :!marseytrain:s and abortions


>when Tom Sawyer gets remade to include extra (historically accurate) n-words


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It appeals to all the totally not libertarian s*x pest adults. Im sure most of this site will go see it unironically

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Mojo Jojo is now two separate white guys called Mojo and Jojo

Such an absurd change :marseygiggle: I wonder what they were planning to do with Him? :marseyderp:

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I wonder why they didn't blackwash this character :marseysmirk2:

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He's not ginger

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I mean they're still monkeys (mayo) so it's not that big of a change

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>and bubbles… was constantly drinking


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"That cartoon completely whitewashed us"

Comedy is dead.......

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buttercup did give off cute butch energy so it's not that shocking i think

the leak lol

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>bubbles becomes a whore

>blossom becomes a normal woman

>buttercup becomes a gay firefighter

you know, if they were gonna make any character black they could have at least had it be the actual monkey :marseysmug2:

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Do you think that Black (but light skinned) Lesbian Firefighter Buttercup is all like to that kid she'sspeaking to, "well if your dad needs me to save him from a fire, he got himself in the wrong place"?


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I hate millennial writing so much its unreal

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my heart is telling me Millennials dont get enough hate

Frickin cringelords

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I hope everyone :marseynorm: involved :marseynorm: loses their job and end up a homeless :marseymarcusstonebash: drug addict :marseybeggar2:

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It's him. Black science man.

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Lmao this is Diablo Cody's work? Of course it's fricking terrible.

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Honest to blog

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The very fact they gave Utonium a name was a step too far.

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:marseychingchong: :marseydamosuzuki:

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wtf this looks like a parody someone made to make fun of the very idea as utterly r-slurred, like the fake trailer for "Uwe Boll's Contra" lol

actually fake contra looks better now that I'm rewatching lmao

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lmao, they did whitewash her for this shot

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ofc the genius man was blackified and the chimp was honkified

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Affordable Housing episode: Season 6, Episode 12 - "Blind Spots" James Olsen's sister Kelly, who is Alex's girlfriend and Guardian now, rescues a couple of recurring citizens from the destruction of a housing complex a few episodes ago. Said explosion makes one of the citizens, a little boy, start glowing, but the hospitals ignore them because all the doctors are white and Kelly & the boys are black. Meanwhile, a racist white Congresswoman who has been trying to level the ghetto areas to turn them into Silicon Valley is also glowing, but gets preferential treatment. Kelly teams up with Diggle since everyone else is only focused on Lex. This episode was actually written by Kelly's actress and was heavily based on how she feels she's been treated by the show's cast and crew

my heart is telling me Did this show really???

:#marseyyikes: and thats the tea, sis

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Is that based directly off the bullshit "white doctors are racist" study that even the mainstream media ended up admitting was harmful BS?

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Trust the experts (who kill black mothers during childbirth because they're racist)

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so realistic!

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As predictable as the tides

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idgaf about power puff girls. or remakes/reboots.

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i thought it was powderpuff girls tbh, power doesnt even make sense. sounds like superherk shit but its like a girls show or something right?

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It was originally called the whoop butt girls

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Oh shit, Chloe Bennet! I love her.

...I am glad she was saved from being in this god awful abortion of a show :marseyxd:

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sources say the leaked footage would not have passed CW standards

wasn't bad enough?

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The 2 white Powerpuff Girls end up being selfish sluts while the one black one becomes a firefighter...

You can't make this shit up :#marseyxd:

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Chloe Bennet is half-asian, if it helps.

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Asians are white in this scenario

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Another one to the list of ruined TV shows and movies. This one hurts as much as He-Man.

  • Ghostbusters

  • Star Trek: Discovery

  • The Witcher

  • Charlie's Angels

  • Batwoman

  • Masters of the Universe: Revelation (He-Man)

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

  • The Woman King

  • Powerpuff Girls live action

  • Painkiller

  • Robyn Hood

  • Doctor Who

  • The Marvels

  • Hercules

  • Velma

  • Queen Cleopatra

  • Peter Pan & Wendy

  • The Little Mermaid

  • She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

  • The Six Triple Eight

  • Star Wars the Acolyte

  • Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft

  • Borderlands

  • Madame Web

  • Snow White

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ppuff girls was my guilty pleasure but had remote combat ready at all times in case dad walked by, so he wouldnt think his son is a cute twink

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remote Control ?

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combat-ready remote

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Lol same

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That and Totally Spies :marseycool:

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>marsey *sips tea*

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They should have made this


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Are chuds about to have us believe that powerpuff girls used to be a beloved based and redpilled media franchise?

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Don't know what to tell you

The PPG routinely beat up a monkey and a transvestite

Also they had an r-slured fourth sister who exploded or something

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Some Hero that leak Coyote vs Acme instead

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