Most Based Comments
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐
I don't think OP has ever had a girlfriend. (96)
That's true. But it's because I'm short, so making fun of me for that is body shaming. (-59)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐
Even when used perfectly, all birth control has an option for failure. Plan B can also fail, especially for women who are above average weight. And then many women do not have the financial means to travel for an abortion.Abortions are no one's primary form of birth control. They are a last resort option. They are used when everything else fails, or when something goes wrong with a very wanted pregnancy. Without the ability to access abortions, women lose their last resort.There are documented cases of women dying because something has gone horribly wrong with much wanted pregnancies and doctors unable to remove the fetus because that's considered an abortion. Women have been thrown in jail for having a miscarriage, because they've been suspected of self-aborting. Harsh laws against abortion are actively hurting women, for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with birth control. I want a right to an abortion not because I don't want a child. I want a right to an abortion in ca... (95)
This is nonsense propaganda (-48)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐
But maybe it means you aren't fully educated on this topic if you don't have experience (35)
Ah so having a gf is now a qualifier for talking about abortion? That's a new one. (-26)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
Taking away people's medical autonomy is oppression, even if you disagree with some of their life choices. (4)
I would add that depriving people of health care is violence. Not kinda like violence or some sort of comparison, but actual, real, literal violence. I don't know how it is that we often think of violence only as physical violence. There are several other forms and they somehow get left out of the conversation.Health care being contingent on having a job is violence. Being threatened with eviction is violence. Being denied the ability to make decisions regarding your body is violence. (1)
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
1) r*pe exists2) birth control fails (my mother failed birth control three times which is how I got my siblings)3) this argument still doesn't address the Judith Jarvis Thomson evictionist argument4) severe fetal abnormalities exist 5) honor killings exist (such that for some people it might be a life or death issue that their family simply cannot find out that they were pregnant)6) Men who sabotage their condoms exist (I guess that might be considered a kind of r*pe)7) pregnancy is sometimes a threat to the life or long term health of the woman, and these problems cannot always be anticipated in advance (1)
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
I'm not sure what you mean here. And this contains a lot of allegations and unverified info (0)
That's why she is suing the hospital."On 19 September 2023, when Watts was about 21 weeks into a wanted pregnancy, she went to the hospital after she started experiencing pain and bleeding, according to the lawsuit. Although she was showing signs of potential miscarriage, the lawsuit alleges that Watts "received no meaningful treatment or guidance". She left the hospital after several hours, only to return the following day. Although a doctor told her that her pregnancy was in effect over and that she was at risk of hemorrhaging and sepsis, the lawsuit alleges that Watts once again did not receive adequate treatment for hours and left the hospital."Her womb was a death trap, essentially," Rickert said.In the early morning of 22 September 2023, Watts miscarried into her potty (which is common in miscarriages). According to the lawsuit, she delivered an "already-deceased, under-one-pound fetus", which she did not see. Watts attempted to flush and clean out the potty, then went back ... (1)
Score: ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ(+13๐ฎ)
Number of comments: 102
Average angriness: ๐๐๐๐๐
Maximum angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐
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Keep yourself safe moral BIPOCs
It's not in you and you're not paying for it. You don't get a say.
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The only person that does get a say is the moid and he can revoke his wallet access AT ANY TIME before birth
Idk, that one really kills the
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She gets wallet access for the following 80 years
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It's murder and it's justified. Like shooting a home invader
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it's only murder if it's illegal
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Tbh most killings are pretty justifiable. I mean, I assume in most deadly fights 1 or both individuals involved was really fricking annoying
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Its mostly
So yeah.
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you often get charged with murder either way. until the prosecutor or jury decides otherwise
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Yes but I never said it's not murder/killing. I'm saying it's justified.
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I do not believe my view is "normie" and do not believe that a majority of normies hold this view
Nice try, pay piggy
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Jeebus is a well-known chudposter on here tho.
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Wrong, my tax dollars are paying for it either way
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It's better to have the tax dollars pay for a quick 1 time vacuum job than a $30 million dollar wrongful death suit after a little police choking incident on the 17th felony armed robbery arrest
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People always say this but then when I suggest we do some statistical analysis
and "encourage" the mothers of said chokees-to-be to get abortions everyone
starts losing
their minds. What gives?
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That's exactly why you should allow the parents to get rid of it, saving you your tax dollars
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"I didn't pay an assassin to kill you and you're not paying for it, so you don't get to tell me I'm not allowed to murder people."
Ah, the feminist argumentation we all know and love. A fetus is alive the moment it embeds itself into the uterus by every stretch of the imagination, and if you consented to get railed, you consented to the possibility of pregnancy, so you don't get to murder people because they are inconveniencing you, unless you have a very good reason to do so, like if your life is in danger, or you were r*ped, in which case you didn't consent to get railed.
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I'm not a feminist.
I just believe in not cucking your body to the state i.e bodily autonomy
It's murder and it's justified. Don't care what some shitskinned sandBIPOC said about it a gorillian years ago
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No, if you choose to get railed by a bunch of BIPOCs, you're gonna be raising a mulato baby from now on. You don't get to abscond your responsibility because you're a peepee hungry whore who can't abstain from peepee riding.
This is not a Christian thing; it is a basic universal morality of reciprocity.
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shut up cute twink
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Keep yourself safe BIPOC.
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And what's so special about being alive, r-slur? Your sperm is alive too, yet you shoot it into your c*m suck everyday.
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A sperm is not alive, an embryo embedded in the uterus is. Sperm will not develop into a human being on its own. An embryo in the uterus will.
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Of course sperm is alive, how r-slurred are you????
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Can a sperm develop into a human on its own? If not, then they are not alive. Viable maybe, but not really alive.
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????? Do you not know what alive means ?????? but its whatever
!commenters smartest abortion hater!!! and its EVERYTHING
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i feel like No, and Im a fricking r-slur, and I also like only speak English as my second language, and So in closing, yes
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Bussy, you are literally more self-aware than most real humans on here, and Youre right, maybe the problem here really is the ESL menace...
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brain dead people aren't considered alive.
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But their cells are
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I just think it's funny that Okay, lets hear it, what does alive mean according to you???
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What do you mean according to me???? This is literally elementary school knowledge???? Do you think cells arent alive????
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literally, Its true, literally every time you nut inside a woman you are technically launching a zombie apocalypse
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the foetis cant develop totally into a human on its ownnif needs a mothers body thats not saturated in chemicals or regularly on a rollercoaster but go off i guess
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A fetus will develop on its own unless someone tries to actively prevent the process, and Yes, it needs a hosts body to do so, but the process is done automatically, and There is a difference between actively terminating a development of life and not starting a development of life that could have been hypothetically started, and Sperm will die anyway inside the testes if not ejaculated in a certain amount of time
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the foetus will die without the ongoing intent of the mother to maintain it, and If she drinks alcohol, does drugs, goes on rollercoasters, or simply doesnt eat right the foetus wont develop
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And, let's be honest, my tax dollars will end up paying for it
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your body my choice.
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Don't threaten me with a good time
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My TERF Queen!
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This is why I like only rob banks where literally nobody I know puts their money and thats the tea, sis
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You gave an r-slured argument when you could just point out that they are Americans, not a single one of them have a problem with a dozen babies dying if it would double their dog's lifespan. So we both know the abortion morality argument is bullshit. So can we finally just be honest and admit that we just hate women, end the brother wars, and ban abortions and letting women outside the house without a male relative, together?
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